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California Water Science Center

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USGS Water Science Centers are located in each state.

There is a USGS Water Science Center office in each State. Washington Oregon California Idaho Nevada Montana Wyoming Utah Colorado Arizona New Mexico North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Texas Minnesota Iowa Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Wisconsin Illinois Mississippi Michigan Indiana Ohio Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Pennsylvania West Virginia Georgia Florida Caribbean Alaska Hawaii New York Vermont New Hampshire Maine Massachusetts South Carolina North Carolina Rhode Island Virginia Connecticut New Jersey Maryland-Delaware-D.C.

Water Resources of California

Welcome to the USGS web site for the water resources of California. This is your direct link to all kinds of water-resource information. Here you'll find information on California's rivers and streams. You'll also find information about ground water, water quality, and many other topics. The USGS operates the most extensive satellite network of stream-gaging stations in the state, many of which form the backbone of flood-warning systems.

USGS tracking juvenile salmon in the Delta

Snippet from the Tracking Juvenile Salmon in the Delta video Watch a new video on a USGS study that is tracking juvenile salmon as they migrate through the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. The study, begun in November and continuing through this month, is aimed at helping agencies better manage the Delta ecosystem while enhancing habitat for salmon and other species.
Press Release (PDF) | Video

Wide range of pesticides found in rivers flowing into California's Salton Sea

Picture of Pelicans floating on the Salton Sea U.S. Geological Survey researchers continue to find a wide variety of current-use and legacy pesticides in rivers flowing into the Salton Sea, California's largest lake. As outlined in a new report prepared in cooperation with the State Water Resources Control Board, USGS scientists detected 25 pesticides in the water and 34 in sediments in the Imperial Valley's Alamo and New rivers, which account for about 80 percent of the flow into the Salton Sea.
Press Release | Report

New! More on pesticide fate research

Our scientists span a broad range of research

Down-hole Sampler There are over 130 scientists working in the California Water Science Center and their expertise and interests span a very broad range of disciplinary approaches to modern water management issues. The majority of senior Center scientists have been officially recognized as "Research and Development Scientists" by the USGS for their ongoing scientific contributions, demonstrated excellence in scientific pursuits, leadership, and the impact their work has had on both the development of scientific knowledge and its application to real world management problems.

There are many opportunities to collaborate with researchers at the Center. Many of the projects are conducted by multidisciplinary teams whose members include scientists from other USGS offices, universities, and our partner agencies. Several of the most senior researchers have hosted post-doctoral fellows and hold joint appointments at nearby universities.

Picture above of a device invented by USGS CAWSC scientists for collecting depth-dependent samples from production wells under pumping conditions.

Photo of otters in the San Joaquin River by Dale Kolke, California Department of Water Resourcres

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Page Last Modified: November 13 2008 14:37:22.