README.TXT MODFLOW-2005 - Version: 1.6.01 Three-dimensional finite-difference ground-water flow model NOTE: Any use of trade, product or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. This version of MODFLOW-2005 is packaged for personal computers using the Microsoft Windows XP or Vista operating systems. Executable files for personal computers are provided as well as the source code. The source code can be compiled to run on other computers. This version of MODFLOW is referred to as MODFLOW-2005 in order to distinguish it from older versions. See the file doc\Mf2005.txt for a description and references for this software. Instructions for installation, execution, and testing are provided below. TABLE OF CONTENTS A. DISTRIBUTION FILE B. INSTALLING C. EXECUTING THE SOFTWARE D. TESTING E. COMPILING A. DISTRIBUTION FILE The following self-extracting distribution file is for use on personal computers: mf2005v1_6_01.exe The distribution file contains: Compiled runfiles and source code for MODFLOW-2005. Supplementary MODFLOW-2005 documentation in PDF and text files. Test data sets. The distribution file is a self-extracting program. Execution of the distribution file creates numerous individual files. The extraction program allows you to specify the directory in which the files should be restored. The installation instructions assume that the files are restored into directory C:\WRDAPP. The following directory structure will be created in C:\WRDAPP: | |--mf2005.1_6 | |--bin ; MODFLOW-2005 executables for personal computers | |--doc ; Documentation files | |--test-run ; Input data to run verification tests | |--test-out ; Output files from running the tests | |--src ; MODFLOW-2005 source code for use on any computer | |hydprograms ; Source for hydrograph post processing program It is recommended that no user files are kept in the mf2005.1_6 directory structure. If you do plan to put your own files in the mf2005.1_6 directory structure, do so only by creating additional subdirectories. Included in directory mf2005.1_6\doc are various documentation files. Some of them are Portable Document Format (PDF) files. The PDF files are readable and printable on various computer platforms using Acrobat Reader from Adobe. The Acrobat Reader is freely available from the following World Wide Web site: B. INSTALLING To make the executable versions of MODFLOW-2005 accessible from any directory, the directory containing the executable (mf2005.1_6\bin) should be included in the PATH environment variable. Also, if a prior release of MODFLOW-2005 is installed on your system, the directory containing the executables for the prior release should be removed from the PATH environment variable. As an alternative, the executable files, mf2005.exe and mf2005dbl.exe, in the mf2005.1_6\bin directory can be copied into a directory already included in the PATH environment variable. HOW TO ADD TO THE PATH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE WINDOWS XP SYSTEMS From the Start menu, select Settings and then Control Panel. Double click System and select the Advanced tab. Click on Environment Variables. If a PATH user variable already is defined, click on it in the User Variables pane, then click Edit. In the Edit User Variable window, add ";C:\WRDAPP\mf2005.1_6\bin" to the end of the Variable Value (ensure that the current contents of the User Value are not deleted) and click OK. If a PATH user variable is not already defined in the User variables pane of the Environment Variables window, click New. In the New User Variable window, define a new variable PATH as shown above. Click OK. Click OK in the Environment Variables window and again in the System Properties window. Initiate and use a new Windows Command window. HOW TO ADD TO THE PATH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE WINDOWS VISTA SYSTEMS From the Start menu, select Settings and then Control Panel. Select System & Maintenance followed by System. Choose the Advanced System option. Select the Settings Task, and then select the Environmental Variables button. In the System Variables pane, select the PATH variable followed by Edit. In the Edit window, add ";C:\WRDAPP\mf2005.1_6\bin" to the end of the Variable Value (ensure that the current contents of the User Value are not deleted) and click OK. Click OK in the Environment Variables window and then exit from the control panel windows. Initiate and use a new Windows Command window. C. EXECUTING MODFLOW-2005 Two MODFLOW-2005 runfiles for use on personal computers are provided. mf2005.exe is like the version that has been provided in all versions prior to version 1.6. It uses mixed single and double precision for computations and internal data storage, which was determined to be useful for a wide range of simulations. There are situations in which the mixed precision is inadequate, which can be indicated by difficulty attaining solver convergence or poor budget error. Accordingly, a runfile that uses full double precision is provided -- mf2005dbl.exe. If mixed precision is suspected of causing problems in a simulation, the same simulation can be run using the full double precision runfile. Input for the two runfiles is the same. In fact the source code is identical for both. The double precision runfile is created by using a compiler option that raises the precision of single precision numbers to double precision. The penalty for using full double precision is additional computer memory, longer run times (depending on the computer), and unformatted (binary) files that are doubled in size. (Binary files are used for saving head, drawdown, and budget data.) This penalty is frequently not very significant. Typical computers have adequate memory to run most double precision simulations, are nearly as fast performing double precision as mixed precision, and have abundant disk space for storing binary output files. After the executable files in the mf2005.1_6\bin directory are installed in a directory that is included in your PATH, MODFLOW-2005 is initiated in a Windows Command-Prompt window using one of the following commands: mf2005 [Fname] or mf2005dbl [Fname] The optional Fname argument is the name file. If no argument is used, the user is prompted to enter the name file. If the name file ends in ".nam", then the file name can be specified without including ".nam". For example, if the name file is named abc.nam, then the simulation can be run using mixed precision by entering: mf2005 abc The data arrays in MODFLOW-2005 are dynamically allocated, so models are not limited by hard-coded array limits. However, it is best to have enough random-access memory (RAM) available to hold all of the required data. If there is less available RAM than this, the program will use virtual memory, but this slows computations significantly. Some of the files written by MODFLOW are unformatted files. The structure of these files depends on the precision of the data in the program, the compiler, and options in the Fortran write statement. Any program that use the unformatted files produced by MODFLOW must read the files in the same way they were written. For example, Zonebudget and Modpath use unformatted budget files produced by MODFLOW. Current versions of Zonebudget and Modpath automatically detect the precision of the data in unformatted files and the runfiles provided by the USGS are compatible with the structure of the unformatted files produced by this release of MODFLOW-2005. Another example of unformatted files is head files that are generated by one MODFLOW simulation and used in a following simulation as initial heads. Both simulations must be run using an executable version of MODFLOW that uses the same unformatted file structure. MODFLOW does not automatically detect precision of the data in these files, so both simulations must be run using a runfile having the same precision. This issue of unformatted files is described here so that users will be aware of the possibility of problems caused by unformatted files. Older versions of MODFLOW executables provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) may produce different kinds of unformatted files. The current form of unformatted file has been used in USGS MODFLOW executables starting with version 1.2 of MODFLOW-2000. D. TESTING Test data sets are provided to verify that MODFLOW-2005 is correctly installed and running on the system. The tests may also be looked at as examples of how to use the program. The directory MF2005.1_6\test-run contains the input data for running each test. Directory MF2005.1_6\test-out contains the output files from running each test. The directory MF2005.1_6\test-run can be used to conveniently run the tests without destroying the original results in the MF2005.1_6\test-out directory. The test-run directory contains MODFLOW name files, which end with ".nam", for running the tests. Each test can be run by entering the name file for the test when executing MODFLOW-2005. MODFLOW-2005 should be run in a command-prompt window with the current directory being the test-run directory. The output files that are created in the test-run directory can then be compared to those in MF2005.1_6\test-out. The tests are described in the file MF2005.1_6\doc\problems.txt. E. COMPILING The executable files provided in MF2005.1_6\bin were created using the Intel Visual Fortran 11.0 and Microsoft Visual C++ .NET compilers. Although executable versions of the program are provided, the source code is provided in the mf2005.1_6\src directory so that MODFLOW can be recompiled if necessary. However, the USGS cannot provide assistance to those compiling MODFLOW. In general, the requirements are a Fortran compiler, a compatible C compiler, and the knowledge of using the compilers. The C compiler is used for the GMG solver. If a compatible C compiler is not available, the GMG solver can be removed so that only a Fortran compiler is required. File Nogmg.txt in the src directory contains instructions for removing GMG from MODFLOW.