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Production, Market and Trade Feature Reports--2001

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New this week:

Dec. 26, 2001 U.S. Oat Appetite May Lure Nontraditional Imports

Previous reports:

Dec. 21, 2001 Argentine Wheat Sales Soar Despite Quality and Economic Worries
Dec. 21, 2001 Corn Production in Zimbabwe Expected to Decline in 2001/02
Dec. 21, 2001 Cold Outbreak Grips Eastern Europe
Dec. 21, 2001 Global Crop Condition Brief
Dec. 19, 2001 Overview of the World Broiler Situation
Dec. 17, 2001 Argentine Summer Crop Area Continues to Tilt Toward Soybeans
Dec. 14, 2001 Global Crop Condition Brief
Dec. 13, 2001 Afghanistan: Continued Dryness Compounds Food Shortage
Dec. 13, 2001 Pakistan: Dry Conditions in Winter Grain Areas
Dec. 13, 2001 Reconstruction Creates Wood Market Opportunities in El Salvador
Dec. 13, 2001 Solid Wood Products, Before and After the Asian Financial Crisis
Dec. 12, 2001 EU Changes Impact Global Wheat Markets
Dec. 12, 2001 Cotton Prices Begin to Show Recovery -- U.S. Memphis Quote Makes A-Index
Dec. 12, 2001 U.S. Share of World Soybean Exports Declines Despite Record Exports Expected in 2001/02
Dec. 12, 2001 U.S. Squeezed Out of the MERCOSUR Corn and Wheat Markets
Dec. 11, 2001 Update - Japan's Pork Market
Dec. 11, 2001 EU: Rapeseed Area May Rise in 2002/03
Dec. 11, 2001 Ukraine & Russia: Grains in Good Condition Despite Cold Snap 
Dec. 10, 2001 Cuba's Sugar Industry and the Impact of Hurricane Michele
Dec. 7, 2001 U.S. Exports of Tropical Products Continue to Climb in FY 2001--Set New Record
Dec. 6, 2001 U.S. - Canada Quarterly Grain Trade Consultations
Nov. 30, 2001 Fight for Corn Market Share in Europe Intensifies Competition in S. Korea
Nov. 30, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
Nov. 28, 2001 USDA has created a web-based bulletin board to list Ocean Freight Tenders and Award Results
Nov. 21, 2001 Iran: Wheat Crop Needs More Rain
Nov. 19, 2001 Palm Oil Yield Prospects in Malaysia Fall as Rainfall Returns to Near Normal
Nov. 19, 2001 Northwest Africa: Winter Planting Update
Nov. 16, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
Nov. 16, 2001 South Africa: Favorable Weather for Summer Crop Planting
Nov. 16, 2001 2001/02 World Rice Production Prospects Fall
Nov. 15, 2001 Planting Conditions Override Price Signals in Argentina
Nov. 15, 2001 Russia and Ukraine: Will Output Continue to Climb?
Nov. 14, 2001 Australian Wheat Exports Threaten U.S. Position in Asia
Nov. 13, 2001 Barriers to Kazakhstan's Wheat Export Potential Are Crumbling
Nov. 13, 2001 Brazil: Dry Weather Promotes Accelerated Soybean Planting
Nov. 13, 2001 Cotton Exports Off to Strong Start Towards 70-Year High
Nov. 13, 2001 Grain Harvest Complete in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakstan
Nov. 13, 2001 Growth in World Soybean Trade Benefits Brazil
Nov. 13, 2001 Smaller Canadian Grain Crops Create Opportunities for U.S. Corn
Nov. 9, 2001 Dry Conditions for 2002-03 Winter Wheat Planting
Nov. 9, 2001 Argentina: Area Decreases for Corn, Sunflower and Wheat; Increases Expected for Soybean Area
Nov. 9, 2001 Global Crop Condition Brief
Nov. 7, 2001 Florida Escapes Hurricane Michelle
Nov. 7, 2001 Cuba: Effects of Hurricane Michelle
Nov. 2, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
Nov. 2, 2001 Afghanistan: Continued Dryness Compounds Food Shortage
Nov. 2, 2001 Argentina: Heavy Rains Result in Flooding and Planting Delays
Nov. 2, 2001 Pakistan: Winter Grains Benefit From Recent Rain
Nov. 2, 2001 Russia and Ukraine: No Damage From Recent Cold Snap
Oct. 29, 2001 Eastern Europe: Poor Winter Crop Planting Conditions in the Southern Balkans
Oct. 26, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
Oct. 26, 2001 EU Likely Remains in Compliance With Oilseed Production Limits
Oct. 23, 2001 Mali:  Cotton Production Doubles and Nears Record Levels
Oct. 23, 2001 Senegal: Rice Production Sustained
Oct. 22, 2001 Argentina: Heavy Rains Delay Planting Progress
Oct. 19, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Report
Oct. 18, 2001 Durum Wheat in Selected Countries
Oct. 18, 2001 Kazakstan: Bumper Grain Crop Forecast
Oct. 18, 2001 Mexico: Summer Crops Enter Dry-Down Phase; Reservoirs Thirsty for Fall Rains
Oct. 17, 2001 Brazil: Soybean Plantings Expected To Rise Substantially
Oct. 15, 2001 India Fails to Reconcile Mountains of Rice with Starving People
Oct. 15, 2001 South American Soybean and Soybean Meal Exports to Increase
Oct. 15, 2001 Southern Belt Cotton Production Falls After a Decade of Growth
Oct. 12, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Report
Oct. 5, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Report
Oct. 4, 2001 Kazakstan: Grain Yield Up Substantially from Last Year
Oct. 4, 2001 Russia & Ukraine: Winter Grain Sowing Ahead of Last Year
Oct. 3, 2001 China: Bumper Crop Expected in 2002/02
Oct. 2, 2001 World Cotton Production Rises Despite Low Prices
Oct. 2, 2001 North Korea: Improved Weather for 2001/02 Summer Crops
Sept. 28, 2001 Iran: Drought and Flood Plague Rice Crop
Sept. 28, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Report
Sept. 24, 2001 Western Australian Wheat Fares Better Than Expected
Sept. 24, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Report
Sept. 20, 2001 Production Prospects for Major Wheat Exporters Dwindle
Sept. 19, 2001 Hungary, Croatia and Bosnia: Field Travel Reveals Excellent Summer Crop Prospects
Sept. 19, 2001 Syria's 2001/02 Wheat and Barley Production Reaches Record Levels
Sept. 19, 2001 Russia and Ukraine: Harvest Estimates Continue to Climb
Sept. 17, 2001 China Revs Up Corn Export Program
Sept. 17, 2001 As South American Held Stocks Replace U.S. Stocks,
Prices Remain Under Pressure & Export Patterns Shift
Sept. 14, 2001 U.S. Exports of Coffee and Coffee Products in 2000/01 Continue to Climb
Sept. 14, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
Sept. 14, 2001 Horn of Africa: Average Corn Harvest, But Drought Severe in Pastoral Regions
Sept. 7, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
Sept. 6, 2001 FAS Analysis:  Outlook for U.S. Ag Trade
Sept. 5, 2001 North Dakota Crop Conditions
Sept. 4, 2001 Serbian Situation Update
Aug. 31, 2001 Friday Global Crop Brief 
Aug. 31, 2001 Somalia: Drought Reduces Grain Production
Aug. 31, 2001 Russia: Preliminary Yields Point Toward Bumper Crop
Aug. 31, 2001 Ukraine: Harvest Reports Indicate Bumper Crop
Aug. 30, 2001 Mexico: Summer Crop Outlook Little Changed by Tropical Storm Chantal
Aug. 30, 2001 European Union: Emergency Measures For Coniferous Non-Manufactured Wood Packing Material
Aug. 28, 2001 Turkey: Cotton Production in Southern Anatolia Booms
Aug. 28, 2001 Honduras: Field Travel Results in Revision of Crop Prospects and Food Gap Analyses
Aug. 24, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Report
Aug. 21, 2001 Drop in EU Wheat Supplies Resonates Globally
Aug. 20, 2001 Update on Romanian and Bulgarian Crop Conditions
Aug. 17, 2001 Friday Global Condition Crop Brief
Aug. 17, 2001 Turkey's Crop Tour Report, June 20-29, 2001
Aug. 17, 2001 Russia:  Higher Winter Wheat Yield, but Corn Impacted by Heat Stress
Aug. 15, 2001 Turkey's Corn Harvest Expected to be Near Average
Aug. 15, 2001 Monsoon Season Midway Point Summary
Aug. 15, 2001 China's Corn Production Forecast to Decline in 2001/02
Aug. 15, 2001 India Cotton Conditions Improving
Aug. 14, 2001 U.S. Pork Exports for 2001 Revised Upwards Again 
Aug. 10, 2001 Friday Global Crop Condition Brief
Aug. 10, 2001 Rainfall Continues While Oil Palm Area Expansion Slows
Aug. 10, 2001 Turkey's Estimated Cotton Production Nears Record Levels
Aug. 10, 2001 Ukraine: Dry July Speeds Wheat Harvest But Hampers Corn Output
Aug. 10, 2001 Kazakhstan: Favorable Weather Boosts 2001/02 Yield Potential
Aug. 7, 2001 Korean Peninsula--Current Crop Situation
Aug. 3, 2001 Friday Global Crop Condition Brief
Aug. 1, 2001 Brazil: Development of transportation infrastructure boosts agricultural development
Aug.  1, 2001 India: Mostly beneficial monsoon leaves southern peanut area dry 
July 31, 2001 Mexico: Mild monsoon may cause problems for grains in southern areas 
July 30, 2001 Montana: Drought leaves crops in worse condition than last year 
July 30, 2001 Nicaragua: Crop conditions and food gap analysis
July 27, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
July 25, 2001 Australia: Dryness in Queensland may hamper winter grain prospects
July 24, 2001 Honduras & Nicaragua: Below-normal precipitation may shrink crop output
July 24, 2001 Ukraine: High yield potential for 2001/02 grains
July 24, 2001 USDA Updates Assessment of European Union Meat Situation 
July 20, 2001 Friday Global Crop Condition Brief
July 20, 2001 Japan's Safeguard on Pork Imports
July 16, 2001 Eastern Europe: Heavy rains cause harvest difficulties in the northern Balkans
July 13, 2001 Russia & Ukraine: Sunflowerseed production to slip in 2001/02
July 13, 2001 India: Monsoon leaves southeast dry, affecting rice, cotton, and groundnut areas
July 13, 2001 Friday Global Crop Condition Report
July 12, 2001 Rice is White and Sometimes Brown, This Outlook Might Make You Frown
July 12, 2001 World Oilseed Output, Trade at Record Levels
July 12, 2001 China: Net Cotton Importer in My 2001/02 
July 11, 2001 World Cotton: Area and Production to Rise in 2001/02, Depressing Global Prices 
July 6, 2001 U.S. Still Struggles in Changing Global Barley Market
July 6, 2001 Friday Global Crop Condition Brief
July 3, 2001 2001/02 Wheat Production Down in Turkey
July 3, 2001 Indian Monsoon Arrives About 10 Days Early, Bringing Relief to Parched Areas of Western India
June 29, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Report
June 29, 2001 Dryness Negatively Impacts Mexican Sorghum
June 28, 2001 Korean Beef Market: A Market Poised to Grow?
June 26, 2001 Central America Trip Report
June 21, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Report
June 18, 2001 Canada’s Hog Industry Changing Tactics to Capture Export Opportunities
June 18, 2001 Ukraine and Russia: Crop assessment travel trip report
June 18, 2001 Russia: Good conditions for 2001/02 grains
June 18, 2001 Ukraine: Substantial rebound for 2001/02 grain yield
June 15, 2001 Indian Wheat Exports Increase Global Competition
June 15, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Report
June 14, 2001 California: Warm, dry spring may cause problems this summer 
June 14, 2001 FAS Analysis of FY 2001 AgExport Forecast
June 13, 2001 U.S. Cotton Exports Forecast to Exceed Consumption in 2001/02 for First Time Since Mid 1980's  
June 13, 2001 Minor Wheat Exporters Expand Sales and Increase Competition
June 13, 2001 World Soybean Export Forecast for 2000/01 Increased 1.3 million tons in June
June 13, 2001 Mexico: May field travel in the northwest
June 12, 2001 Afghanistan: A third consecutive year of drought wreaks havoc on production
June 8, 2001 FMD Shatters Argentine and Uruguayan Hopes for Increased Beef Exports
June 8, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
June 4, 2001 North Korea: Continued dryness reduces production potential in major grain areas
June 1, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
May 30, 2001 Eastern Europe: Good conditions throughout the region, except in the southern Balkans
May 30, 2001 Malaysia: Beneficial rainfall favors palm oil outlook 
May 29, 2001 China: Dry conditions curb wheat production prospects
May 25, 2001 Uzbekistan: Production policy changes may boost cotton output 
May 25, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
May 24, 2001 Certified Non-Biotech Soybean Meal Expands in the EU
May 23, 2001 Former Soviet Union:  Favorable outlook for winter and spring grains
May 22, 2001 Kansas Wheat Quality Council Tour: Spotty field conditions apparent 
May 22, 2001 Turkey: Economic difficulties cloud sunflowerseed production prospects
May 18, 2001 The Korean Beef Market: The Uncertain Impact of  WTO Liberalization
May 18, 2001 Turkey: Warm winter may reduce wheat output 
May 18, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Report
May 17, 2001 Iran: Braces for Third Consecutive Drought Year
May 15, 2001 Russia: Slight increase forecast for grain harvest
May 15, 2001 Ukraine: Poised for a rebound in grain production
May 15, 2001 U.S. Meat Exports Continue Setting Records
May 11, 2001 World Cotton Production and Consumption Forecast To Increase
May 11, 2001 2001/02 Global Wheat and Coarse Grain Trade Diverge
May 11, 2001 Record U.S. Soybean Production in 2001 Expected To Lead to Higher Ending Stocks
May 11, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
May 10, 2001 World Cotton: Production forecast to rise, despite low prices
May 9, 2001 EU to Require Treatment of Coniferous Non-Manufactured Wood Packing
May 4, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Report  
May 2, 2001 India: Late April field travel in India's "bread basket
May 2, 2001 Canada: Numerous factors likely to depress canola plantings 
May 2, 2001 North Korea: Dry conditions threaten 2001/02 crops
May 1, 2001 Russia: A Billion-Dollar Meat Import Market with No Clear Road Map for the Future
April 27, 2001 April US Crop Conditions: Update on the Northern and Southern Plains, the West, the Southeast, and the upper Mississippi Valley 
April 27, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
April 25, 2001 Northwest Africa: Late winter and spring drought cuts crop outlook 
April 24, 2001 Former Soviet Union: Warm weather spurs grain development ahead of last year's pace
April 23, 2001 North Central US: Recent floods and saturated soils will slow spring planting
April 20, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
April 13, 2001 China: Favorable yield prospects for winter wheat 
April 13, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
April 11, 2001 Brazil's Hat Trick: Producing three record crops in one year
April 10, 2001 Russia & Ukraine: Cool weather puts the brakes on winter grain development
April 10, 2001 Mexico: Summer cotton planted area likely to remain low in 20001/02
April 10, 2001 Rebuilding the EU Beef Mountain
April 9, 2001 Forest Products: Annual Statistical Trade Issue
April 6, 2001 California & Oregon: Dry conditions impact crops and irrigation supplies
April 6, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
April 5, 2001 Japan Bans EU Pork 
March 30, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Report
March 30, 2001 March US Crop Conditions: Update on Northern & Southern Plains, Pacific Northwest, and California
March 27, 2001 Why U.S. Exporters to Mexico Are Smiling When They Say Cheese
March 26, 2001 Agricultural Export Assistance Update: Quarterly Report
March 26, 2001 India: Dryness continues in key wheat areas
March 23, 2001 Mozambique: Flooding has minor impact on grain production
March 23, 2001
Friday Crop Condition Brief
March 22, 2001
Wood Products: International Trade and Foreign Markets
March 22, 2001 U.S. Northern Plains: Heavy snow pack could delay spring planting
March 22, 2001 Russia and Ukraine: Winter grains break dormancy in southern areas
March 21, 2001 Middle East and North Africa Exhibit Strong Growth in Soybean Trade
March 21, 2001 EU Consumers Eat Less Beef Due to Food Safety Concerns
March 16, 2001 US Southern Plains: Cool temperatures result in longer period of dormancy for winter wheat
March 16, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
March 14, 2001 Middle East: A dry winter for grain areas i n Turkey and Iran
March 14, 2001 Honduras: Dry conditions reduce coffee production prospects
March 13, 2001 Eastern Europe: Rainfall deficit continues to affect winter crops
March 12, 2001 U.S. Exports of Tropical Products Hit Record Level in 2000
March 12, 2001 Brazil: Field Travel in Soybean Expansion Areas
March 9, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
March 9, 2001 Brazil Forecast to be a Net Corn Exporter in 2000/01
March 9, 2001 Recent Increases in South American Soybean Exports, Exert Pressure on the U.S. Lead
March 9, 2001 Southern Belt Production and Exports Outpace World Growth
March 2, 2001 Russia and Ukraine: Slight improvement in dry conditions affecting winter grains
March 2, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
Feb. 28, 2001 FAS Analysis of FY 2001 AgExport Forecast
Feb. 20, 2001 China: Good prospects for winter wheat yields
Feb. 16, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
Feb. 15, 2001 Northwest Africa: Rain helps crops in Algeria and Tunisia; dryness remains in southern Morocco
Feb. 13, 2001 Mexico: Dryness tempers winter grain prospects
Feb. 12, 2001 India: Prospects for lower wheat yields in rainfed areas 
Feb. 12, 2001 South Africa: February conditions critical for corn yields 
Feb. 9, 2001 U.S. Cotton Exports Fall Due to Decreased Demand in Traditional Markets
Feb. 9, 2001 Mexico’s Peanut Butter/Paste Exports to the U.S. Grow   Substantially during the latter half of 2000
Feb. 9, 2001 Forecast Middle East and North Africa Corn Imports To Continue Strong
Feb. 9, 2001 Pakistan: Cool temperatures in wheat areas may offset reduced        rainfall
Feb. 9, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Report
Feb. 8, 2001 Russia and Ukraine: Soil moisture reserves dwindle as dryness continues  
Feb. 8, 2001 Foreign Cotton: High prices boost prospects for an increase in planted area in 2001/02
Feb. 2, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Report
Feb. 2, 2001 U.S. Pork Export Outlook for 2001 Continues to be Positive
Feb. 1, 2001 U.S. Fresh Orange Exports Forecast to Increase Slightly in MY 2000/01
Jan. 31, 2001 Impact of the Uruguay Round on the Global Trade of Nonfat Dry Milk
Jan. 31, 2001 Central America: Cool temperatures threaten melon harvest prospects
Jan. 29, 2001 Former Soviet Union:  Gentle weather for winter wheat in Russia and Ukraine
Jan. 26, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Brief
Jan. 22, 2001 Dryness in Argentina Stresses Second-Crop Soybeans
Jan. 16, 2001 Northwest Africa: Winter grain prospects improve in Morocco and Tunisia; still poor in Algeria
Jan. 16, 2001 India Horticultural Market
Jan. 12, 2001 China Cotton Production Increase in Line with Growth in Consumption
Jan. 12, 2001 Major Wheat Exporters' Sales Pace Ahead of Last Year
Jan. 12, 2001 Palm Oil Leads Growth in Vegetable Oil Trade
Jan. 12, 2001 Friday Crop Condition Report 
Jan. 2, 2001 A Stronger Dollar Factor in Growing Horticultural Trade Deficit With EU

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