United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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ProTracts Training and Registration

  • National training for ProTracts took place in October and November 2003. No further live training classes are scheduled at this time.
  • Contact ProTractsSupport@ftc.usda.gov for more information.

Course Descriptions

Training Session


Target Audience


ProTracts for Program Managers

Part 1 of 2

2 Hours

  • National and State Program Managers

  • Program Specialists

  • Financial Management Division

  • Contract Specialists

  • Toolkit Coordinators

  • ProTracts Roles and Permissions

  • Program Fund Management

  • User Enrollment

  • Overview of Program Application Management

ProTracts for Program Managers

Part 2 of 2

2 Hours

  • National and State Program Managers

  • Program Specialists

  • Financial Management Division

  • Contract Specialists

  • Toolkit Coordinators

  • Overview of Contract Management

  • Practice Certification and Payment Approval

  • Reports

  • Program-specific data and rules

  • Contract and payment forms in ProTracts

ProTracts for Field Trainers

Part 1 of 3

2 Hours

  • Persons responsible for training designated conservationists and other field users

  • Training Preparation

  • ProTracts Roles and Permissions

  • Program Funds

  • Integration with Customer Service Toolkit

  • Cost Lists

ProTracts for Field Trainers

Part 2 of 3

2 Hours

  • Persons responsible for training designated conservationists and other field users

  • Detailed information about Cost Lists

  • Add Applications

  • Upload Toolkit Contracts

  • Select Applications for Funding

  • Produce Letters to Applicants

  • Sign Contracts

ProTracts for Field Trainers

Part 3 of 3

2 Hours

  • Persons responsible for training designated conservationists and other field users


  • Detailed information about Cost Share Contract Modifications

  • Practice Certification

  • Payment Approval

  • Payment Forms

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