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Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests
Pawnee National Grassland

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USDA Forest Service
Arapaho & Roosevelt
National Forests
Pawnee National
2150 Centre Avenue
Building E
Fort Collins, CO 80526-8119

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

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[Image]: Forest Service Shield.News Release

USDA Forest Service
Rocky Mountain Region
Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland


Contact: John Bustos, 970-295-6674

Close Calls Close Boulder District Shooting Area

Boulder , Colo. (March 27, 2008) — Near misses, vandalism and inattention to rules and etiquette have made it necessary to close a 30-acre area in Lefthand Canyon to recreational shooting, effective March 28.


The area, commonly known as the “Slot Canyon Area,” is adjacent to Lefthand Canyon Drive at mile post 4.5. Despite signage and increased patrols some people shoot over the natural backstop causing bullets to cross a heavily used off-highway vehicle road above the shooting area; a dangerous situation. Also, although efforts continue to keep readable rules and regulation signs in the area, signs continue to be shot.


“This is a last resort,” District Ranger Christine Walsh said. “If we don't do something immediately, someone will get hurt. We are closing the smallest area possible to prevent an injury and provide for public safety.”


“This action reinforces the need for us to work hard to provide safe and sustainable recreational shooting areas along the Front Range ,” said Kent Ingram, past President of the Colorado Wildlife Federation, lifelong sportsman and member of the Front Range Shooting Partners. “Recreational shooting is absolutely a legitimate use of public lands. The closure of this area is necessary and regrettable; necessary because of safety issues, and regrettable because the public has essentially zero shooting facilities along the Colorado Front Range on public lands. The Memorandum of Understanding now in effect between federal and state agencies, and hunting, shooting and other conservation organizations will help fulfill a large, unmet public need for recreational shooting options, especially on National Forest System and other public lands.”


For information regarding the closure, please call (303) 541-2500 or visit www.fs.fed.us/arnf/ and click on “Target Shooting.”




USDA Forest Service, Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests, Pawnee National Grassland
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Last modified March 28, 2008

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