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Weed Resources

Weed Management in Field Crops, Small Grains, Pastures & Forages

Weed Control for Corn, Soybeans, and Sorghum (PDF file)

Waterhemp Management in Illinois Agronomic Crops (PDF file)

Weed Control for Small Grains, Pastures, and Forages (PDF file)

Herbicide Formulations and Toxicities (PDF file)

Restricted Use Pesticides (PDF file)

Testing for Herbicide Residues in Soils (PDF file)

Toxicity of Herbicides (PDF file)

Weed Resistance to Herbicides (PDF file)

Biology and Management of Horseweed (Marestail) (PDF file)


Weed Management in Vegetable Crops

Weed Control for Commercial Vegetable Crops (PDF file)


Weed Management in Aquatics

Managing Aquatic Weeds (PDF file)


Weed Management in Turfgrass

Midwestern Turfgrass Weed Identification and Control

Turfgrasses for the Midwest


Weed Management for Other Non-Crop Areas

Weed Control for Non-crop Areas (PDF)

Brush Control in Illinois (PDF)


Herbicides & Application Information

Utilizing Herbicide Site of Action to Combat Weed Resistance to Herbicides (PDF File - Order Form)

Application Equipment and Calibration References (PDF File)

Conversions and Dilutions Tables (PDF File)

Environmental Toxicities and Properties of Common Herbicides (PDF File)

Factors Affecting Herbicide Persistence (PDF File)

Herbicide Formulations and Toxicities (PDF File)

Restricted Use Pesticides (PDF File)

Testing for Herbicide Residues in Soils (PDF File)

Toxicity of Herbicides (PDF File)

Weed Resistance to Herbicides (PDF File

Herbicide Formulations and Calculations: Active Ingredient or Acid Equivalent? (PDF File)


Weed Identification

Weeds of the North Central States

Midwestern Turfgrass Weed Identification and Control

Turfgrasses for the Midwest

Weed Identification Program

Weed Identification

A Pocket Identification Guide of Early-Season Weed Species (PDF File)

Early Spring Weeds of No-Till Crop Production (PDF File)

Weed Emergence Sequences Poster (PDF File)

Weeds to Watch Poster (PDF File)


Related Links

University of Illinois Weed Science Website

WeedSOFT - Weed Management Decision Making Software - Ordering Information (PDF File)

WeedSOFT Homepage


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    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign