Coffee Picture
“Deep, balanced and big-bodied, with semi-sweet chocolate notes that carry into a richly clean finish.” —The Coffee Review

Start saving the rain forest with every delicious cup.

Sun Grown Coffee Plantation Shade Grown Coffee Farm

Preserves The Rain Forest:

Arbor Day Specialty Coffee is made from certified shade grown coffee beans that thrive underneath the rain forest canopy. Unlike typical coffees, Arbor Day Coffee helps preserve the trees in the rain forest thus saving an entire eco-system that includes plant life, trees, birds, insects, and mammals. The pictures above show what a difference your company is choosing to make just by switching your buying habits to being more environmentally friendly.

The picture on the left is of a sun grown coffee plantation, which shows how the practice of sun growing coffee removes all of the trees from the area and eliminates the native rain forest. The picture on the right hand side, in contrast, is of a shade grown coffee farm, which is used to grow Arbor Day Specialty Coffee. Shade grown coffee farms grow coffee beans as a under story crop to grow in harmony with the rest of the rain forest. The practice of shade grown coffee farming truly helps to preserve the "lungs of the earth", the rain forest.

Provides an above average wage:

Arbor Day Specialty Coffee is Fair TradeĀ® certified, which assures that our coffee bean growers are paid above average wages and their children are kept out of the coffee fields. Because of Fair Trade, many co-op farming communities are now providing scholarships for the brightest students, whereas before many of these children had to work on the coffee farms to simply ensure their family could make a decent living.

Healthy Water and Farmers:

Arbor Day Coffee is organically grown, which eliminates harmful pesticides and chemicals on the actual coffee beans. The organic growing process also includes eliminating contamination at local water supplies where the beans are grown and from harming the farmers themselves.

By choosing Arbor Day Coffee you are choosing to make a social and environmental difference in our world. Your company can do all of this by spending a few extra cents per coffee pot.

Sign your company up today and start making a difference with fresh roasted Arbor Day Specialty Coffee.