Pest Tracker
National Agricultural Pest Information System
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Contact Information
  • Barcliff, Dennis - State Plant Regulatory Official (334-240-7225)
  • Serves on the National Plant Board, oversees state level pest detection and regulatory activities and coordinates survey activities between government agencies, public and private sector organizations. Also coordinates the state's initial emergency response if an exotic pest is detected.

  • Taylor, Travis - State Survey Coordinator (334-240-7225)
  • Coordinates annual survey planning, execution and reporting as well as community outreach activities.

  • Moore, William - State Plant Health Director (334-358-8568)
  • Directs federal APHIS-PPQ pest detection and regulatory activities in cooperation with state officials, and coordinate the initial PPQ emergency response if an exotic pest is detected in the state.

  • Tuten, Lee - Pest Survey Specialist (334-288-6058)
  • Provides technical support to the SSC in planning, executing and reporting annual surveys and coordinates pest detection activities with neighboring states.

Latest News

2008-08-28       Confirmation of Asian Citrus Psyllid, Diaphorina citri, in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and South Carolina Pest Info
2008-02-28       Imported Fire Ant; Availability of a Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Pest Info
2007-11-13       Imported Fire Ant; Availability of an Environmental Assessment Pest Info

Alabama State Facts
Alabama Department of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension System
Auburn Univeristy College of Agriculture
Southern Plant Diagnostic Network
Biological Control of IFA
Alabama Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS)

CAPS 2008 Survey Targets
Common Name Scientific Name Options
Egyptian Cottonworm Spodoptera littoralis Pest Info | NAPIS Map
European Woodwasp Sirex noctilio Pest Info | NAPIS Map | APHIS-PPQ Page
Plum Pox ; D-strain Plum Pox Virus; D-strain (PPV) Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Sixtoothed Bark Beetle Ips sexdentatus Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Spruce Bark Beetle Ips typographus Pest Info | NAPIS Map