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Briefing Rooms

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These are archived briefing rooms. They do not reflect the current ERS work program. For current briefing rooms, see our briefing room section.

European Union Briefing Room, 2001-07
The 2001-07 version of the European Union (EU) Briefing Room offered information and analysis on EU agricultural policy and policy reforms, the effects of the EU's Uruguay Round commitments on their agricultural sector, the impact of EU enlargement, and the EU monetary union and single currency. In addition, the Briefing Room included basic agricultural information, analysis of EU agricultural trade, and links to related sites. This file provides information on the contents of the Briefing Room when it was archived in September 2008.
September 3, 2008

Farm and Commodity Policy, 1996-2007
The 1996-2007 version of the Farm and Commodity Policy Briefing Room offered a synthesis of ERS research and analyses of the economic effects on producers, consumers, taxpayers, and rural communities of the 1996 and 2002 Farm Acts (Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 and Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002) and alternative policy instruments and programs. This file provides information on the contents of the Briefing Room when it was archived in April 2008.
April 25, 2008

Farm Policy, Farm Households, and the Rural Economy
The Farm Policy, Farm Households, and the Rural Economy Briefing Room offered a historical perspective on the evolution of U.S. commodity policy, rural households, and rural America. It sought to provide an umbrella for ERS research focusing on farm policy and potential policy reforms with respect to the well-being of farm households and rural communities. This file provides information on the contents of the Briefing Room when it was archived in October 2007.
October 17, 2007

Floriculture Crops
The Floriculture Crops Briefing Room provided information on production and market characteristics of U.S. floriculture and nursery crops, as well as related website linkages. This file provides information on the contents of the Briefing Room when it was archived in January 2008.
January 14, 2008

Rural Industry
The Rural Industry Briefing Room summarized ERS research on how manufacturing, agriculture, and other industries impact the rural economy in the United States. It included recommended readings and links to related sites. This file provides information on the contents of the Briefing Room when it was archived in January 2008.
January 31, 2008

The Russia Briefing Room contained information on, and ERS analysis of, Russian agriculture. It included recommended readings and links to related sites. This file provides information on the contents of the Briefing Room when it was archived in October 2007.
October 12, 2007

The Tobacco Briefing Room offered a synthesis of ERS research, analysis, and outlook on U.S. and world tobacco and tobacco-product markets. It included current and historical data on supply, demand, trade, and prices; information on U.S. policy and the U.S. industry; and recommended readings. This file provides information on the contents of the Briefing Room when it was archived in January 2008.
January 9, 2008

The Tomato Briefing Room offered a synthesis of ERS research, analysis, and outlook on U.S. fresh and processing tomato markets. It included current and historical data on supply, demand, trade, and prices; recommended readings; and links to related websites. This file provides information on the contents of the Briefing Room when it was archived in April 2008.
April 28, 2008

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