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Statement of Dr. Barbara Masters, Administrator, Food Safety and Inspection Service
In Response to OIG Report No. 50601-10-KC Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) Surveillance Program (Phase II) and Controls Over BSE Sampling, Specified Risk Materials, and Advanced Meat Recovery Products (Phase III)

"USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) appreciates the recommendations contained in the Office of the Inspector General's (OIG) report on BSE Surveillance, Sampling and Control of Specified Risk Materials. FSIS is proud of the fact that the OIG has approved all of its proposed actions in response to the recommendations contained in the report.

"FSIS is confident it is successfully carrying out its mission to protect public health by strictly enforcing safeguards designed to prevent all tissues that science tells us could be infective in a cow with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) from entering the human food supply.

"FSIS agrees with OIG's finding that FSIS inspection program personnel, who are on duty in every federally inspected meat, poultry and egg products plant in America, are regularly taking action whenever they determine BSE safeguard regulations are not being followed.

"FSIS has initiated or plans to take the following actions to strengthen its systems for ensuring the removal, segregation and disposition of SRMs.

"FSIS has developed and implemented an enhancement to its Performance Based Inspection System (PBIS) that provides the Agency with a tool to improve searches of PBIS data as well as to ensure that Noncompliance Records (NRs) accurately cite the relevant regulatory requirements. This enhancement will enable the Agency to identify and analyze issues of concern in a more timely fashion.

"While plants are removing and controlling SRMs conscientiously, in some cases their written plans for SRM removal, segregation and disposal fell short of regulatory standards. Ensuring that plants document, as well as accomplish, SRM removal is very important.

"FSIS is confident it is successfully carrying out its mission to protect public health. Strict enforcement of the SRM ban, coupled with government safeguards on cattle feed and USDA BSE surveillance programs, form the interlocking BSE safeguards that continue to protect consumers from BSE. Working with OIG, FSIS will continuously evaluate its policies and procedures to ensure they are the strongest they can be."


Last Modified: February 2, 2006



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