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  News and Notes

Command-and-Control Policy Instruments versus Market-Based Instruments

A current research project at Iowa State University compares and evaluates policy instruments for providing environmental goods.

Multiple Benefits of Carbon-Friendly Agricultural Practices

Iowa State University study estimates multiple benefits of a conservation tillage subsidy policy.

Towards Implementing Carbon Markets in Agriculture

Until policy mechanisms that appropriately incorporate the potentially temporary nature of sinks are developed, it is unlikely that agricultural sequestration will gain widespread acceptance.

Reproducing Long-Term Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics with the EPIC Model

This work tests the EPIC model against soil carbon trend and crop production data from a long-term experiment from Arlington, WI.

Below-ground Carbon Storage Study: Konza Prairie

The goal of this research is to discover how prescribed burning, grazing or mowing frequency, and nutrient additions affect above-ground and below-ground biological process, including soil carbon and nitrogen levels in the tallgrass prairie.

Effects of Carbon Sequestration BMPs

Some of the most commonly recommended Best Management Practices (BMPs) for carbon sequestration include no-till or reduced tillage, more intensive crop rotations, and optimal nitrogen fertilization rates.

Economic Analysis of Carbon Sequestration in Continuous Corn

Research at the K-State North Agronomy Farm near Manhattan has examined the effect of tillage systems, N sources, and N rates on carbon (C) sequestration levels in non-irrigated continuous corn.

Carbon Flux in Native Pasture Affected by Drought and Seasons

K-State researchers have been measuring carbon flux between the surface and the atmosphere over native pastures near Manhattan, and in a cedar forest north of Randolph (near Manhattan) since 1999.

Analysis of carbon dynamics in the US agricultural soils by using crop yield data

Carbon (C) sinks in agricultural soils can help mitigate carbon dioxide emissions and hence global warming. This study focuses on estimating crop residual C inputs to agricultural soils in the US, by using crop yield data and weather information.

Soil Carbon Levels Highest in Upper Soil Layers

Three K-State long-term tillage and fertility studies have recently been analyzed for changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) levels.

CASMGS subtask 4.1

Estimating Stocks of Soil Organic Carbon at Multiple Scales: Recommendations

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CASMGS is a consortium of nine universities and one National Laboratory assembled to investigate the
potential of agricultural soils to mitigate greenhouse gases. Click here for background information.