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Global Food Security: Recommended Readings


Issues Related to Food Security
Improving Food Security
Trade and Food Security
Agricultural Resources and Productivity

Issues Related to Food Security

Obesity in the Midst of Unyielding Food Insecurity in Developing Countries (September 2008) recounts that the continued escalation of food prices has again focused attention on global food insecurity and its root cause, poverty. Despite international commitments to improve food security in low-income countries, progress has been limited. However, the persistence of widespread food insecurity is troublesome because food consumption in many developing countries has improved, sometimes to the point that overweight and obesity are becoming concerns.

Food Security Assessment, 2007 (July 2008) projects that the food security situation in 70 developing countries will deteriorate over the next decade. The estimates also indicate that the number of food-insecure people for these countries rose between 2006 and 2007, from 849 million to 982 million. Food and fuel price hikes, coupled with a slowdown in global economic growth, hinder long-term food security progress. For a related Amber Waves article, see A Pilot Program for U.S. Food Aid (November 2008).

Rising Food Prices Intensify Food Insecurity in Developing Countries (February 2008) reports that the use of food crops for biofuels, coupled with greater food demand, has reversed the path of declining price trends for several commodities. For highly import-dependent or highly food-insecure countries, any decline in import capacity stemming from rising food prices can have challenging food security implications. Food aid, a key safety net source, has stagnated during the last two decades, and its share has declined relative to total food imports of low-income countries.

Food Security Assessment, 2006 (June 2007) projects that the number of hungry people in 70 lower income countries rose between 2005 and 2006, from 804 million to 849 million. However, the food distribution gap—an indicator of food access—declined, which means that, although more people are vulnerable to food insecurity, the intensity was less in 2006 than in 2005. By 2016, the number of hungry people is projected to decline in all regions, except Sub-Saharan Africa.

Food Security Assessment, 2005 (May 2006) estimates and projects food gaps in 70 low-income developing countries and presents findings for North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Commonwealth of Independent States. On average, there has been a slight decline in the number of hungry people, from 688 million in 1992-94 to 639 million in 2002-04. Asia experienced the greatest decline in the number of hungry people. Despite strong growth in food production, Sub-Saharan Africa is the only region where the number of hungry people—over 19 percent of the population—has risen during the last decade.

Food Security Assessment, 2004-05 (May 2005) projects food gaps in 70 low-income developing countries and presents findings for North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Over the coming decade, food security is projected to improve most significantly in Asia, followed by Latin America and the Caribbean. The situation is expected to deteriorate in Sub-Saharan Africa, where deep poverty, political unrest, and the effects of HIV/AIDS hinder prospects for improvement.

Food Security Assessment, 2003-04 (May 2004) projects food gaps in 70 low-income developing countries and presents findings for North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Food aid's past performance and future role are discussed in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the U.S. food aid program. Special articles focus on food security and food assistance programs in Brazil and food security developments in Russia.

Food Security Assessment, 2002-03 (February 2003) projects food gaps in 70 low-income developing countries and presents findings for North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union. Special articles focus on methods used to measure food security in the United States and consumer and producer price policies in India.

Food Security Assessment, 2001 (April 2002) projects food gaps in 67 potentially food-insecure countries and presents findings for North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union. A special article focuses on market reform and food security policies in China.

Food Security in Central America (October 2001) is a series of five reports that were produced as part of USDA reconstruction activities for Hurricane Mitch. They focus on the four individual countries most affected by the hurricane—El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. The reports cover issues including historical trends of imports, production, and yields; country-level food gaps; implications of changes in growing conditions and movements in export prices on food availability; resource/land-quality constraints to increasing agricultural output; and the cost of a healthy food basket, with comparisons of this cost to income levels in the four countries.

Issues in Food Security (April and June 2001) discusses a broad range of issues to consider at a global level if countries—and their households—are to become and remain food secure.

Food Security Assessment, 2000 (March 2001) measures food security in low-income developing countries. Two articles focus on the impacts of land degradation and HIV/AIDS on food security.

Vulnerability to HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan AfricaPDF file (December 2000) reviews the historical role of population and the labor force in food markets in Sub-Saharan Africa and the expected impact of HIV/AIDS on the structure of the population.

Food Security Assessment: Why Countries Are at Risk (August 1999) studies trends in food security in low-income developing countries and examines performance of the key factors contributing to these trends: agricultural productivity, foreign exchange earnings, and population growth.

Income Inequality and Food SecurityPDF file (November 1997) presents measurements of inequality among countries and discusses factors that could affect income inequality and food security.

Improving Food Security

Fifty Years of U.S. Food Aid and Its Role in Reducing World Hunger (September 2004) states that most poor countries do not have the financial resources to support national food safety net programs. As a result, they depend on international food aid. Differing objectives in food aid programs, lack of consistency among donors' approaches to food aid, and types of food donated—the share of higher priced, noncereal foods, which are unlikely to reach the poorest segment of the population, is growing—are just a few factors that limit the effectiveness of food aid.

International Evidence on Food Consumption Patterns (October 2003) analyzes expenditures across 114 countries on major consumption categories, including food and different food subcategories. Results indicate poorer countries are more responsive to price and income changes and also allocate larger shares of their total budget to necessities such as food.

Safety Nets: An Issue in Global Agricultural Trade LiberalizationPDF file (March 2002) examines which developing countries may benefit and which may lose in the face of liberalization. Current global safety nets, including food aid, are inadequate to stabilize food supplies for vulnerable countries. New proposals are being assessed that could help stabilize grain import prices or manage import costs.

Food Aid: How Effective in Addressing Food Security?PDF file (March 2002) evaluates food security situations in 67 developing countries by first projecting the gaps between estimated food consumption and several consumption targets through the next decade. ERS then calculates the food gaps that would remain even after food aid allocations, using the most recently available food aid data.

Who Will Be Fed in the 21st Century? Challenges for Science and Policy (2001) describes how innovative technologies and sound polices can help enhance food supplies and access to food. The number of food-insecure people in the developing world has declined in recent years, but lack of sufficient access to nutritious food remains a persistent problem with devastating human costs.

Policy Options to Stabilize Food Supplies: A Case Study of Southern Africa (June 2001) finds that, for the Southern Africa region, both a grain-stocking program and an import insurance program would have reduced food-supply variability more than historical food aid during 1970-95. The stocking program, and possibly the import insurance program, would have been less expensive than food aid from a donor point of view.

World Food Insecurity: A Policy DilemmaPDF file (November 1997) argues that reducing food insecurity requires governments to facilitate development by creating institutions and reversing market failures.

Can Regional Policy Initiatives Help Achieve Food Security in Southern Africa?PDF file (November 1997) explores three regional policy options—a strategic grain reserve, a food import insurance program, and a free trade zone—to address food insecurity for Southern African countries.

Trade and Food Security

Indian Wheat and Rice Sector Policies and the Implications of Reform (May 2007) suggests that future developments in India’s food grain sector will be shaped by how policies adapt to the sector’s new economic environment. Some changes, such as reducing price supports and the scope of government food grain operations, would likely cut government costs, benefit consumers, allow a larger private sector role in the domestic market, and increase reliance on trade.

The African Growth and Opportunity Act: How Much Opportunity?PDF file (August 2002) reviews the potential implications of the Act, which Congress passed in May 2000, on trade for Sub-Saharan Africa.

The Impacts of Reform on Developing CountriesPDF file (January 2001) reviews the implications of a more liberalized global trading environment for trade and food gaps in lower income countries.

Low-Income Developing Countries and Trade Liberalization: An Overview of the IssuesPDF file (December 1999) discusses likely issues for agricultural trade negotiations with direct or indirect impacts on the food security of developing countries.

Trade Liberalization and the Sub-Saharan African CountriesPDF file (December 1999) argues that participation in the next round of trade negotiations could benefit Sub-Saharan African countries, although domestic reforms could have more impact than trade reforms.

Trade Issues for Low-Income Countries in the Latin American and Caribbean RegionPDF file (December 1999) identifies some of the major regional agricultural trade interests and reviews the relative importance of multilateral and regional trade negotiations.

Trade Liberalization and the South Asian Economies: Adjusting to the Challenges of GlobalizationPDF file (December 1999) explores special opportunities and challenges for South Asian countries in future trade negotiations.

The Link Between Imports and Food SecurityPDF file (December 1998) reviews the trend in import dependency, the contribution of food aid to food supplies, and factors affecting commercial import capacity around the world.

Agricultural Resources and Productivity

Linking Land Quality, Agricultural Productivity, and Food Security (June 2003) explores the extent to which land quality and land degradation affect agricultural productivity, how farmers respond to land degradation, and whether land degradation poses a threat to productivity growth and food security in developing regions and around the world. Results suggest that land degradation does not threaten food security at the global scale, but does pose problems in areas where soils are fragile, property rights are insecure, and farmers have limited access to information and markets.

Sustainable Resource Use and Global Food SecurityPDF file (February 2003) illustrates that the concept of food security has expanded in recent years from a relatively static focus on food availability to one that recognizes longer term concerns about access and resources.

Does Land Degradation Threaten Global Agricultural Productivity and Food Security?PDF file (June-July 2002) reviews the impact of soil erosion and other forms of land degradation on productivity growth and food insecurity, particularly where fragile resources combine with poverty and poorly functioning markets. The article finds that, when markets function well, farmers have incentives to adopt appropriate conservation practices.

Resource Quality, Agricultural Productivity, and Food Security in Developing CountriesPDF file (December 2000) takes advantage of recent advances in data and analytical methods to improve understanding of the ways in which agricultural productivity and food security are affected by the quality of resources.

Agricultural Productivity and Food Security in Sub-Saharan AfricaPDF file (December 1998) studies patterns of agricultural productivity growth and finds that most of the variation is due to differences in the application of conventional inputs such as labor and fertilizer.

Resources, Sustainability, and Food SecurityPDF file (November 1997) explains the links between resources and food security and presents selected indicators of natural, produced, social, and human resources.


For more information, contact: Stacey Rosen or Shahla Shapouri

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Updated date: December 12, 2008