NAWQA Queries >> Biological Community Master

Biological Community

Biological community samples (fish, invertebrates, algae) are collected in streams and rivers as part of ecological studies in the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program. Information from these ecological studies, together with chemical and physical data, provide an integrated assessment of water quality at local, regional, and national scales. During the program's first decade of operation (1991 - 2001), ecological studies were conducted to assess the occurrence and distribution of algal, invertebrate, and fish communities in about 59 study units (Gilliom and others, 1995). In the second decade of the program (2001 - 2011), biological community samples will be collected at selected sites to provide long-term trends monitoring. Ecological studies are also part of nationally guided studies addressing selected water-quality issues such as the effects of watershed urbanization on nutrient enrichment and stream ecosystems.

Query results limited to 50,000 rows.

Create Query

Step1: Select a Biological Data output option:

There are three types of data retrievals for biological community samples. Each is described in greater detail below.

Sample Count - returns the number of samples of each selected type collected at each station and sampling reach that is located within the geographic area specified by the sample selection criteria.

Taxonomic List - returns a list of the taxa (usually at the species level) that were present in samples collected within the geographic area specified by the sample selection criteria. Taxonomic lists for fish, invertebrate, and algae community samples must be retrieved separately.

Sample Abundance - returns the number of individuals of each taxon for each sample that was collected within the geographic area specified by sample selection criteria. Sample abundance data for fish, invertebrate, algal periphyton and phytoplankton community samples must be retrieved separately.

Step 2: Define Query Parameters:

Study Unit SUID WMIC state
State STATE county studyunit true
County COUNTY state
Level III Ecoregion ECOREGION
Water Year WATERYEAR 50 true