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Corporate Giving

Businesses and corporations can support Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's Annual Fund or our Capital Campaign. The Annual Fund helps to provide valuable materials, programs and services. The Capital Campaign assures that our neighborhood libraries remain viable resources throughout the community.

Many businesses take advantage of giving programs that provide tax incentives including the EITC and NAP programs outlined below.

In addition to these programs the Library provides many opportunities for businesses to sponsor specific programs or Library services as well as naming opportunities related to our buildings and programs.


Annual Fund

Andrew Carnegie called on the community to provide the Library's operating revenue. Currently 5% of funding comes from private donations. Over the last decade the Library has experienced an increased demand for new technologies, including playaways, downloadable books, videos and music; research databases; children's storytimes; computer access; book discussions; and business resources. By donating to our Annual Fund you help provide current materials and services such as these.


Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC)

Download the Library's EITC Program Brochure (.pdf)

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh is proud to be recognized as an Educational Improvement Organization. Corporate tax dollars go a long way in helping us to provide rich literacy programs to children and teens throughout the City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County.

Pennsylvania's Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC) was created by the Commonwealth's Department of Community & Economic Development to give businesses and corporations large and small an incentive to support organizations like CLP. A two-year commitment to education-based organizations can earn a company credit of 90% against the taxes it owes. A one-year commitment earns a tax credit of 75%. The credit cannot exceed $200,000 per business annually and must be applied in the taxable year the contribution was made. By making a donation to an EITC organization, companies are assured that their funds are being directed to valuable resources within their community.

Tax credits are awarded in July. To apply for tax credits, a business must complete and submit an application with the Commonwealth's Department of Community & Economic Development. Please call 412.622.6276 for a list of eligible programs.


Neighborhood Assistance Program

Pennsylvania's Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP) is a tax incentive program that encourages businesses that pay business or corporate taxes in Pennsylvania to make donations to approved charitable projects in distressed communities. New construction or renovations of our library facilities in the Hill District, North Side and East Liberty communities, which are part of our capital renovation program, are eligible under NAP. In exchange for a donation to these projects, businesses and corporations can receive up to a 55% tax deduction for the value of the gift.

Please contact the Library's Development Office at 412.622.6276 to learn how your company can earn NAP tax credits with a contributing to CLP's Libraries for LIFE campaign or visit the Commonwealth's Department of Community & Economic Department's Web site for an application.

For more information about how your business can assist Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, please call 412.622.6276 or email