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Plans & Reports

Every taxpayer dollar spent on our economic recovery must be subject to unprecedented levels of transparency and accountability. There are five crucial objectives for HHS and its agencies, to ensure that:

  • Recovery funds are awarded and distributed in a prompt, fair, and reasonable manner;
  • The recipients and uses of all recovery funds are transparent to the public, and that the public benefits of these funds are reported clearly, accurately, and in a timely manner;
  • Recovery funds are used for authorized purposes and every step is taken to prevent instances of fraud, waste, error, and abuse;
  • Projects funded under the recovery legislation avoid unnecessary delays and cost overruns; and,
  • Programs meet specific goals and targets, and contribute to improved performance on broad economic indicators.

To meet these objectives, the President directed Federal agencies to take critical steps in preparation for the Act’s implementation. See here, for the White House’s February 9, 2009 initial implementation memorandum (PDF) and February 18 detailed guidance memorandum (PDF).


Weekly Reports U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Weekly Update Report on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

        List of all HHS Recovery Act appropriations, obligations, and disbursements, along with activities and planned actions.