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What guidance does the Environmental Protection Agency provide related to disposal of infected carcasses?

Category: Poultry Industry Carcass Disposal Questions


Several poultry carcass disposal options are technologically available; however, in agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends four preferred carcass disposal methods: composting, on-site burial, landfill disposal, and rendering. Other options might include combustion (such as incinerators) and alkaline hydrolysis (i.e., treatment technology using heat and chemicals).

The selection of a specific carcass disposal method during an incident depends on many factors. The primary factors are to limit the ability of the virus to survive and spread, to initiate disposal action within 24 hours, to limit transportation of the carcasses, and to address environmental impacts and/or public health concerns.

EPA’s Office of Solid Waste has issued guidance for state and local decision-makers that identifies critical considerations and potential disposal options for the management of domesticated birds (and associated fecal matter) potentially infected with highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus. This document builds upon previous guidance provided by USDA.


Last Updated: 05/22/2007