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U.S. Exporter Assistance
Trade Events
USA Farmland
Now that you have done your market research, identified the most promising markets for your product, ascertained the relevant foreign country import requirements, and determined the various potential costs, your next move should be to participate in an international trade show or other marketing event.
Trade Event Calendars, Databases and Current Recruitment
Types of Trade Events
  • USDA Endorsed Shows: International and U.S. trade shows with support available from USDA-FAS.
  • American Café: The American Café is a special area within the USA Pavilion where you can display and highlight your products at international shows, without the expenses associated with a full booth.
  • Other International Opportunities: FAS overseas offices offer many international promotion opportunities for U.S. exporters including seminars and hotels to international trade shows.
Trade Show Tips
Want more target country information?
Many FAS offices publish a “Promotion Opportunities” (GAIN) report that lists various events for a particular country. To see if a target market has such a report, use the Attaché Reports Search Engine. Under “Option 1” change the dates to reflect the last two years and then select “Promotion Opportunities” and the target country.
Comments? Questions?
Contact the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service | Phone: (202) 690-3576 |