Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR) IUCN Turning the Tide:
The Eradication of Invasive Species

This page contains links to the full text of the all the articles in the document entitled Turning the tide: the eradication of invasive species (Proceedings of the international conference on eradication of island invasives; Occasional Paper of the IUCN Species Survival Commission No. 27. Veitch, C. R. and Clout, M.N., eds. 2002).

Additionally, the entire document as a single PDF file [Adobe Acrobat document] (5 Mb) is also available online. (URL: http://www.hear.org/articles/turningthetide/turningthetide.pdf)

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Turning the Tide (cover)

The original bound book is available for purchase; details are available at http://www.issg.org/Eradicat.html.


Turning the tide of biological invasion: the potential for eradicating invasive species (p. 1)
    M. N. Clout and C. R. Veitch

Keynote Address

Today Tiritiri Matangi, tomorrow the world!  Are we aiming too low in invasives control? (p. 4)
    D. Simberloff


Cat eradication on Hermite Island, Montebello Islands, Western Australia (p. 14)
    D. A. Algar, A. A. Burbidge, and G. J. Angus

Eradication of introduced Bactrocera species (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Nauru using male annihilation and protein bait application techniques (p. 19)
    A. J. Allwood, E. T. Vueti, L. Leblanc, and R. Bull

Man-made marinas as sheltered islands for alien marine organisms: Establishment and eradication of an alien invasive marine species (p. 26)
    N. Bax, K. Hayes, A. Marshall, D. Parry, and R. Thresher

The eradication of alien mammals from five offshore islands, Mauritius, Indian Ocean (p. 40)
    B. D. Bell

The eradication of possums from Kapiti Island, New Zealand (p. 46)
    K. P. Brown and G. H. Sherley

The impact of rabbit and goat eradication on the ecology of Round Island, Mauritius(p. 53)
    D. J. Bullock, S. G. North, M. E. Dulloo, and M. Thorsen

Introduced mammal eradications for nature conservation on Western Australian islands: a review (p. 64)
    A. A. Burbidge and K. D. Morris

Habitat refuges as alternatives to predator control for the conservation of endangered Mauritian birds (p. 71)
    S. P. Carter and P. W. Bright

Control of invasive plants on the Poor Knights Islands, New Zealand (p. 79)
    G. J. Coulston

Eradication planning for invasive alien animal species on islands: the approach developed by the New Zealand Department of Conservation (p. 85)
    P. L. Cromarty, K. G Broome, A. Cox, R. A. Empson, W. M. Hutchinson, and I. McFadden

Eradication of buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) on Airlie Island, Pilbara Coast, Western Australia (p.  92) I. R. Dixon, K. W. Dixon, and M. Barrett

Eradications of invasive species to restore natural biological diversity on Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge (p. 102) S. E. Ebbert and G. V. Byrd

Control and eradication of the introduced grass, Cenchrus echinatus, at Laysan Island, Central Pacific Ocean (p. 110)
    E. Flint and C. Rehkemper

The eradication of Rattus rattus from Monito Island, West Indies (p. 116)
    M. A. GarcĂ­a, C. E. Diez, and A. O. Alvarez

Changes in bird numbers on Tiritiri Matangi Island, New Zealand, over the period of rat eradication (p. 120)
    M. F. Graham and C. R. Veitch

Spartina anglica eradication and inter-tidal recovery in Northern Ireland estuaries. (p. 124)
    M. E. R. Hammond and A. Cooper

Eradication of feral goats and pigs and consequences for other biota on Sarigan Island, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. (p. 132)
    C. C. Kessler

The response of herbaceous vegetation and endemic plant species to the removal of feral sheep from Santa Cruz Island, California (p. 141)
    R. C. Klinger, P. Schuyler, and J. D. Sterner

Alien plant and animal control and aspects of ecological restoration in a small "mainland island": Wenderholm Regional Park, New Zealand. (p. 155)
    T. G. Lovegrove, C. H. Zeiler, B. S. Greene, B. W. Green, R. Gaastra, and A. D. MacArthur

Eradicating invasive plants: Hard-won lessons for islands (p. 164)
    R. N. Mack and W. M. Lonsdale

Eradication of Pacific rats (Rattus exulans) from Whenua Hou Nature Reserve (Codfish Island), Putauhinu and Rarotoka Islands, New Zealand. (p. 173)
    P. J. McClelland

Alien mammal eradication and quarantine on inhabited islands in the Seychelles (p. 182)
    D. Merton, G. Climo, V. Laboudallon, S. Robert, and C. Mander

Eradication of rats and rabbits from Saint-Paul Island, French Southern Territories (p. 199)
    T. Micol and P. Jouventin

Cat eradication and the restoration of endangered iguanas (Cyclura carinata) on Long Cay, Caicos Bank, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies (p. 206)
    N. Mitchell, R. Haeffner, V. Veer, M. Fulford-Gardner, W. Clerveaux, C. R. Veitch, and G. Mitchell

Comparison of baits and bait stations for the selective control of wild house mice on Thevenard Island, Western Australia (p. 213)
    D. Moro

The eradication of the black rat (Rattus rattus) on Barrow and adjacent islands off the north-west coast of Western Australia (p. 219)
    K. D. Morris

Eradication of introduced Australian marsupials (brushtail possum and brushtailed rock wallaby) from Rangitoto and Motutapu Islands, New Zealand (p. 226)
    S. C. Mowbray

An attempt to eradicate feral goats from Lord Howe Island (p. 233)
    J. P. Parkes, N. Macdonald, and G. Leaman

Red mangrove eradication and pickleweed control in a Hawaiian wetland, waterbird responses, and lessons learned (p. 240)
    M. J. Rauzon and D. C. Drigot

When is eradication of exotic pest plants a realistic goal? (p. 249)
    M. Rejmánek and M. J. Pitcairn

Management of indigenous and alien Malvaceae on islands near Perth, Western Australia (p. 254)
    E. Rippey, J. J. Rippey, and N. Dunlop

Practical concerns in the eradication of island snakes (p. 260)
    G. H. Rodda, T. H. Fritts, E. W. Campbell III, K. Dean-Bradley, G. Perry, and C. P. Qualls

An ecological basis for control of the mongoose Herpestes javanicus in Mauritius: is eradication possible? (p. 266)
    S. S. Roy, C. G. Jones, and S. Harris

Eradication of feral pigs (Sus scrofa) on Santa Catalina Island, California, USA (p. 274)
    P. T. Schuyler, D. K. Garcelon, and S. Escover

Eradication of potentially invasive plants with limited distributions in the Galapagos Islands (p. 287)
    M. C. Soria, M. R. Gardener, and A. Tye

Island conservation in north-west Mexico: a conservation model integrating research, education and exotic mammal eradication (p. 293)
    B. R. Tershy, C. J. Donlan, B. S. Keitt, D. A. Croll, J. A. Sanchez, B. Wood, M. A. Hermosillo, G. R. Howald, and N. Biavaschi

A history of ground-based rodent eradication techniques developed in New Zealand, 1959-1993 (p. 301)
    B. W. Thomas and R. H. Taylor

Early detection of invasive weeds on islands (p. 311)
    S. M. Timmins and H. Braithwaite

Eradication of rabbits and mice from subantarctic Enderby and Rose Islands (p. 319)
    N. Torr

Interactions between geckos, honeydew scale insects and host plants revealed on islands in northern New Zealand, following eradication of introduced rats and rabbits (p. 329)
    D. R. Towns

A strategy for Galapagos weeds (p. 336)
    A. Tye, M. C. Soria, and M. R. Gardener

Eradicating Indian musk shrews (Suncus murinus, Soricidae) from Mauritian offshore islands (p. 342)
    K. J. Varnham, S. S. Roy, A. Seymour, J. Mauremootoo, C. G. Jones, and S. Harris

Eradication of Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) and house mouse (Mus musculus) from Browns Island (Motukorea), Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand (p. 350)
    C. R. Veitch

Eradication of Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) and house mouse (Mus musculus) from Motuihe Island, New Zealand (p. 353)
    C. R. Veitch

Eradication of Pacific rats (Rattus exulans) from Fanal Island, New Zealand. (p. 357)
    C. R. Veitch

Eradication of Pacific rats (Rattus exulans) from Tiritiri Matangi Island, Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand (p. 360)
    C. R. Veitch

Eradication of alien plants on Raoul Island, Kermadec Islands, New Zealand (p. 365)
    C. J. West

Removing cats from islands in north-west Mexico (p. 374)
    B. Wood, B. R. Tershy, M. A. Hermosillo, C. J. Donlan, J. A. Sanchez, B. S. Keitt, D. A. Croll, G. R. Howald, and N. Biavaschi

The evolution and execution of a plan for invasive weed eradication and control, Rangitoto Island, Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand (p. 381)
    S. H. Wotherspoon and J. A. Wotherspoon

Impacts and control of introduced small Indian mongoose on Amami Island, Japan (p. 389)
    F. Yamada

It's often better to eradicate, but can we eradicate better? (p. 393)
    E. S. Zavaleta


All abstracts (of presentations for which complete papers were not included)

Removing a diverse suite of invasive threats to recover an endangered Hawaiian bird species and its dry forest habitat (p. 406)
    P. C. Banko, S. Dougill, L. Gold, D. Goltz, L. Johnson, P. Oboyski, and J. Slotterback

Introduced Neotropical tree frogs in the Hawaiian Islands: Control technique development and population status (p. 406)
    E. W. Campbell, F. Kraus, S. Joe, L. Oberhofer, R. Sugihara, D. Lease, and P. Krushelnycky

Tackling tussock moths: strategies, timelines and outcomes of two programmes for eradicating tussock moths from suburbs of Auckland, New Zealand (p. 407)
    J. R. Clearwater

Recovery of invertebrate populations on Tiritiri Matangi Island, New Zealand following eradication of Pacific rats (Rattus exulans) (p. 407)
    C. J. Green

Restoration of tree weta (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae) to a modified island (p. 407)
    C. J. Green

Control of cats on mountain "islands", Stewart Island, New Zealand (p. 408)
    G. A. Harper and M. Dobbins

The status of invasive ant control in the conservation of island systems (p. 408)
    P. D. Krushelnycky, E. Van Gelder, L. L. Loope, and R. Gillespie

The effectiveness of weeded and fenced 'Conservation Management Areas' as a means of maintaining the threatened biodiversity of mainland Mauritius (p. 408)
    J. R. Mauremootoo, C. G. Jones, W. A. Strahm, M. E. Dulloo, and Y. Mungroo

Preparation for the eradication of Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) from Campbell Island, New Zealand (p. 409)
    P. J. McClelland

Island quarantine: prevention is better than cure (p. 409)
    P. J. McClelland

The role of parasitoids in eradication or area-wide control of tephritid fruit flies in the Hawaiian Islands (p. 410)
    R. H. Messing

Response of forest birds to rat eradication on Kapiti Island, New Zealand (p. 410)
    C. Miskelly and H. Robertson

Sustained control of feral goats in Egmont National Park, New Zealand (p. 410)
    D. M. Forsyth, J. P. Parkes, D. Choquenot, G. Reid, and D. Stronge

Pacific rats: their impacts on two small seabird species in the Hen and Chickens Islands, New Zealand (p. 411)
    R. J. Pierce

Seabird re-colonisation after cat eradication on equatorial Jarvis, Howland, and Baker Islands, USA, Central Pacific (p. 411)
    M. J. Rauzon, D. J. Forsell, and E. N. Flint

Direct and indirect effects of house mice on declining populations of a small seabird, the ashy storm-petrel (Oceanodroma homochroa), on Southeast Farallon Island, California, USA (p. 412)
    K. L. Mills, P. Pyle, W. J. Sydeman, J. Buffa, and M. J. Rauzon

Managing pest mammals at near-zero densities at sites on the New Zealand mainland (p. 412)
    A. Saunders

Control of feral goats (Capra hircus) on Santa Catalina Island, California, USA (p. 412)
    P. T. Schuyler, D. Garcelon and S. Escover

Control of the invasive exotic yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes) on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean (p. 413)
    D. J. Slip

Preventing rat introductions to the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, USA (p. 413)
    A. L. Sowls and G. V. Byrd)

Ecological restoration of islands in Breaksea Sound, Fiordland, New Zealand (p. 414)
    B. W. Thomas

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thanks to IUCN and the authors and editors for allowing the contents of this document to be made available online; and to the IUCN/SSC's Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) for posting the individual chapters.
COPYRIGHT NOTE (quoted from the original document): © 2002 International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Reproduction of this publication for educational or other non-commenrcial purposes is authorised without prior written permission from the coyright holder provided the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction of this publication for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written permission of the copyright holder.
The Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk (HEAR) project is currently funded by the Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN) of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) through PIERC (USGS) with support from HCSU (UH-Hilo). More details are available online. Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN) National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII)

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