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Donate $30 and receive an NWF backpack.

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Renew online and receive a special gift as our thank you.

Give a gift membership

An NWF membership makes a great gift. Send a gift membership today and share your love of wildlife with someone special.

Visit our adoption center

Make a difference by adopting an imperiled animal today.

Got a question or concern? Read our frequently asked questions.

Call 1-800-822-9919 to donate using your credit card.

Ask about our monthly donor program.

Print this form to donate with a check, money order, or credit card and mail to:

National Wildlife Federation
11100 Wildlife Center Dr
Reston, VA 20190-5362

Leaders Club Monthly Giving Program

America's wildlife is counting on you!

The wildlife treasures of this nation face more threats today than ever before. Your support as a Leaders Club member will help NWF protect the wildlife we love for the benefit of our children's future.


  • A 1-year subscription to the National Wildlife®, NWF's award-winning, full color nature magazine
  • A unique oak clock
  • An elegant NWF Leaders Club keychain
  • Invitations to special events including NWF's Annual Meeting

*Note: This program is eligible as a Tax Deductible Donation

Choose your monthly pledge amount
Enter your personal information
Enter your payment information

Please click "Donate" only once. This will prevent multiple charges on your credit card. It may take a few seconds for your information to be processed. Thank you.

I'm unable to join as a member of the Leaders Club, but would like to make a one-time contribution.

© 1996-2009 National Wildlife Federation | 11100 Wildlife Center Dr, Reston VA 20190 | 800-822-9919
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