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   TAKE ACTION   |   Economic Stimulus 

Take Action in Support of Healthy FamiliesRemind Congress! Congress will consider an economic stimulus package in early January.

It’s important to weigh in with your representatives.

A record number of Americans now receive food stamps.

Educate representatives about the need to provide additional funding for the nutrition programs that protect vulnerable families from hunger.  

Write your representatives on the issue  »


OL iconIn 2009 we will urge Congress to rework U.S. foreign assistance to make it more effective in reducing poverty. While the world has changed dramatically, the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act still drives how we deliver foreign aid.

U.S. foreign aid programs are scattered across 12 departments, 25 agencies, and nearly 60 government offices. A more efficient system will ensure poor people get help faster and more effectively.

Pre-order the 2009 Offering of Letters kit, available in early February 2009, as will the companion Web site, Offering of Letters Interactive.  

     BREADCAST  |  Fixing Foreign Aid

BreadcastCharles Uphaus, senior policy analyst, assesses the effectiveness of U.S. foreign aid in helping end global poverty.

Hear music from Wild Fictions and Stephen Modder.

AND ... preview upcoming stories from the field: local groups in Nicaragua employ innovative ways to address hunger and poverty in their communities. Past Breadcasts  »

    HUNGER 2009  |   Interactive Edition

Global Development: Charting a New Course - the 2009 Hunger ReportGlobal Development: Charting a New Course.

We analyze the inefficiencies in the current structure of U.S. foreign assistance.

Our report maps out a series of reforms to elevate development as a foreign policy priority.

Past reports and order information  »

   VIDEO  |  Foreign Aid Can Work Better

David Beckmann | Foreign Aid Can Work Better
David Beckmann reflects on his recent trip to Mozambique and Malawi.

He discusses strategies to make U.S. foreign aid more effective in reducing hunger and poverty. Watch video »

    LENT  |  Time for Prayer and Action

Lenten ImageLent begins with Ash Wednesday, February 25 and culminates with Easter Sunday, April 12.

We have a variety of free resources to help you during this season:

Lenten Prayers for Hungry People in the form of table tents;
Special Lenten church bulletin inserts (available in mid-January 2009); and
Bread for the Preacher, a monthly resource for pastors and church leaders.

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Hunger Report 2009
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