U.S. Department of Energy

Office of Scientific & Technical Information


Forging New Ground

Fostering a Knowledge of Science

Introduction. Link to larger image.

Dr. Walter Warnick, Director

U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)

Web-Enabled Government Conference
Washington, DC

June 2, 2005

(Slide 1)

Slide 2: OSTI's Mission

OSTI's Mission. Link to larger image.

We are a component of the DOE Office of Science. Our mission is to advance science and sustain technological creativity by making R&D findings available and useful to DOE researchers and the American people.


Slide 3: OSTI's Vision

OSTI's Vision.  Link to larger image.

Our vision for the future rests on the premise that emerging computing power and fast networks have only just begun to revolutionize scientific communication.

Our vision and our intention is to accelerate the sharing of scientific knowledge.

Slide 4: Dispensing with the Fancy Words …

Dispensing with the
Fancy Words …  Link to larger image.

Our purpose is to help people know about science.

Slide 5: The Art of the Possible

The Art of the Possible.  Link to larger image.

We've done that, are doing that, by understanding the 'art of the possible' .

We've achieved success in developing innovative, groundbreaking tools that have made DOE information access quicker, cheaper, more convenient, and more complete than ever before.

Slide 6: Forging New Ground

Forging New Ground. Link to larger image.

We've forged new ground by successfully pioneering distributed search across disparate, non-standardized sources.

Slide 7: Authoritative Selected Science Information

 Authoritative Selected Science Information. Link to larger image.

Science.gov offers three key elements to search technology:

  • Federated search
  • Relevance ranking of federated results
  • Alerts of federated databases

OMB E-Government Report to Congress on March 1, 2005, noted that Science.gov was one of two efforts, government-wide, satisfying the requirements of Section 207 of the E-Gov Act.

Slide 8: Science Progresses only if Knowledge is Shared

Science Progresses only if Knowledge is Shared. Link to larger image.

Global Discovery Corollary

If you accelerate the sharing of knowledge, you accelerate scientific progress

OSTI is working to accelerate knowledge diffusion

Slide 9: We will start by:

We will start by:  Link to larger image.
  • Expanding volume

    Increasing searchable content within databases; increasing number of databases

  • Amplifying power

    Employing emerging technologies, such as grid (Science.gov 4.0); increasing computing power and storage

  • Enhancing use of data

    Integrating analytical tools and other aids; improving sophistication of relevance ranking; implementing next-generation algorithms and visualization techniques
All which foster rapid assimilation of the knowledge researchers need!

Slide 10: Two-Way Street

Two-Way Street. Link to larger image.

But it's not just researchers in need of acceleration of knowledge diffusion.

Science is, at the very least, a two-way street.

As rapid advances in research enhance the economic well-being and health of the public, so too does research rely heavily on public support.

Slide 11: Science Access

Science Access. Link to larger image.

We take strong exception to the notion that science is so complex that non-scientists need not have access.

Slide 12: The Mission

The Mission. Link to larger image.

After all, you can't love something unless you know about it.

So back to our mission: We want to assist people who want to learn about science.

Slide 13: OSTI's Purpose

OSTI's Purpose. Link to larger image.

That's been OSTI's purpose for almost six decades.

Forging new ground to help foster a knowledge of science.