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Reports on Plant Diseases

[ Small Grains ]   [ Corn & Sorghums ]   [ Forage Crops ]   [ Grasses & Turf ]
[ Soybeans ]   [ Ornamentals ]   [ Small Fruits ]   [ Tree Fruits ]   [ Vegetables ]   [ Miscellaneous ]

(Note: Reports that do not have a PDF or HTML link are not yet available online.
Please use the Contact/Order link for information on how to order a printed copy of these reports.)

Small Grains

100   Smuts of Barley        
101 The Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus Disease of Small Grain   HTML   PDF
102 Soil-Borne Mosaic of Winter Wheat   HTML   PDF
103 Scab of Cereals   HTML   PDF
104 Foliar Diseases of Wheat   HTML   PDF
106 Bacterial Blights of Oats       PDF
107 Ergot of Cereals and Grasses   HTML   PDF
108 Stem Rust of Small Grains and Grasses   HTML   PDF
109 Crown Rust of Oats   HTML   PDF
111 Septoria Disease on Oats   HTML   PDF
112 Loose Smut of Wheat   HTML   PDF
113 Root and Crown Rots of Small Grains       PDF
114 Oat Smuts   HTML   PDF
115 Spot and Net Blotch, and Stripe Disease of Barley   HTML   PDF
116 Scald of Cereals and Forage Grasses   HTML   PDF
117 Blast of Oats   HTML   PDF
118 Blue Dwarf of Oats   HTML   PDF
119 Rots and Germ Damage of Small Grains in Storage   HTML   PDF
120 Wheat-streak Mosaic   HTML   PDF
121 Stinking Smut or Common Bunt of Wheat   HTML   PDF
122 Downy Mildew of Small Grains   HTML   PDF
123 Winter Wheat Disease Management Program   HTML   PDF

Corn and Sorghums

200 Corn Stalk Rots   HTML   PDF
201 Stewart's Leaf Blight of Corn   HTML   PDF
202 Common Leaf Blights and Spots of Corn   HTML   PDF
203 Corn Smut   HTML   PDF
205 Corn Ear and Kernel Rots   HTML   PDF
206 Storage Rots of Corn   HTML   PDF
207 Crazy Top of Corn   HTML   PDF
208 Sorghum Smuts   HTML   PDF
210 Physoderma Brown Spot of Corn   HTML   PDF
211 Viral Diseases of Corn   HTML   PDF
212 Illinois Corn Disease Management Program   HTML   PDF

Forage Crops

300 Bacterial Wilt of Alfalfa   HTML   PDF
301 Leaf and Stem Diseases of Alfalfa   HTML   PDF
302 Root and Crown Troubles of Alfalfa   HTML   PDF
303 Anthracnose Diseases of Clovers   HTML   PDF
304 Root and Crown Troubles of Clovers   HTML   PDF
305 Powdery Mildew of Red Clover   HTML   PDF
306 Seed Rot, Damping-off and Seedling Blights of
Alfalfa and Clover
307 Virus Diseases of Alfalfa and Clovers in Illinois   HTML   PDF
308 Alfalfa Disease Management Program   HTML   PDF
309 Helminthosporium Leaf Spots and Blotches of
Forage Grasses
310 Brown Stripe or Leaf Streak of Forage Grasses   HTML   PDF
311 Selenophoma Leaf Spot or Speckle of Forage Grasses   HTML   PDF
312 Stagonospora leaf Spot or Blotch of Forage Grasses   HTML   PDF
313 Anthracnose of Forage Grasses and Cereals   HTML   PDF
314 Stripe Smut of Forage Grasses        
315 Bacterial Blights of Forage Grasses        

Grasses and Turf

400 Recommendations for the Control of Diseases of Turfgrasses   HTML   PDF
401 Slime Molds   HTML   PDF
402 Turfgrass Disease Control   HTML   PDF
403 Fairy Rings, Mushrooms, and Puffballs   HTML   PDF
404 Snow Molds of Turfgrasses   HTML   PDF
405 Helminthosporium Leaf Crown and Root Diseases
of Lawn Grasses
406 Powdery Mildew of Turfgrasses   HTML   PDF
407 Dollar Spot of Turfgrasses   HTML   PDF
408 Summer Patch and Necrotic Ring Spot of
Lawns and Fine Turfgrasses
409 Leaf Smuts of Turfgrasses   HTML   PDF
410 Pythium Blight of Turfgrasses   HTML   PDF
411 Rhizoctonia Diseases of Turfgrasses   HTML   PDF
412 Rusts of Turfgrasses   HTML   PDF
413 Red Thread and Pink Patch of Turfgrasses   HTML   PDF
414 Bacterial Wilt and Decline of Turfgrasses   HTML   PDF
415 Yellow Tuft on Downy Mildew of Turfgrasses   HTML   PDF
416 Anthracnose of Turfgrasses   HTML   PDF
417 Minor Leaf Spot and Blight Diseases of Turfgrasses   HTML   PDF


501 The Soybean Cyst Nematode Problem   HTML   PDF
502 Bacterial Foliage Diseases of Soybeans   HTML   PDF
503 Fungus Foliage Diseases of Soybeans   HTML   PDF
504 Root and Stem Diseases of Soybeans   HTML   PDF
505 Virus Diseases of Soybeans   HTML   PDF
506 Soybean Seed Quality and Fungicide Seed Treatment   HTML   PDF
507 Illinois Soybean Disease Management Program   HTML   PDF
508 Powdery Mildew of Soybeans   HTML   PDF
509 Pod and Stem Blight, Stem Canker, and Phomopsis
Seed Decay of Soybeans
510 Management of Phytophthora Root and
Stem Rot of Soybeans
511 Rhizoctonia Root and Stem Rot of Soybeans   HTML   PDF
512 Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS)   HTML   PDF


600 Fungal Leaf Spots of Black Walnut   HTML   PDF
601 Leaf Diseases of Mountain-Laurel   HTML   PDF
602 Armillaria Root Rot of Trees and Shrubs   HTML   PDF
603 Iron Chlorosis of Woody Plants: Cause and Control   HTML   PDF
604 Cytospora or Leucostoma Canker of Spruce   HTML   PDF
605 Leaf Rusts of Poplars and Willows in the Midwest   HTML   PDF
606 Phomopsis Canker and Dieback of Russian Olive       PDF
607 Bacterial Diseases of Geraniums   HTML   PDF
608 Virus Diseases of Geranium       PDF
609 Tulip Fire or Botrytis Blight   HTML   PDF
610 Black Spot of Rose       PDF
611 Powdery Mildew of Roses       PDF
612 Gladiolus Viruses       PDF
613 Leaf Spots, Anthracnose, and Scab of Pansy and Violet       PDF
614 Common Viruses of Orchids       PDF
615 Damping-off and Root Rots of House Plants and
Garden Flowers
616 Bacterial Diseases of Anthurium, Dieffenbachia,
Philodendron, and Syngonium
617 Powdery Mildews of Ornamentals       PDF
618 Oak Wilt and its Control   HTML   PDF
619 Fasciation, or Leafy Gall       PDF
620 Leaf Scorch of Woody Plants   HTML   PDF
621 Anthracnose Diseases of Shade Trees   HTML   PDF
622 Phomopsis Twig Blight of Juniper   HTML   PDF
623 Botrytis Blight or Gray Mold of Ornamental Plants       PDF
624 Needle Blights and Needle Casts of Pines   HTML   PDF
625 Sphaeropsis Blight or Diplodia Tipblight of Pines   HTML   PDF
626 Rose Cane Cankers       PDF
627 Hollyhock Rust       PDF
628 Iris Leaf Spot       PDF
629 Oedema or Corky Scab       PDF
630 Rose Rusts       PDF
631 Red Spot, Leaf Blotch of Peonies       PDF
632 Rose Viruses       PDF
634 Tulip Breaking or Mosaic       PDF
635 Snapdragon Rust       PDF
636 Canker and Dieback Disease of Woody Plants   HTML   PDF
637 Leaf Spot or Blight of Hawthorn       PDF
638 Firethorn (Pyracantha) Scab   HTML   PDF
640 Stem Blight of Vinca Minor   HTML   PDF
641 Decline and Dieback of Trees and Shrubs   HTML   PDF
642 Wood Rots and Decay   HTML   PDF
647 Dutch Elm Disease and its Control       PDF
648 Fungal Leaf Spot Diseases of Shade and
Ornamental Trees in the Midwest
649 Pachysandra Leaf and Stem Blight       PDF
650 Fusarium Wilt Diseases of Herbaceous Ornamentals       PDF
651 Gladiolus Corm Rots       PDF
652 Leaf Spot Diseases of English Ivy   HTML   PDF
653 Pepperomia Diseases       PDF
654 Mosaic Diseases of Iris       PDF
655 Common Leaf Diseases of Zinnia       PDF
656 Bacterial Wetwood and Slime Flux of Landscape Trees   HTML   PDF
657 Downy Mildew of Snapdragons   HTML   PDF
658 Geranium Rust   HTML   PDF
659 Bacterial Leaf Spot of Begonia        
660 Elm Yellows or Phloem Necrosis and its Control   HTML   PDF
661 Cytospora Canker of Poplar and Willows   HTML   PDF
662 Witches' Broom of Hackberry   HTML   PDF
663 Oak Leaf Blister   HTML   PDF
664 Phytophthora Root Rot or Wilt of Rhododendrons
and Azaleas in the Midwest
665 Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus       PDF
666 Rose Rosette Disease   HTML   PDF

Small Fruits

700 Raspberry Anthracnose   HTML   PDF
701 Strawberry Red Stele Root Rot   HTML   PDF
702 Strawberry Leaf Diseases   HTML   PDF
703 Black Rot of Grape   HTML   PDF
704 Gray Mold of Strawberries   HTML   PDF
705 Downy Mildew of Grape   HTML   PDF
706 Leaf Variegation in Strawberries   HTML   PDF
707 Verticillium Wilt of Strawberry   HTML   PDF
708 Orange Rust of Brambles   HTML   PDF
709 Spur Blight and Cane Blight of Raspberry   HTML   PDF
710 Virus Diseases of Brambles   HTML   PDF
711 Failure of Fruit Set in Blackberries   HTML   PDF

Tree Fruits

800 Cherry Leaf Spot       PDF
801 Fire Blight   HTML   PDF
802 Rust Diseases of Apple, Crabapple, and Hawthorn       PDF
803 Apple and Crabapple Scab       PDF
804 Brown Rot of Stone Fruits       PDF
805 Peach Leaf Curl and Plum Pockets       PDF
806 Perennial Canker of Peach       PDF
807 Cultural Practices to Control Diseases in Home
Fruit Plantings
808 Stem-pitting Disease of Stone Fruits       PDF
809 Black Knot of Plums and Cherries       PDF
810 Bacterial Spot of Stone Fruits       PDF
811 Scab of Peach, Nectarine, Plum and Apricot       PDF
812 Phytophthora Collar Rot of Apple       PDF
813 Botryosphaeria Canker and Fruit Rot of Apples   HTML   PDF
814 Black Rot and Frogeye Leaf Spot of Apple       PDF
815 Sooty Blotch and Flyspeck of Apple   HTML   PDF
816 Powdery Mildew of Apple       PDF
817 Necrotic Leaf Blotch of Golden Delicious Apples   HTML   PDF


900 Controlling Diseases in the Home Vegetable Garden   HTML   PDF
901 Fusarium Yellows of Cabbage and Related Plants   HTML   PDF
902 Rhizoctonia Disease of Cabbage and Related Crops   HTML   PDF
903 Aster Yellows       PDF
904 Fusarium Wilt of Watermelon and Muskmelon   HTML   PDF
905 Bacterial Wilt of Cucumber and Muskmelon   HTML   PDF
906 Blossom-End Rot of Tomato   HTML   PDF
907 Stewart's Wilt and Blight of Sweet Corn   HTML   PDF
908 Early Blight, Septoria Leaf Spot, and Anthracnose
Ripe Rot of Tomato
909 Common Scab of Potato   HTML   PDF
910 Bacterial Spot of Pepper and Tomato   HTML   PDF
911 Root Rots of Pea   HTML   PDF
912 Wilt Diseases of Pea   HTML   PDF
913 Late Blight and Buckeye Rot of Tomato   HTML   PDF
914 Cloudy Spot of Tomato Fruit   HTML   PDF
915 Vegetable Seed Treatment       PDF
916 Damping-off and Seedling Blights of Vegetables       PDF
917 Viral Diseases of Tomato in Illinois       PDF
918 Alternaria Leaf Spot or Blight of Cucurbits       PDF
919 Angular Leaf Spot of Cucurbits   HTML   PDF
920 Anthracnose of Cucumber, Muskmelon,
Watermelon, and Cucurbits
921 Bacterial Diseases of Beans   HTML   PDF
922 Root and Stem Rots of Garden Beans       PDF
923 Clubroot of Cabbage and Other Crucifers       PDF
924 Black Rot of Cabbage and Other Crucifers   HTML   PDF
925 Powdery Mildew of Cucurbits   HTML   PDF
926 Mosaic Diseases of Cucurbits       PDF
927 Downy Mildew of Cucurbits   HTML   PDF
928 Scab of Cucurbits       PDF
929 Fusarium Wilt or "Yellows" of Tomato       PDF
931 Onion Leaf Blights       PDF
932 Onion Pink Root       PDF
933 Onion Smut       PDF
934 Asparagus Rust       PDF
935 Early Blight of Potato       PDF
936 Late Blight of Potato       PDF
937 Bacterial Ring Rot of Potato       PDF
938 Leaf Blights or Spots of Carrots       PDF
939 Sunscald of Pepper and Tomato       PDF
940 Anthracnose and Alternaria Fruit Rots of Pepper       PDF
941 Leaf Mold of Greenhouse Tomatoes       PDF
942 Gray-mold Rot or Botrytis Blight of Vegetables   HTML   PDF
943 Bacterial Soft Rot of Vegetables, Fruits, and Ornamentals       PDF
944 Scouting Horseradish for IPM ($5.00)       PDF
955 Blackleg of Cabbage and Other Crucifers       PDF
960 White Rusts of Vegetables       PDF
965 Common Rust and Southern Rust of Sweet Corn       PDF


1001 Seed Treatments for Field Crops   HTML   PDF
1003 The Weather and Plant Diseases       PDF
1004 Problems of Mixing Pesticides       PDF
1005 Plant Damage from Air Pollution       PDF
1006 Crown Gall   HTML   PDF
1008 Sclerotinia Disease, White Mold or Watery Soft Rot       PDF
1010 Verticillium Wilt Disease       PDF
1100 Collecting and Shipping Soil Samples for Nematode Analysis       PDF
1101 Root-knot Nematodes       PDF
1102 Foliar Nematode Diseases of Ornamentals       PDF
1103 Lesion Nematodes       PDF
1104 Pine Wilt Disease       PDF
1105 Mycotoxins and Mycotoxicoses       PDF
1106 The Ectoparasitic Nematodes of Illinois       PDF
1107 Predictive Soil Sampling and Analysis Procedures
for the Soybean Cyst Nematode
1108 Nematode Parasites of Turfgrass       PDF

University of Illinois Extension
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
Crop Sciences | Entomology
Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences
Illinois Natural History Survey
Illinois C-FAR SRI

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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign