About the Journal of Extension (JOE)

The Journal of Extension (JOE) is the official refereed journal of the U.S. Cooperative Extension System. JOE expands and updates the research and knowledge base for Extension professionals and other adult educators to improve their effectiveness. In addition, JOE serves as a forum for emerging and contemporary issues affecting Extension education.

JOE is written, reviewed, and edited by Extension professionals, sharing with their colleagues successful educational applications, original and applied research findings, scholarly opinions, educational resources, and challenges on issues of critical importance to Extension educators.

As of June 1994, JOE has been published exclusively on the World Wide Web at www.joe.org. Along with new issues of JOE, back issues to 1963 are also available online. Issues from 1984 to present are available through full-text searches. Online issues prior to 1984 are available in PDF format only.