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Briefing Rooms

Bioenergy: Recent Research Developments


ERS Bioenergy Information and Research and ERS Bioenergy Research Plans. These materials provide an overview of current and planned ERS activities related to U.S. and international bioenergy production. Key indicators will be monitored and indepth research conducted on the impacts of bioenergy developments on agricultural systems, rural communities, food prices, and the environment.

Transition to a Bioeconomy: Environmental and Rural Development Impacts. Sponsored by USDA and the Farm Foundation, this workshop in St. Louis, Missouri, October 15-16, 2008, explored topics such as biofuels and carbon emissions, land use impacts, water quality and quantity issues, and jobs and the bioeconomy.

Integration of Agricultural and Energy Systems. Sponsored by USDA and Farm Foundation, this workshop on February 12-13, 2008, discussed farming systems, markets for energy crops and coproducts, and the impacts of the bioeconomy on animal agriculture, energy efficiency, and the role of biotechnology.

Global Biofuel Developments: Modeling the Effects on Agriculture. Sponsored by ERS and the Farm Foundation, this workshop on February 27-28, 2007, featured presentations on the multiple effects of biofuel policies on agricultural production and trade. Academics, private industry, and ERS staff presented and discussed various methods of analyzing and modeling the effects of biofuel policies in the United States, Brazil, the European Union, and various Asian countries, as well as the effects of such policies on developing countries.


For more information, contact: Greg Pompelli or Margriet Caswell

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Updated date: November 17, 2008