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Shermain Hardesty, Director

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Dr. Shermain Hardesty serves as the director of the UC Small Farm Program and as a Cooperative Extension Economist in the Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics at UC Davis.

Her research interests frequently focus on collaborative structures to enhance returns to producers. One focus of her work with the Small Farm Program is exploring more efficient marketing and distribution systems for small-scale farmers. Related topics of interest include small-scale livestock production and marketing, regulatory relief for small producers, and value-added products.

Since 1993, Hardesty has taught the course “Getting Started in the Specialty Food Business” at UC Davis-Extension. She joined the faculty of the Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics in 2004 and also served as the director of the Rural Cooperatives Center. She began serving as the Small Farm Program director in July 2007.

Hardesty holds a Ph.D. in agricultural economics from UC Davis.

Recent Publications & Projects

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Some of the publications listed on this page are available in PDF format, which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free program. Free printed copies are also available from the Small Farm Center, (530) 752-8136.