Job Sites
Other Resources
The resources listed here are not necessarily museum specific. They may be general job sites or specialized association/organization sites with occasional museum job postings.

America's Job Bank
US job site. This is a cooperative effort between state governments to provide a national job bank. A keyword search for "museum" shows listings from across the country. Links are also available to local state employment offices.

Archives of Museum-L
The searchable archive site for the museum-l discussion list. Job postings appear on a regular basis.

Arts Wire
An online arts organization. Jobs listings for visual artists, managers, administrators, and curators.

Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums
"Jobs For Living History Specialists".

Association of Systematics Collections
Research and collections positions for systematics professionals.

Association of Science and Technology Centers
An incredible resource for science center professionals.

Aviso Employment Resources Online
Aviso is the monthly newsletter of the American Association of Museums. Aviso Employment Resources Online "features listings from Aviso's renowned job bank for museum professionals, as well as links to museum career information." The listings can be searched by region, category, and keyword.

A site that lets you perform a keyword search on newspaper employment classifieds from across the US.

Canadian Heritage Information Network
Careers section of the CHIN Heritage Forums.

An information resource site for Canadian charities. The Career Centre lists jobs with charitable organizations across Canada. Most of these are health, social service, foreign aid, etc. but occasionally a museum or arts administration job is posted.

Chronicle of Higher Education
Academic, teaching, and research positons some of which are museum related. Allows a keyword search.

Human Resources Development Canada
A searchable database of jobs from across Canada. Operated by the Federal Government.

Jobs and Studentships in the Academic Community
UK database of academic jobs. Searchable by keyword.

Jobs Unlimited 
A site that lets you search newspaper classified ads from across the UK. Allows for a keyword search.

Museum Employment Resource Center
One of the best museum employment resources. Includes job listings and a resume posting service.

Museum Jobs
British site, but lists U.S. positions. Links page has useful resources. Two levels of membership - one is free.

Museum Resource Board
A great resource center which includes a Job Board, Internship Board, and Resume Board. Users can freely post to any board using a form-based interface.

National Association For Museum Exhibition
Job listings for exhibit designers.

Opportunity NOCs - National Nonprofit Jobs
NOCs stands for "Nonprofit Organization Classifieds". Positions are searchable by location, keyword, and posting date.

Architectural preservation job listings.

The Texas Association of Museums Job Listings
Museum jobs in Texas and neighbouring states.

USAJobs - United States Office Of Personnel Management
The US Government's official job site. Jobs are divided in sections (Professional, Clerical, etc.) and searchable by keywords within those sections.
