Business Plan
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Huron to Erie
Waterways Logo

A new name! The new Huron to Erie Waterways for Wildlife Project builds on ten years of the successful St. Clair River Waterways for Wildlife Project, and extends the reach from Lake Huron all the way down to western Lake Erie. 


Latest News!

Spring 2007 Newsletter

Winter 2007 Newsletter

Fall 2006 Newsletter

Summer 2006 Newsletter

BP St. Clair Terminal Michigan Lily
Michigan lily (Lilium michiganense) blooms at the BP St. Clair Liquid Petroleum Gas Terminal. The facility's Wildlife at Work program recently received WHC certification in 2006.

To submit an article of interest and photos for your project in cooperation with WHC's Huron to Erie Waterways for Wildlife Project, please e-mail gruellem@dteenergy.com! If your organization or corporation is interested in joining the efforts of the project, please contact us at 313-235-9627. 

Visit the Regional Perspectives section for more news.