Las condiciones estimadas de seguridad de alimento, Cuarto 1 2009 (enero-marzo)
  • Generalmente en Seguridad Alimentaria
  • Inseguridad Alimentaria Moderada
  • Inseguridad Alimentaria Alta
  • Inseguridad Alimentaria Extrema
  • Hambruna
  • Ningunos Datos
  • Condiciones Favorables
  • Un Tanto Favorable
  • Falta Temporal de Lluvia
  • Sequía
  • Sequía Severa
  • Preocupación Humanitaria
  • Evento Extremo
  • Nieve Fuerte
  • Lluvias Fuertes
  • Inundaciónes
  • Levantando Polvo
  • Frio Extremo
  • Calor Extremo


Lea la Denegación

Africa del Oeste


  • Food security conditions are generally good for the country, but urban households are increasingly affected by increases in cereals prices.
  • Grai  ... más

Africa del Sud


  • In the south, drought conditions over the past two years, extremely high food prices, and the delay in the start of rains this season are the main causes of   ... más



  • The number of food insecure people in Haiti is estimated at approximately 3 million, about one the third of the population. The most affected zones are in th  ... más

Africa del Este


  • Good seasonal rains from October to January have improved livestock conditions in many areas, and the production of milk, butter and livestock is satisfactor  ... más

América Central


  • La disponibilidad de alimentos para los hogares de subsistencia mejorará durante el presente trimestre (enero-marzo), luego de la reciente cosecha en el alti  ... más

Asia Central


  • Taking into consideration the magnitude of current donor-funded food security programs and recent imports, food security is likely to remain stable through F  ... más

Monitoreo de clima y cultivos

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Observatorio de precios

Resumen Ejecutivo

Más Reciente 25/02/2009
Previo: 31/01/2009


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Informes Especiales

Amenazas Climáticas


The information provided on this Web site is not official U.S. Government information and does not represent the views or positions of the U.S. Agency for International Development or the U.S. Government.