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Toolkit Coordinators' Announcements

The ITC has enrolled all Toolkit Coordinators in a mailing list that allows the Toolkit Team to send out important news as it becomes available.  This page lists announcements that have been sent to the mailing list.  Toolkit Users may also subscribe to the Toolkit_User_Group (TUG) mailing list (see How to Join TUG for more information). 

Contact us if you desire more information on a given Toolkit topic.

Last Updated:  21 Nov 05

Update to "Corrupt Domain Data" -- 5/26/05

To: Toolkit Coordinators and Users

This is a follow up message to the email sent yesterday concerning the Toolkit issues addressed in Tech Note 4 - Corrupt Domain Data.

Correcting the corrupt domain data problem depends on whether or not you have customers to check in. If you do not have customer folders that need to be checked in, delete (or rename) the Toolkitv50.mdb geodatabase and restart Toolkit. If you have customer folders that need to be checked in, the geodatabase will need to be "cleaned" before running Toolkit.

The Toolkit Data Cleaner (developed to correct the split tool errors as addressed in Tech Note 3) has been modified to also correct the domain data errors in the geodatabase as outlined in Tech Note 4a (updated today).

As an alternative to sending corrupt Toolkitv50.mdb files to ToolkitSupport@ftc.usda.gov for cleaning, you may run the Toolkit Data Cleaner on the corrupt files yourself. The utility is an executable, which does not require IT Administrator privileges to run, so any user can download and run the utility against their own geodatabase.

The Toolkit Data Cleaner is available from the Toolkit web site at:


and the instructions for running it are available in the Tech Notes at:


Please contact ToolkitSupport@ftc.usda.gov if you have any problems running the utility.

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Reset Preferences for Build 66 -- 05/25/25

After upgrading to Toolkit - Build 66, it will be necessary for Toolkit users to reset their Toolkit Preferences. Build 66 will not use the original preferences set in build 65.

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Split Tool Errors - Build 66 -- 05/25/25


Toolkit Coordinators, please share this message with the Toolkit Users in your state.

SUBJECT: Split Tool Errors in Build 66

Toolkit Coordinators and Users:

The Split Tool in the ArcGIS part of Toolkit 2004 Build 66 has known errors. The previous release of Toolkit 2004 (Build 65) had a problem where boundaries around inclusions would disappear. This problem was caused by a bug in the ESRI software. While the fix in Build 66 eliminated the disappearing boundaries problem, it introduced Split Tool errors that did not exist in Build 65.

Although the split tool issues did not surface initially in Build 66, they were later revealed when users digitized land units involving inclusions, resulting in bizarre polygons that extend beyond the bottom of the View window. Detailed descriptions of the errors, along with respective resolutions, are presented in Toolkit Tech Note 003 available on the Toolkit 2004 web site at: Toolkit Training and Support.

In addition to the bizarre geometry, the following error messages may be displayed when the user attempts to check in a customer folder that contains the erroneous features.

"A shape was unable to be checked in due to an error in ESRI's Arc Objects. The shape information is: Land unit =" <n>", tract number =" <n>"

Followed by :

"Folder already locked by someone on the server"

A new utility, called the Toolkit Data Cleaner, has been developed to resolve these errors. This utility that will attempt to delete corrupt practice and land unit features from your Personal GeoDatabase (PGDB) caused by the Split Tool in Build 66.

The instructions for downloading and running the Toolkit Data Cleaner are also included in Tech Note 003.

If you encounter any problems running the Toolkit Data Cleaner utility, contact ToolkitSupport@ftc.usda.gov for further assistance. Please send a copy of the original geodatabase (i.e., the backup copy you created in Part II, step 1 of Tech Note 003) as an attachment to your email message.

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Errors on Start Up -- 05/25/25

To: Toolkit Coordinators and Users

Various errors are being encountered by Toolkit users due to bad domain data in the geodatabase. The errors are the result of a download problem that occurred on Tuesday, May 24, 2004. The domain data download problem corrupts the user's Toolkit personal geodatabase, leaving it unusable. The primary symptom is that Toolkit and Preferences will not start up without errors.

Toolkit Tech Note 004, available at http://www.itc.nrcs.usda.gov/toolkit/Downloads/TKTechNote004.doc, shows examples of the error messages, as well as the resolutions. Please review this tech note and share the information with all Toolkit Users in your state.

We have corrected the problem in the domain tables on the server at ITC. The domain data will resynchronize with the Toolkit geodatabase when users start up Toolkit, preventing additional corruptions. However, if a user has already encountered the error messages, their geodatabase has been corrupted and will have to be replaced. The instructions for replacing the geodatabase, and recovering any customer folders that have changes that need to be checked in to the NCPDB, are included in Tech Note 004.

Question regarding this message may be sent to ToolkitSupport@ftc.usda.gov.

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Build 66 Training Posted - 5/16/05

The recorded training session held on May 11th, discussing build 66 changes and ArcGIS tips is now available for download at:


We have also posted a Toolkit "Quick Guide" developed by Ohio, under the Helpful Hints link on the Toolkit [community page]. Another great example of what states are putting together to help their users become proficient in Toolkit 2004.

Kathy Green

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Check In Wizard v1.00.0035 -- 05/05/05

The attached Toolkit Tech Note addresses recent questions we have received concerning the installation and use of the updated Check-In Wizard.

Please contact ToolkitSupport@ftc.usda.gov if you need additional assistance.

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F: drive remapping -- 05/05/05

I received the following email from Sean Browning and thought I would pass it along to Toolkit Coordinators and to those on the Geodata Management List Serve. Sean has developed a bat file that will allow users to automatically remap their F: drive, between servers in different counties. This may prove
to be very useful for individuals who work in multiple locations.

Sean, thanks for passing this along! Several states have asked for
routines that will automatically remap the F: drive so they can access geodata sets in various counties. Looks like you've come up with a great
solution. Although the attached file is specific to Ohio, it looks like it
would be easy to modify for other states/counties.

If anyone else has a solution for remapping the F: drives, let me know.
I'll be happy to pass those along too.


Kathy Green

Toolkit Accessories (8.03 KB compressed .BAT file and Microsoft Word document, 05/04/05)

Hi Kathy - Hope this finds you well. In Ohio, we have quite a few folks being detailed to do Toolkit in "remote offices". I have not been a huge advocate of C: drive geodata because of maintenance issues. Anyhow, we are taking the approach of giving them geodata user permissions (and Toolkit/ProTracts permissions) for that "remote office" server and then having them remap the F drive.

Not sure how other states are handling this, but I created a simple BAT file (since I am not a VB or programming guru at this time) that lets the user select a county (by number) and the file executes an F drive disconnect (for their home county server) and then remaps the F drive to the "remote county". This permits the user to seamlessly use Toolkit and ArcGIS when in a remote office. The BAT file could be reconfigured for other states using Notepad. There is also a set of instructions for other setup issues (e.g. copying the county's ToolkitGIS_template.mxd file and cost lists).

For what its worth. Hope this helps,

Sean Browning
GIS Specialist
USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service

For additional support and assistance, contact ToolkitSupport@ftc.usda.gov.

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Missing .PRJ Files- 04/28/05

In order for offices to use their county geodata shapefiles with Toolkit, they need to have projection files created and stored in the geodata directories on the server. If the projection files are not available, you may see strange shifting in the geometry when trying to create Planned Land Unit layers. (see attached example).

Icon Missing .PRJ File (362 KB, Microsoft Word document, 4/28/05)

Toolkit will create the missing .prj files when the shapefile is added to a project, but only if the user has write access to the directory where the layer is stored. If the user does not have write access, Toolkit will not be able to create the projection file.

This should not be a problem for users that access the geodata files from the C:\ drive. However, this may be problematic for those accessing the files from the server, since most users do not have write permissions to F:\geodata and its subfolders.

If your offices are accessing the geodata layers from the F:\ drive, please ensure your Toolkit users have projection files available for each of the geodata layers. Those with write permissions to the geodata directories include: the State IT Administrator, the State Geodata Administrator, and the Local Geodata Administrator. Any of these individuals can copy projection files to the F:\geodata subdirectories.

NOTE: If you created customized projects (.mxd files) for your field offices and were accessing geodata layers and projection files from a different server at the time the files were createdm be sure you copy the geodata projection files to the service center server. Toolkit will not attempt to create projection files for layers that already exist inside a project when it is opened. Toolkit only tries to create the project file when the layer is ADDED to the View. In that case, it creates the file using the default projection set in Preferences (but only if the user has write permissions).

Hope this makes sense! As always, if you have questions, let me know.


Kathy Green

For additional support and assistance, contact ToolkitSupport@ftc.usda.gov.

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More Helpful Hints - 04/26/05

We've added a link on the Toolkit website that will direct you to Helpful Hints developed by Kansas. We also added a CSP/TK guide developed by Iowa and a guide from Maryland.

You can access them out at: Toolkit Community Page

Thanks to Kansas, Iowa, and Maryland for their contributions. Keep 'em comin' !

Kathy Green

For additional support and assistance, contact ToolkitSupport@ftc.usda.gov.

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Missing Base Layer/Folder Name - 04/20/05

Toolkit Coordinators: Please pass this message on to all of the Toolkit Users in your state.

When creating a New Customer Folder in Toolkit 2004, DO NOT include special characters (including apostrophes) in the business name or ID. Special characters in the folder name cause a break between Toolkit and ArcGIS. If you open an ArcGIS project from a customer folder that contains a special character, you'll notice the following:

  1. The customer folder name is not displayed in the ArcGIS Title Bar.

  2. The Base Layer is missing from the project.

  3. The Cyber Farmer (Load Plan button) will not display existing plan databases in the choice list.

  4. If you click on the Create New Layer (star) button, the Planned Land Units and Practice Layer options are grayed out.

  5. The digitizer indicator displays in the Toolkit Toolbar as a blue circle with a plus sign (as if you were in edit mode) rather than as a grayed out circle.

When trouble-shooting (if any of these conditions exist), take a look at the folder name and be sure it does not include a special character! Chances are you'll find the problem.

By the way, Build 66 will not allow the use of special characters when creating the new customer folders. So once we release 66 and your offices are upgraded, this will no longer be an issue.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Kathy Green

For additional support and assistance, contact ToolkitSupport@ftc.usda.gov.

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Missing NRCS Logo Icon - 04/13/05

Several offices have reported that the NRCS raindrop icon is missing from the ArcGIS Toolbar when they open a customer's ArcGIS project. The raindrop icon is used to open and close the Toolkit Toolbar. So, if the raindrop is missing from the interface, there is no way to retrieve the Toolkit Toolbar if it gets closed.

Several Toolkit/ArcGIS errors have been associated with using one of these corrupt projects. Besides the raindrop icon, there are several other customizations included in the ToolkitGIS_Template.mxd that cannot be seen when you open the project, but are necessary for Toolkit to perform properly.

The missing raindrop is the result of a project being created without using the standard ToolkitGIS_template.mxd. While we encourage states to develop a customized ArcGIS template for each site, it is imperative that each customized version of the toolkit template be developed using the ToolkitGIS_template.mxd as a starting point. If you bypass the template, by opening ArcGIS and choosing "Create an empty map" as your starting point, you will see the Toolkit Toolbar displayed, but you will NOT see the NRCS icon in the ArcGIS toolbar. This is because the Toolkit Toolbar is saved as part of the normal.mxt file, which is set in Preferences under the GIS Tools tab when the user chooses Basic or Advanced. The raindrop icon, however, is stored separately in the ToolkitGIS_template.mxd.

Some sites have tried adding the NRCS icon manually to the interface, but this is not a viable solution since you are still missing the additional program code that is embedded in the ToolkitGIS_Template.mxd.

Please ask your offices to check any custom templates that have been developed for their service areas to make sure the raindrop icon exists. If the icon is missing from the ArcGIS toolbar, they need to recreate the template using the ToolkitGIS_template.mxd (stored in C:\Program Files\USDA\Toolkit 5\Templates) as a starting point. Once the file has been created, remember to rename it before saving your changes.

If you have any questions regarding this message, please let me know.

Kathy Green

For additional support and assistance, contact ToolkitSupport@ftc.usda.gov.

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ToolkitGIS_template.mxd - 03/22/05

When customizing the ToolkitGIS_Template.mxd file (found in C:Program Files\usda\Toolkit 5\Templates) for a particular county/office, please be sure you RENAME the file when saving. This will insure the customized template is not overwritten with the basic template when Toolkit is upgraded or reinstalled.

During an upgrade, it is necessary to overwrite the former version of the file with the latest version, since some of the fixes and enhancements to Toolkit 2004 require changes to ToolkitGIS_template.mxd. Future releases of Toolkit will designate the ToolkitGIS_template.mxd as Read Only which will force you to rename the file after you make changes to it, but in the meantime, please be sure to rename the file as you develop customized templates, so they will not be overwritten during a reinstall.

If you have already customized the ToolkitGIS_template.mxd file, you will need to rename it before upgrading to Build 66. This is only necessary in the C:Program Files\usda\Toolkit 5\Templates folder. You do not need to rename any of the .mxd files in the Customer Folders.

Let me know if you have any questions on this.


Kathy Green

For additional support and assistance, contact ToolkitSupport@ftc.usda.gov.

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Losing Toolkit user permissions - 02/28/05

A problem has been identified with Toolkit 2004 / ProTracts integrated permissions. Because Toolkit and ProTracts permissions are integrated, a change in the permissions for one application are reflected in the other.

The problem is that when ProTracts permissions are changed through the Protracts User Permissions web application, all permissions set for the Toolkit user are deleted. The current workaround is to first set the user permissions correctly in ProTracts, then reset the Toolkit user permissions using the Toolkit User Permissions web application.

Toolkit coordinators should make sure that ProTracts coordinators are aware of this problem. ProTracts and Toolkit developers are actively correcting this problem. The problem should be fixed in the next few days and a notice will be sent.

For additional support and assistance, contact ToolkitSupport@ftc.usda.gov.

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Issue with Practice Scheduler and Conservation Management Guides - 02/08/05

In Toolkit 2004 Build 65, there is a problem using the Practice Scheduler to select Conservation Management Guides and Systems for land units that can cause the wrong guide and system to be assigned to a land unit. Once the wrong assignment has been made, there is no simple way to correct it.

Practice Scheduler works correctly when:

  1. The first time the user selects a land unit, selects the correct guide and system, and clicks save - the correct values are saved to the database.

  2. All subsequent times the user selects a land unit, selects the correct guide and system, and clicks save - the correct values are saved to the database.

Practice Scheduler does not work correctly when:

  1. The user selects a land unit, does not select any guide/system, and clicks save. If the user had selected a guide and system previously and does not restart Toolkit, this preselected guide/system will be saved erroneously instead of no guide/system.

    If the user does not restart Toolkit and goes to a different customer folder and plan, the preselected guide/system will be saved erroneously when the user: selects a land unit, does not select any guide/system, and clicks save.

  2. The user selects a land unit and selects the wrong guide and system - the incorrect values are saved to the database. If the user subsequently reselects the land unit, selects the correct guide/system, and clicks save - the incorrect value is not replaced with the correct value.

The fix for this problem has been made in build 66 and is undergoing testing prior to release.

For additional support and assistance, contact ToolkitSupport@ftc.usda.gov.

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New production build of Toolkit to be released Friday - 02/02/05

Two problems have surfaced in the Toolkit build 64 production release that merits releasing a build 65. The problems are: 1) you cannot use the Toolkit ArcGIS Land Unit Attribute Tool to link tabular unmapped land units to a planning land unit feature that was derived from a Common Land Unit layer. 2) After digitizing an inclusion in a planning land unit feature, appending or splitting the feature causes corrupt shape geometry and instability in the Toolkit Digitizing Tool.

The Toolkit Development Team's goal is to have build 65 posted to the  ITS Team Services Web site for distribution Friday COB. ITS has been notified of these problems so that they can plan accordingly to install build 65.

For additional support and assistance, contact ToolkitSupport@ftc.usda.gov.

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NRCS - REVISED - Customer Service Toolkit 2004 v5.0 Install Guide Posted - 02/01/05

Two important corrections were made to the Toolkit Installation Guide and posted to the ITS Team Services Web site as of today February 1, 2005. The first correction is to ensure that the user group "Everyone" permissions are set for read-only access to the Customer Files Toolkit folder. The second correction provides instructions for installing the Check In Wizard for a user under a non-administrative account.

Please ensure that you and your ITS System Administrator obtain and use v1.6 of the Customer Service Toolkit 2004 v5.0 Installation Guide, dated January 31, 2005, to implement Toolkit.

For additional support and assistance, contact ToolkitSupport@ftc.usda.gov.

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Customer Service Toolkit 2004 v5.0 - 01/28/05

The production version of Customer Service Toolkit 2005 v5.0 is now available for download and installation. The package, installation instructions, and release notes are all posted in the Supplemental Applications and Instructions library on the ITS Team Services Web site.

The Toolkit 2004 v5.0 installation package contains files for installing Toolkit 2004 v5.0, Check In Wizard v1.0, and Toolkit Utilities. Check In Wizard and Toolkit Utilities are optional. On some client workstations, Soil Data Viewer may need to be reinstalled.

Installing Toolkit 2004 requires a team effort by ITS System Administrators, State Toolkit Coordinators, State GIS Coordinators, and Local Field Office Staff. Before Toolkit 2004 v5.0 can be installed by the ITS System Administrator on the client workstation/laptop, Toolkit Coordinators should determine for each system which optional software, if any, needs to be installed along with Toolkit 2004.

Easements 4.0 and Toolkit 4.1 are automatically uninstalled by the Toolkit 2004 v5.0 InstallShield Wizard.

If anyone has any questions or comments, they should be emailed to ToolkitSupport@ftc.usda.gov.

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Toolkit 2004 Installation and Training Sequence Guidance - 08/27/04

This message is intended for NRCS Toolkit Coordinators and State IT Teams involved with the Customer Service Toolkit 2004 deployment. It modifies guidance for scheduling the installation of the NRCS Customer Service Toolkit 2004 application and sequencing it with training sessions. This information also is being distributed as a CCE Newsflash. A summary of guidance to date is available from the ITS Team Services Web site or from the National Service Desk (http://helpdesk.itc.nrcs.usda.gov/newsflash/).

State Toolkit 2004 Deployment Plans should include the following:

  1. States should schedule training sessions for Toolkit 2004 field users appropriate to their needs to occur within the period October 1 to December 1st, 2004. These sessions should be scheduled to follow completion of the nationally-led train-the-trainer sessions.

  2. When field users have completed training, the state IT team should install Toolkit 2004 on the user's CCE workstation or laptop computer. The installation process will include a de-installation of legacy Toolkit 4.1.

  3. States should install ArcEditor 8.3 as it contains all of the functionality required for Toolkit 2004 and routine geospatial processing in Service Centers. ArcGIS 8.3 is targeted for advanced use by experienced GIS specialist.

The modified process precludes data corruption risk with having both versions of Toolkit co-habitate and run on the same computer. It saves considerable time by not de-installing the legacy Toolkiit as a separate process. The modification also enables field users to use the legacy version up to the time of conversion, eliminating a lapse period when neither tool would be available to service conservation plan records.

With the modified process, the field user will continue to use the Check-In Wizard to upload legacy conservation plan records to the national conservation planning database (NCPDB). Toolkit 2004 will operate only on conservation plan records that have been loaded to NCPDB. To work on a plan record that has not been uploaded, the field user will upload the record using the Check-In Wizard, and then use Toolkit 2004 to access and service it. Offices will have the option of uploading all remaining legacy plan records to NCPDB, or uploading the records as the field user works with a customer. The Check-In Wizard should be used until all appropriate legacy records are uploaded.

Questions regarding this guidance should be directed to Chuck Hart (Chuck.Hart@ftc.usda.gov) at the Information Technology Center in Fort Collins.

Jack R. Carlson, Director
Information Technology Center
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Fort Collins, Colorado

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Customer Service Toolkit Deployment Plans: Toolkit 2004 Updates - 08/23/04

As we continue to move forward with the deployment of Toolkit 2004, there are a couple of updates to the information previously provided.

We are no longer recommending the use of the Dell 420’s (CCE013) for use with Toolkit 2004. When installing the additional memory, there is a Bios upgrade that is required with the upgrade. The Bios upgrade has not been tested and cannot be tested prior to the established installation date.

There is a potential alternative to ArcGIS 8.3 that can be considered during the planning and deployment. ArcEditor 8.3 is being tested as an alternative to ArcGIS 8.3. The testing and final installation guide is expected to be completed and available by the end of this week. One of the advantages to ArcEditor, it does not require a sentinel key to be installed for use of the software.

At this point, we are under the assumption that ArcEditor will be approved for installation. It is recommended that the State IT Team members and the State Toolkit Coordinators begin to consider which software package is best suited for each employee needing Toolkit 2004. The State Toolkit Coordinators after discussions with the State IT Team members should recommend either ArcGIS 8.3 or ArcEditor 8.3 to be installed for each employee. The State Deployment Plans should then be updated to show the software package that will be installed for an employee.

By Tuesday, we will post to the Team Services website under the Deployment Information library and comparison Fact Sheet showing the differences between ArcEditor 8.3 and ArcGIS 8.3. We will also provide a NewsFlash when the final testing of ArcEditor is completed along with the installation instructions. The installation guide for ArcGIS 8.3 is available on the Team Service website as part of the last CD distribution for the servers.

The revised Customer Service Toolkit Deployment Plan Template and Document that reflects the items listed above has been posted to the Team Services website under the Deployment Information library.

Let me know if anyone has any questions.

Larry Brooks
CCE Project/Deployment Team
(970) 295-5423

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