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Rural Poverty at a Glance

By Dean Jolliffe

Rural Development Research Report No. (RDRR-100) 6 pp, July 2004

This publication provides the most recent information on poverty trends and demographic characteristics of the rural poor. The rate of poverty is not only an important social indicator of the well-being of the least well off, but it is also widely used as an input in shaping Federal policies and targeting program benefits. While metro and nonmetro areas have shared similar patterns of reductions and increases in poverty rates over time, there continues to exist a wide and persistent gap between nonmetro and metro poverty rates. The report also documents large metro-nonmetro gaps when poverty is analyzed by race, ethnicity, age, and family structure.

Keywords: poor, poverty, persistent poverty, rural, urban, nonmetro, metro, nonmetropolitan, child poverty, poverty by race, ERS, USDA

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Updated date: July 20, 2004

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