Available Data and Sample Types

Available Data

Data for over 2,000 fish community, 5,000 invertebrate community, and 6000 algae community samples are available for retrieval. These data subsets of samples that have been collected by the NAWQA program. More data becomes available as new samples are collected and as additional samples are reviewed.

Sample Types

Biological community samples are collected within a defined length of stream, or "reach", at sites investigated for NAWQA ecological studies. Sampling reaches are established at a site by using a combination of geomorphic characteristics (Moulton and others, 2002). In general, reach length ranges from 150 to 300 meters for wadeable streams and from 500 to 1000 meters for nonwadeable streams (Fitzpatrick and others, 1998).

Sampling approaches vary depending on the biological community that is targeted (e.g. fish) and the sampling objectives (i.e. generating a list of taxa that are present, estimating the proportional abundance of each taxon). For detailed information about sampling methods and procedures see Moulton and others (2002).

Fish Community Samples
A fish community sample consists of a representative sample of the fish community collected from the entire sampling reach. Such a sample contains most, if not all, species in the sampling reach at the time of sampling in numbers proportional to their actual abundance. One or more sampling methods or collection efforts are used to acquire a sample (Moulton and others, 2002).

Invertebrate Community Samples
Two general types of invertebrate samples are collected. Richest Targeted Habitat (RTH) samplesare semi-quantitative samples that represent that habitat in the reach, usually erosional, where maximum taxa richness is likely to be observed. For example, invertebrate RTH samples typically are collected from riffles in moderate to high gradient streams dominated by coarse-grained substrates; in low-gradient streams dominated by fine-grained substrates RTH samples are often collected from woody snags. Qualitative Multihabitat (QMH) samples are qualitative samples that document the presence of invertebrate taxa in addition to those taxa found in RTH samples. For QMH samples, separate discrete collections are taken from each of the instream habitats present in the reach and then combined into a composited sample (Moulton and others, 2002).

Algae Community Samples
Four general types of invertebrate samples are collected. Richest Targeted Habitat (RTH) samples are semi-quantitative samples that represent that habitat in the reach, usually erosional, where maximum taxa richness is likely to be observed. For example, algae RTH samples typically are collected from riffles in moderate to high gradient streams dominated by coarse-grained substrates, and from woody snags in low-gradient streams dominated by fine-grained substrates. Depositional Targeted Habitat (DTH) samples are semi-quantitative samples that are collected from fine sediments in depositional habitat in the reach. Qualitative Multihabitat (QMH) samples are qualitative samples that document the presence of algae taxa in addition to those taxa found in RTH samples. For QMH samples, separate discrete collections are taken from each of the instream habitats present in the reach and then combined into a composited sample (Moulton and others, 2002). Phytoplankton (PHY) samples are quantitative samples collected from the water column. Phytoplankton are floating or weakly swimming microscopic algae.