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Strategic Planning Steering Committee releases recommendations
February 2009

What’s New?

Cooperative Extension’s Strategic Planning Steering Committee is pleased to report that the planning process is complete. The committee presented recommendations (Net ID and password required) to the Cooperative Extension Administrative Committee on January 27, 2009. The recommendations are a culmination of generating, organizing, and selecting data, ideas, and strategies that were collected throughout the process.

Paint Board ImageThank you to the 1000+ internal and external stakeholders who provided input; assisted with designing instruments and processes; responded to various surveys and key informant interviews; and participated in processes. Particular thanks are in order for the Values Design Team, Vision Design Team, and Strategy Development Summit participants for their work in providing a foundational framework for the recommendations.

Many of our resources including processes, instruments, and data are already available on this website. The steering committee will continue to finalize this documentation and post it on the website as it becomes available.

What’s Next?

The Cooperative Extension Administrative Committee will prioritize recommendations for implementation. Once the recommendations are prioritized, further input for implementation planning will be solicited from a broad-base of representatives. Everyone will be invited to be involved in further dialogue about the recommendations, implementation efforts, and evaluation.

Message Board (UW-Extension Staff Only)

Many of our newsletters will feature a message board where you can respond to a question and provide feedback. The steering committee members will be monitoring the message board regularly.

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