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World  Agricultural Production OnLine

Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service


Circular Series

WAP 10-02

October 2002


Table of Contents

Key Production Briefs

World Rice Production Down This Season Due to an Erratic Monsoon In India

Improved Rains Boost India’s 2002/03 Cotton Production, But Come Too Late for Other Crops

Canadian Soybean Production Up from 2001/02

Australian Wheat Production Forecast Decreases for 2002/03

Russia’s Favorable Weather Extends Harvest Window, Boosting Wheat and Barley

Ukraine’s Corn Harvest in Progress; Yields Up From Last Year

China’s Peanut Crop Revised Downward

Argentine Producers Favor Sunflower Planting Over Corn, While Soy Is Up Due to Cost Advantage

Area, Yield and Production Tables

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Updated: December 03, 2003

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