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Research Reports

  Produced by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These CD's can be purchased directly from Input Solutions at 1(800)935-SCAN or (301)948-6620 
or ordered on the web at


CD1 - Survey Research Reports
CD2 - Spatial Research Reports
CD3 - Yield Research Reports

The Research and Development Division of NASS conducts applied research on the use of statistical methodology and information technology to improve the nation's agricultural statistics system of the future. A fully searchable historic archive of over 750 research reports has been established on a set of three CD's.

A run only license of the search software, Alchemy, is included on each CD. Reports are indexed by Title, author(s) and five keywords.


Contains several hundred historic (1927-current) research reports, on the topic of agricultural survey and sampling frames research. The topics of area frame design and sampling and the combination of list and area sampling known as multiple frame sampling are predominate on this CD. In addition, a number of the reports involve the control and measurement of nonsampling errors. Also, record linkage used in list development and maintenance is another topic covered on this CD. The bulk of this collection is from the 1960's - current.



This CD contains several hundred historic (mid-1960's to current) research reports on the topic of utilizing remotely sensed data for developing area frames and crop acreage estimation and mapping. This collection includes a number of reports describing how Landsat data and ground-gathered data are combined in a regression estimator to improve the precision of crop acreage statistics at the state and substate levels, such as counties, in selected applied research states. Some of the crops covered are corn, wheat, soybeans, cotton, rice, potatoes, sunflowers, sorghum, barley, dry beans, orchards and vineyards. This collection also includes summary reports of the intergovernmental research projects called the Large Area Crop Inventory Experiment (LACIE) - 1970's and Agriculture and Resource Inventory Surveys through Aerospace and Remote Sensing (AgRISTARS) - 1980's.


This CD contains several hundred historic (1927-1998) research reports, on the topic of crop yield forecasting and estimation research. The objective yield survey forecasting and estimation program of NASS is a major topic for this CD. Objective yield refers to a probability based area sample of plots of cropland from which measurements are taken throughout a crop season for the purpose of forecasting and estimating crop yield.

Using corn as an example, measurements such as row space measurements, corn ear length and circumference are recorded for sampled plots and counts such as corn plants, silked ear shoots, developed corn ears are recorded throughout the crop season. These variables are then used as predictive variables for corn ear population and corn ear weight during the season. Near harvest, crop cuttings are done and sent to a NASS regional yield laboratory for drying, weighing and moisture content analysis, and final yield determination.

In addition to corn, other crops covered on this CD of historic yield research include wheat, soybeans, cotton, potatoes, rice, sunflowers, sorghum, tart cherries, citrus, apples, peaches, filberts, pecans, papaya, walnuts, and dry beans.


Three CD Set

    CD1 - Survey Research Reports
    CD2 - Spatial Research Reports
    CD3 - Yield Research Reports

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