Thousands of people are are already receiving our free e-Wealth Coach series. Subscribe here and begin building wealth, not debt.


It sometimes takes a life-changing event to make you re-evaluate financial priorities. In the case of Patricia Fike, that event was her divorce.

Now, after years of learning best practices and listening to people with “financial savvy,” Pat is close to meeting her goals – retiring within five years, maintaining, or even improving, her standard of living, and being able to afford to travel.  Click here to read about how Pat achieved finanical stability.

American Saver Newsletter

Read through your credit-card statements and stay on the lookout for ongoing monthly fees that you may have forgotten about. Cancel any club memberships you don’t use and magazine subscriptions you don’t read. Click
for more money saving tips.


All over America people just like you are proving that you don’t have to be rich to build wealth. As members of America Saves, they are paying off their debts, and saving to reach their financial goals.  We can help, with tips and tools to help you set goals, develop strategies to reach those goals, and start saving.  So what are you waiting for?  Enroll in America Saves and start making your dreams a reality.


Over 100 national groups are participating in America Saves Week, Feb. 22-March 1, 2009, in addition to hundreds of local organizations. Click here to tell us about your groups' plans for America Saves Week through a short online survey, or here for more information about the Week.

Building wealth starts when you set a goal and make a plan to reach that goal.   Whatever goal you choose – whether it’s buying a car, buying a house, or getting out from under your debts – learn about proven savings strategies and get simple tips on the best ways to save.  Click on the links below to learn how to:

Get Out Of Debt





News and Announcements

12.15.08 Over 100 organizations have signed on to participate in America Saves Week 2009 - see the list here. The third annual Week is on pace to be the largest ever.

12.11.08 America Saves' December e-Wealth coach advice helps readers save during the holidays. Click here for tips on keeping your holiday celebrations within budget.

12.2.08 A new analysis shows households headed by women are in worse financial shape than others. Click here to read more.

Communities across America are forming local Saves campaigns.  Local Savers receive a host of benefits, from wealth coaching and workshops to low-cost savings accounts.

A personal finance expert from Cooperative Extension can provide you with information and resources. Visit their eXtension website today.