
Federal Links


Other Agencies

  • Center for Disease Control (CDC)
    Learn what the CDC is doing to help people protect themselves against AI.
  • and
    The official government Web site for information on pandemic flu and avian flu.
  • United States Geologic Survey (USGS)
    The National Wildlife Health Center at USGS has an avian influenza site with maps, news updates, and fact sheets focusing on wild birds.
  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
    U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), is responsible for keeping America's borders safe and secure. CBP's works to keep illegal material (including birds and poultry) or individuals from entering the United States, while also facilitating the flow of legitimate trade and travel. See travel tips on bringing items into the United States.

Extension Links

  • Cooperative Extension System Offices
    Find your nearest Cooperative Extension Office through this comprehensive and easy to navigate directory developed by the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES) of the USDA.
  • Extension Disaster Education Network
    The Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) links Extension educators from across the U.S. and various disciplines, enabling them to use and share resources to reduce the impact of disasters.

State Links

Youth Program Links

  • AI Fairs Program
    Members of 4-H and FFA are invited to set up educational displays about AI and END at their county or state fairs. The materials are free and the program is easy to do.
  • FFA Interactive Course
    The National FFA Foundation has created courseware and presentations (mapped to national learning standards) to help agricultural educators and students obtain correct and relevant information on avian influenza and exotic Newcastle disease. This is a special project of the National FFA Foundation, Inc. sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS).
    • To access the course, login or create a login if you have not already. It is free.
    • Once you have logged in, choose "View the Course Catalog."
    • Avian Influenza and exotic Newcastle disease will be the first course you come to. Click on the course title and follow the program's instructions.
  • FFA Video – "Keep Your Birds Healthy: 3 Easy Steps"
    This eight-minute video shows FFA students and advisors the steps they can take to help protect their birds from diseases such as Avian Influenza.
  • 4-H Grab & Go – "Don't 'Borrow' Bird Flu"
    This easy to implement activity is designed for 4-H Advisors to teach older elementary school students and middle school students how viruses like AI can be spread through the sharing of tools and what can be done to protect against this from happening.

Other Helpful Links