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August 1997

This report draws on information from USDA's global network of agricultural attaches and counselors, official statistics of foreign governments, other foreign source materials, and results of office analysis. Estimates of U.S. acreage, yield and production are from the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board, except where noted. This report is based on unrounded data; numbers may not add to totals because of rounding. The report reflects official USDA estimates released in the World Agricultural Supply Estimates (WASDE-329) August 12, 1997.

The report was prepared by the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division, FAS, AGSTOP 1045, 14th and Independence Ave., Washington, DC 20250-1045. Further information may be obtained by writing to the division, or by calling (202) 720-0888, 9516, or by FAX (202) 720-8880.

The report was prepared by the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division, FAS, AGBOX 1045, 14th and Independence Ave., Washington, DC 20250-1000. Further information may be obtained by writing to the division, or by calling (202) 720-0888, 9516, or by FAX (202) 720-8880.

The next issue of World Agricultural Production, Part 1, will be available electronically after 3:30 pm local time on September 15, 1997.


August 12, 1997

UNITED STATES: Below-normal precipitation in the central Corn Belt aided winter grain harvesting but caused declines in corn and soybean conditions. Persistent dryness along with periodic heat in the mid-Atlantic region negatively affected crops. Recent rain from Texas eastward through the Delta followed mostly dry weather in July, easing irrigation requirements and benefitting crops. Although torrential rain from the remains of Hurricane "Danny" may have caused some localized crop damage in Alabama and the Carolinas, most crops benefitted from the much-needed rain. Monsoonal moisture caused flash-flooding in the Southwest, southern Rockies, and central High Plains.

CANADA: A drying trend enveloped the Prairies beginning in early July. By August, many crop areas of the south and east had experienced some degree of heat stress during reproductive and filling stages of development. However, the dryness was generally welcomed in previously wet grain and oilseed areas from northwestern Saskatchewan to Alberta's Peace River Valley.

SOUTH AMERICA: Abundant rainfall boosted soil moisture but slowed wheat planting in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Dryness is still delaying wheat planting in Cordoba and Santa Fe, Argentina. In southern Brazil, near to above normal July rainfall continued to favor vegetative to reproductive winter wheat.

EUROPE: Periodic heavy rain in July in southern Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary caused widespread flooding and some crop damage. The wet weather delayed winter grain harvesting and threatened crop quality. Widespread rain in southeastern Europe since late July delayed winter grain harvesting and caused some crop lodging. Intermittent rain in England and western Germany slowed harvesting.

FSU-WESTERN: Well-above-normal rainfall in July in Ukraine and southern Russia delayed winter grain harvesting and threatened crop quality. However, the precipitation provided abundant moisture for summer crop development.

FSU-NEWLANDS: Near- to above-normal precipitation in July in most of Russia and Kazakstan favored spring grains, advancing through reproduction. Recently, light to moderate precipitation benefited spring grains in the filling stage. Hot weather in eastern Kazakstan and the Altay Kray region in Russia hastened maturity in spring grains.

SOUTH ASIA: In mid-July, the monsoon increased in intensity, resulting in broad areas of widespread, locally heavy rain. The persistence of the rainfall has become a problem for soybeans and rice in central and eastern India. Seasonal rainfall continues to trend below normal in oilseed, coarse grain, cotton, and sugarcane areas of western India and the southern interior, but timely late-July showers improved prospects somewhat.

EASTERN ASIA: Below normal rainfall and hot weather continued into early August across the North China Plain and North Korea, reducing corn yield prospects. Near normal July rainfall favored corn and soybeans in Manchuria. Much above normal July rainfall maintained rice irrigation supplies across southern China, but caused some local flooding.

SOUTHEAST ASIA: Seasonable showers during July eased dryness across most of Thailand, but dryness continued across south-central Thailand. Near normal July rainfall benefitted main-season crops in Vietnam and the Philippines. Below normal July rainfall limited moisture supplies for oil palm in eastern peninsular Malaysia and rainfed second-season corn across Java.

AUSTRALIA: In early August, highly beneficial rain swept across the western and southeastern winter grain belts. Much of the area from South Australia to southern New South Wales received stabilizing rains totaling over 1 inch. Most crops remain in a semi-dormant state, except for the most northerly grains which typically enter reproduction in late August.

(More details are available in the Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin. USDA/Joint Agricultural Weather Facility.


August 1997

               --------------1997/98------------- CHANGE
                    CURRENT   MONTHLY   MONTHLY   FROM
COUNTRY             ESTIMATE  CHANGE    CHANGE    1996/97
                    (MMT)    (MMT)    (PERCENT) (PERCENT) 


World              596.4       +9.6       +2         +2
Production is forecast higher this month due to increases in the United
States and the total foreign category.

United States       68.9       +2.7       +4        +11
Production is estimated higher due to an increase in yields for winter
and spring wheat.

Total Foreign      527.5       +6.9       +1         +1
Production is forecast higher as increases in China and FSU-12 more than
offset decreases in Australia, Canada, and Argentina.

China              121.0       +7.0        +6       +10
Production is forecast at a record level based on a State Statistics
Bureau report announcing a record summer grain harvest.

Russia              38.0       +2.0        +6        +9
Production is forecast higher due to reports of higher projected winter
wheat yields in the North Caucasus and Volga Valley. 

Ukraine             19.0        +1.5        +9      +41
Production is forecast higher based on harvest-progress reports
indicating an increase in winter wheat yield.

Kazakstan           10.0        +1.5        +18      +30
Production is forecast higher due to favorable growing conditions in
July which increased yield potential.
Bulgaria              3.3        +0.5       +18       +83
Production is forecast higher due to harvest progress reports indicating
increased harvested area.

Australia            16.0        -2.5       -14       -32
Production is forecast lower as dryness in the southern and eastern
growing regions reduced area and yield prospects.

Canada               23.5        -2.0        -8       -23
Production is forecast lower as hot, dry weather across parts of the
Prairie Provinces reduced yield potential.

Argentina            12.7        -0.8        -6       -21
Production is forecast lower based on a decrease in harvested area. 
Continued dryness and relatively lower international wheat prices
reduced planting intentions.

Romania               6.5        -0.5        -7       +105
Production is forecast lower based on harvest progress reports
indicating reduced yield prospects.

Algeria               0.7        -0.2       -19        -70
Production is forecast lower based on announced official total-grain
harvest results. 



World               875.5       -22.6        -3          -3
Production is forecast lower due to output reductions in both the United
States and the total foreign category. 

United States       262.8       -10.9        -4           -2
Production is forecast lower due to reductions in yield for corn and

Total Foreign       612.7       -11.8         -2          -4
Production is projected lower mainly due to decreases in China, Australia,
and Canada that more than offset increases in the FSU-12 and EU-15.

China               123.2       -12.0          -9         -13
Production is forecast lower as hot, dry weather across the northern corn
growing areas reduced yield prospects.

Australia             7.1        -1.5         -18         -28
Production is forecast lower due to unfavorably dry conditions in the
south and southeast that negatively affected barley yield prospects.  

Canada                25.5       -0.8          -3         -10
Production is forecast lower based on hot, dry conditions in the parts of
the Prairie Provinces which reduced barley yield potential.

North Korea            1.3       -0.5         -28         +30
Production is forecast lower as drought and input shortages reduced corn

Thailand               3.9       -0.3          -7          -7

Production is forecast lower as unfavorable hot, dry weather in the south-
central and northern corn growing areas reduced yields.

Romania               11.0       -0.2          -2           -1
Production is forecast lower due to a reduction in barley harvested area.

Algeria                0.5       -0.2         -30          -66

Production is forecast lower based on an official report lowering total-
grain production.                              

Iraq                   1.1       -0.2         -16         -27
Production is forecast to decline due to a reduction in  barley yield.

Russia                34.4       +2.0          +6          +8
Production is forecast higher due to favorable weather that improved
barley, oat, and rye yield prospects.

Ukraine               14.2       +0.9          +7         +49
Production is forecast higher as favorable growing conditions increased
yield prospects for barley and rye.

Kazakstan              3.6       +0.5        +16          +12
Production is forecast higher as favorable rainfall improved barley yield

EU-15                104.9       +0.4         +0           +1
Production is forecast higher as corn yield prospects increase for Spain. 


World                379.3        -0.1         -0           -0
Production is forecast lower due to a reduction in the total foreign
category which more than offset an increase in the United States.

United States          5.9        +0.2          +3          +6
Production is forecast higher due to an increase in projected yield.

Total Foreign        373.3        -0.3          -0          -0
Production is forecast lower due to reductions in Thailand and North

Thailand              14.0        -0.2          -1           +2
Production is forecast lower based on a reduction in harvested area due
to a downward revision of last season's area and below-normal rainfall
in the north-central growing area.

North Korea            1.3        -0.1           -8          -4
Production is forecast lower as hot, dry conditions reduced yield



World                 275.0       -0.2           -0           +7
Production is forecast lower due to a reduction in the total foreign
category which more than offset an increase in the United States.

United States          84.6       +1.4           +2          +13
Production is forecast higher due to increases in projected soybean and
peanut yields which more than offset a decline in cottonseed.

Total Foreign         190.4       -1.7          -1            +4

Production is estimated lower primarily due to a reduction in China
which more than offset increases in India and Uzbekistan.  

China                  39.9       -1.8          -4            -4
Production is estimated lower based on drought in the North China Plain. 
Especially hard hit are the peanut and soybean crops.

India                  25.6        +0.2         +1            -1
Production of cottonseed is estimated higher resulting from increased
cotton production estimates for 1996/97 and favorable rainfall for the
current season's crop.

Uzbekistan              2.5         +0.1         +4          +21
Production of cottonseed is estimated higher because of improved cotton-
yield prospects resulting from favorable weather during the reproductive



World                  17.4           NC          NC           +3
The production estimate for 1997/98 is unchanged from last month.  The
estimate for 1996/97 is up 100,000 tons because of higher-than-expected
output in Malaysia.


------------1997/98--------- CHANGE CURRENT MONTHLY MONTHLY FROM COUNTRY ESTIMATE CHANGE CHANGE 1996/97 (MBALES) (MBALES) (PERCENT) (PERCENT) World Total 87.3 +0.4 +0 -1 Production is forecast higher due to an increase in the total foreign category which more than offset a decline in the United States. United States 17.8 -0.2 -1 -6 Production is estimated lower reflecting the results of USDA's first 1997/98 cotton survey indicating a reduction in yield prospects. Total Foreign 69.6 +0.7 +1 +0 Production is forecast up due to increases in India, Uzbekistan, and Egypt which more than offset declines in Iran and Syria. India 12.5 +0.5 +4 -5 Production is estimated higher due to an expansion in area, and favorable weather to date. Uzbekistan 5.8 +0.2 +4 +22 Production is forecast up due to increased yield potential resulting from favorable weather during early crop development. Egypt 1.6 +0.2 +10 +2 Production is estimated higher as estimated area increased. In addition, yield potential improved due to favorable weather.

WHEAT : World Production Estimates

1995/96 - 1996/97 and Forecast 1997/98
      Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |          |          |PRELIMINARY |1997/98 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT    | 1995/96  | 1996/97    |Jul. 11  Aug. 12
  Production   MIL. MT     537.935    582.963    586.828  596.394
  Area         MIL. HA     219.633    230.923    229.509  228.309
  Yield        MT/HA         2.449      2.524      2.557    2.612
  Production   MIL. MT      59.400     62.099     66.154   68.870
  Area         MIL. HA      24.664     25.435     25.696   25.696
  Yield        MT/HA         2.408      2.441      2.574    2.680
  Production   MIL. MT     478.535    520.864    520.674  527.524
  Area         MIL. HA     194.969    205.488    203.813  202.613
  Yield        MT/HA         2.454      2.535      2.555    2.604
  Production   MIL. MT       9.200     16.100     13.500   12.700
  Area         MIL. HA       4.781      7.000      6.200    5.800
  Yield        MT/HA         1.924      2.300      2.177    2.190
  Production   MIL. MT      16.504     23.586     18.500   16.000
  Area         MIL. HA       9.721     11.327     11.000   10.800
  Yield        MT/HA         1.698      2.082      1.682    1.481
  Production   MIL. MT      25.037     30.500     25.500   23.500
  Area         MIL. HA      11.141     12.650     11.400   11.400
  Yield        MT/HA         2.247      2.411      2.237    2.061
  Production   MIL. MT      86.161     99.000     98.550   98.550
  Area         MIL. HA      16.161     16.802     17.255   17.255
  Yield        MT/HA         5.331      5.892      5.711    5.711
  Production   MIL. MT      59.320     62.944     69.720   74.720
  Area         MIL. HA      45.358     47.790     48.305   47.605
  Yield        MT/HA         1.308      1.317      1.443    1.570
  Production   MIL. MT      34.970     26.300     33.400   33.700
  Area         MIL. HA       9.710      8.689      9.710    9.810
  Yield        MT/HA         3.601      3.027      3.440    3.435
  Production   MIL. MT     102.215    110.300    114.000  121.000
  Area         MIL. HA      28.860     29.558     30.000   30.000
  Yield        MT/HA         3.542      3.732      3.800    4.033
  Production   MIL. MT      65.470     62.620     67.000   67.000
  Area         MIL. HA      25.600     25.100     25.400   25.400
  Yield        MT/HA         2.557      2.495      2.638    2.638
  Production   MIL. MT      17.002     16.907     17.000   17.000
  Area         MIL. HA       8.170      8.376      8.100    8.100
  Yield        MT/HA         2.081      2.019      2.099    2.099
  Production   MIL. MT      15.500     16.000     16.000   16.000
  Area         MIL. HA       8.550      8.450      8.500    8.500
  Yield        MT/HA         1.813      1.893      1.882    1.882
  Production   MIL. MT       3.460      3.200      3.400    3.400
  Area         MIL. HA       0.870      0.800      0.850    0.850
  Yield        MT/HA         3.977      4.000      4.000    4.000
  Production   MIL. MT       0.960      0.995      1.000    1.000
  Area         MIL. HA       0.168      0.168      0.163    0.163
  Yield        MT/HA         5.714      5.923      6.135    6.135
August 12, 1997          Timothy Rocke, Grains Chairperson, PECAD

CORN : World Production Estimates

1995/96 - 1996/97 and Forecast 1997/98
      Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |          |          |PRELIMINARY |1997/98 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT    | 1995/96  | 1996/97    |Jul. 11  Aug. 12
  Production   MIL. MT     515.944    590.653    595.263  572.090
  Area         MIL. HA     134.371    141.372    141.505  141.517
  Yield        MT/HA         3.840      4.178      4.207    4.043
  Production   MIL. MT     187.305    236.064    246.391  235.618
  Area         MIL. HA      26.303     29.602     29.955   29.967
  Yield        MT/HA         7.121      7.975      8.225    7.863
  Production   MIL. MT     328.639    354.589    348.872  336.472
  Area         MIL. HA     108.068    111.770    111.550  111.550
  Yield        MT/HA         3.041      3.172      3.127    3.016
  Production   MIL. MT      11.100     14.700     13.000   13.000
  Area         MIL. HA       2.700      3.225      3.000    3.000
  Yield        MT/HA         4.111      4.558      4.333    4.333
  Production   MIL. MT      10.200      8.600      8.500    8.500
  Area         MIL. HA       3.300      3.360      3.200    3.200
  Yield        MT/HA         3.091      2.560      2.656    2.656
  Production   MIL. MT       3.700      4.000      4.000    3.700
  Area         MIL. HA       1.140      1.200      1.150    1.150
  Yield        MT/HA         3.246      3.333      3.478    3.217
  Production   MIL. MT      25.371     25.715     24.825   24.825
  Area         MIL. HA       6.949      7.023      6.830    6.830
  Yield        MT/HA         3.651      3.662      3.635    3.635
  Production   MIL. MT      29.224     34.625     35.225   35.625
  Area         MIL. HA       3.732      4.091      4.230    4.230
  Yield        MT/HA         7.831      8.464      8.327    8.422
  Production   MIL. MT       7.010      4.824      7.335    7.335
  Area         MIL. HA       2.465      2.136      2.753    2.753
  Yield        MT/HA         2.844      2.258      2.664    2.664
  Production   MIL. MT      17.780     19.500     19.500   19.500
  Area         MIL. HA       7.800      8.200      8.500    8.500
  Yield        MT/HA         2.279      2.378      2.294    2.294
  Production   MIL. MT     112.000    127.460    122.000  110.000
  Area         MIL. HA      22.767     24.495     23.500   23.500
  Yield        MT/HA         4.919      5.204      5.191    4.681
  Production   MIL. MT      32.480     37.000     35.000   35.000
  Area         MIL. HA      13.767     14.200     14.000   14.000
  Yield        MT/HA         2.359      2.606      2.500    2.500
  Production   MIL. MT       4.324      4.250      4.200    4.200
  Area         MIL. HA       2.760      2.730      2.700    2.700
  Yield        MT/HA         1.567      1.557      1.556    1.556
  Production   MIL. MT       6.000      6.600      7.000    7.000
  Area         MIL. HA       3.531      3.550      3.580    3.580
  Yield        MT/HA         1.699      1.859      1.955    1.955
  Production   MIL. MT       7.271      7.200      7.500    7.500
  Area         MIL. HA       1.003      1.040      1.050    1.050
  Yield        MT/HA         7.249      6.923      7.143    7.143
August 12, 1997          Timothy Rocke, Grains Chairperson, PECAD

SOYBEANS : World Production Estimates

1995/96 - 1996/97 and Forecast 1997/98
      Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |          |          |PRELIMINARY |1997/98 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT    | 1995/96  | 1996/97    |Jul. 11  Aug. 12
  Production   MIL. MT     124.440    131.645    146.705  147.107
  Area         MIL. HA      61.278     63.051     67.895   67.669
  Yield        MT/HA         2.031      2.088      2.161    2.174
  Production   MIL. MT      59.243     64.837     73.210   74.692
  Area         MIL. HA      24.938     25.661     28.260   28.254
  Yield        MT/HA         2.376      2.527      2.591    2.644
  Production   MIL. MT      65.197     66.808     73.495   72.415
  Area         MIL. HA      36.340     37.390     39.635   39.415
  Yield        MT/HA         1.794      1.787      1.854    1.837
  Production   MIL. MT      12.430     11.500     13.900   13.900
  Area         MIL. HA       5.980      6.200      6.300    6.400
  Yield        MT/HA         2.079      1.855      2.206    2.172
  Production   MIL. MT      23.700     26.500     28.000   28.000
  Area         MIL. HA      10.950     11.800     12.600   12.600
  Yield        MT/HA         2.164      2.246      2.222    2.222
  Production   MIL. MT       2.400      2.600      2.700    2.700
  Area         MIL. HA       1.100      1.200      1.250    1.250
  Yield        MT/HA         2.182      2.167      2.160    2.160
  Production   MIL. MT      13.500     13.500     14.500   13.500
  Area         MIL. HA       8.127      7.800      8.500    8.200
  Yield        MT/HA         1.661      1.731      1.706    1.646
  Production   MIL. MT       1.560      1.500      1.500    1.500
  Area         MIL. HA       1.346      1.300      1.300    1.300
  Yield        MT/HA         1.159      1.154      1.154    1.154
  Production   MIL. MT       0.304      0.358      0.306    0.306
  Area         MIL. HA       0.179      0.213      0.189    0.189
  Yield        MT/HA         1.698      1.681      1.619    1.619
  Production   MIL. MT       0.939      1.153      1.412    1.412
  Area         MIL. HA       0.291      0.335      0.418    0.418
  Yield        MT/HA         3.227      3.442      3.378    3.378
  Production   MIL. MT       2.293      2.170      2.700    2.700
  Area         MIL. HA       0.824      0.860      1.050    1.050
  Yield        MT/HA         2.783      2.523      2.571    2.571
August 12, 1997           Rod Paschal, Oilseeds Chairperson, PECAD

COTTON : World Production Estimates

1995/96 - 1996/97 and Forecast 1997/98
      Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |          |          |PRELIMINARY |1997/98 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT    | 1995/96  | 1996/97    |Jul. 11  Aug. 12
  Production   MIL. BALES   92.409     88.493     86.911   87.344
  Area         MIL. HA      35.944     33.705     33.506   33.857
  Yield        KG/HA       559.757    571.644    564.760  561.689
  Production   MIL. BALES   17.900     18.942     18.000   17.783
  Area         MIL. HA       6.478      5.208      5.221    5.427
  Yield        KG/HA       602.000    792.000    751.000  713.000
  Production   MIL. BALES   74.509     69.551     68.911   69.561
  Area         MIL. HA      29.466     28.497     28.285   28.430
  Yield        KG/HA       551.000    531.000    530.000  533.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    1.970      2.790      2.800    2.800
  Area         MIL. HA       0.301      0.409      0.420    0.420
  Yield        KG/HA      1425.000   1485.000   1452.000 1452.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    0.065      0.029      0.024    0.024
  Area         MIL. HA       0.019      0.011      0.010    0.010
  Yield        KG/HA       745.000    574.000    523.000  523.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    1.088      1.568      1.450    1.600
  Area         MIL. HA       0.306      0.387      0.340    0.370
  Yield        KG/HA       774.000    882.000    929.000  942.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    0.974      1.077      0.860    0.860
  Area         MIL. HA       0.318      0.246      0.200    0.200
  Yield        KG/HA       667.000    953.000    936.000  936.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    8.200      7.300      7.700    7.700
  Area         MIL. HA       3.048      3.200      3.200    3.200
  Yield        KG/HA       586.000    497.000    524.000  524.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    0.490      0.450      0.500    0.500
  Area         MIL. HA       0.220      0.230      0.260    0.260
  Yield        KG/HA       485.000    426.000    419.000  419.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    3.911      3.600      3.500    3.500
  Area         MIL. HA       0.757      0.750      0.750    0.750
  Yield        KG/HA      1125.000   1045.000   1016.000 1016.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    8.260      6.500      7.500    7.700
  Area         MIL. HA       2.573      2.545      2.630    2.630
  Yield        KG/HA       699.000    556.000    621.000  637.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    1.929      1.425      1.850    1.850
  Area         MIL. HA       0.960      0.870      0.900    0.900
  Yield        KG/HA       437.000    357.000    448.000  448.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    1.791      1.300      1.600    1.600
  Area         MIL. HA       1.130      0.695      0.775    0.775
  Yield        KG/HA       345.000    407.000    450.000  450.000
  Production   MIL. BALES   21.900     19.300     17.000   17.000
  Area         MIL. HA       5.422      4.722      4.500    4.500
  Yield        KG/HA       879.000    890.000    823.000  823.000
  Production   MIL. BALES   12.649     13.117     12.000   12.500
  Area         MIL. HA       9.063      9.044      8.800    9.000
  Yield        KG/HA       304.000    316.000    297.000  302.000
August 12, 1997           Ron Roberson, Cotton Chairperson, PECAD


RICE (Milled Basis) : World Production Estimates

1995/96 - 1996/97 and Forecast 1997/98
      Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |          |          |PRELIMINARY |1997/98 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT    | 1995/96  | 1996/97    |Jul. 11  Aug. 12
  Production   MIL. MT     371.968    380.650    379.385  379.272
  Area         MIL. HA     148.579    149.143    149.105  148.955
  Yield        MT/HA         2.504      2.552      2.544    2.546
  Production   MIL. MT       5.631      5.595      5.748    5.945
  Area         MIL. HA       1.252      1.133      1.229    1.229
  Yield        MT/HA         4.498      4.938      4.677    4.837
  Production   MIL. MT     366.337    375.055    373.637  373.327
  Area         MIL. HA     147.327    148.010    147.876  147.726
  Yield        MT/HA         2.487      2.534      2.527    2.527
  Production   MIL. MT       3.936      4.260      4.300    4.300
  Area         MIL. HA       2.162      2.230      2.200    2.200
  Yield        MT/HA         1.821      1.910      1.955    1.955
  Production   MIL. MT       9.860      9.000      9.600    9.600
  Area         MIL. HA       5.666      5.600      5.650    5.650
  Yield        MT/HA         1.740      1.607      1.699    1.699
  Production   MIL. MT      14.388     13.700     14.200   14.000
  Area         MIL. HA       9.032      9.175      9.350    9.200
  Yield        MT/HA         1.593      1.493      1.519    1.522
  Production   MIL. MT     129.650    136.500    134.000  134.000
  Area         MIL. HA      30.745     31.406     30.700   30.700
  Yield        MT/HA         4.217      4.346      4.365    4.365
  Production   MIL. MT      33.215     33.200     33.500   33.500
  Area         MIL. HA      11.570     11.500     11.500   11.500
  Yield        MT/HA         2.871      2.887      2.913    2.913
  Production   MIL. MT       4.694      5.320      4.870    4.870
  Area         MIL. HA       1.056      1.050      1.045    1.045
  Yield        MT/HA         4.445      5.067      4.660    4.660
  Production   MIL. MT       9.781      9.413      9.000    9.000
  Area         MIL. HA       2.118      1.977      1.960    1.960
  Yield        MT/HA         4.618      4.761      4.592    4.592
  Production   MIL. MT       6.834      6.500      6.350    6.350
  Area         MIL. HA       3.880      3.500      3.550    3.550
  Yield        MT/HA         1.761      1.857      1.789    1.789
  Production   MIL. MT       0.680      1.006      1.000    1.000
  Area         MIL. HA       0.149      0.166      0.160    0.160
  Yield        MT/HA         4.564      6.060      6.250    6.250
  Production   MIL. MT       7.263      7.500      7.550    7.550
  Area         MIL. HA       3.924      4.000      4.025    4.025
  Yield        MT/HA         1.851      1.875      1.876    1.876
  Production   MIL. MT      79.620     80.540     81.000   81.000
  Area         MIL. HA      42.300     42.700     42.800   42.800
  Yield        MT/HA         1.882      1.886      1.893    1.893
  Production   MIL. MT      17.687     18.500     18.500   18.500
  Area         MIL. HA       9.941     10.000     10.000   10.000
  Yield        MT/HA         1.779      1.850      1.850    1.850
August 12, 1997           Timothy Rocke, Grains Chairperson, PECAD

Last modified: Thursday, December 11, 2003