Water Resources Applications Software

Model Viewer Version 1.3

A Program For Three-Dimensional Visualization of Ground-water Model Results


Model Viewer is a computer program that displays the results of three-dimensional ground-water models. Scalar data (such as hydraulic head or solute concentration) may be displayed as a solid or a set of isosurfaces, using a red-to-blue color spectrum or a custom color scale to represent a range of scalar values. Vector data (such as velocity or specific discharge) are represented by lines oriented to the vector direction and scaled to the vector magnitude. Model Viewer can also display pathlines, cells or nodes that represent model features such as streams and wells, and auxiliary graphical objects such as grid lines and coordinate axes. Users may crop the model grid in different orientations to examine the interior structure of the data. For transient simulations, Model Viewer can animate the time evolution of the simulated quantities. The current version (1.1) of Model Viewer runs on Microsoft Windows Vistas, XP, 2000, NT 4.0, 98, and 95 operating systems, and supports the following models: MODFLOW-2005, MODFLOW-2000, MODFLOW-2000 with the Ground-Water Transport Process, MODFLOW-96, MOC3D (Version 3.5), MODPATH, MT3DMS, SUTRA (Version 2.1), PHAST, and UCODE-2005. Model Viewer is designed to directly read input and output files from these models, thus minimizing the need for additional postprocessing.


Readme File

Installation program for Windows Vistas, XP, 2000, NT 4.0, 98 and 95 (3,361 KB)

Example Data Sets

Examples are provided as self-extracting zip files. After downloading the file, double click on it, specify a folder in which to unzip all the files, and click Unzip.

MODFLOW-2000 (769 KB)

MODFLOW-2000 with Ground-Water Transport Process (786 KB)

MODFLOW-96 (17 KB)

MOC3D (Version 3.5) (1,709 KB)

MT3DMS (295 KB)

SUTRA (Version 2.1) (2465 KB)

PHAST (1167 KB)

UCODE-2005 (9 KB)


Hsieh, P.A., and Winston, R.B., 2002, User’s Guide To Model Viewer, A Program For Three-Dimensional Visualization of Ground-water Model Results: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-106, 18 p.

USGS OFR 02-106, Portable Document Format (PDF) (385 KB) 

Please note that this report was release with Model Viewer version 1.0. Users should refer to the help pages included with version 1.1 for instructions on how to use the software.

Source Code

Model Viewer was developed using Microsoft Visual C++ version 6, Visual Fortran version 6, Lahey Fortran 90, and HTML Help Workshop. The source code can be downloaded as a self extracting zip file (17,172 KB).

Points of contact for Model Viewer:

Paul A. Hsieh
U.S. Geological Survey
345 Middlefield Road, Mail Stop 496
Menlo Park, CA 94025
(electronic mail: )

Richard B. Winston
U.S. Geological Survey
431 National Center
Reston, VA 20192
(electronic mail: )

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