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 Saturday April 09, 2005

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Just For Kids!


Clipart picture of a tractor with vegetables, fruit and farm animals around it.

What is agriculture?

Agriculture is the science of farming, which is raising crops like corn, beans, peas, safflowers, soybeans and also raising animals like cows, sheep, pigs, goats and chickens.



How does farming affect me?

Farming is VERY important and it probably affects you in more ways than you know.  Look below at what is used to make a lot of the food and products that you need everyday!



Photograph of loaves of whole wheat bread on a grocery store shelf.Wheat is the main food that we eat everyday and it is the most important crop in the world!  In fact, if you studied all of your food long enough, you might just realize that almost everything contains wheat in one form or another.  Think about these examples: breakfast cereals, breads, all pastas like the noodles in spaghetti and even the noodles in Chicken Noodle Soup,  bagels, cakes and pastries like donuts or even cookies.   Flour is actually in almost everything that we eat except for fruits and vegetables!  Wheat can also be used in place of petroleum in plastics, which can then be made into just about anything from toys to the inside of a real car. 



Photograph of two bags of corn meal on the shelf in a grocery store.Corn is a popular crop all over the world.  It will grow in hot climates and also cooler, mild ones as long as there is lots of sunshine.  Do you recognize some of these things that are made with corn: breakfast cereals, baby foods, almost ALL candy has corn starch in it to add that sweet flavor, carbonated beverages or what is also known as pop contains a high frutose corn syrup, cornmeal is used in breads, muffins and as the breading on meats like fried chicken, instant coffee and soup mixes as well as a lot of other things in packages contain Photograph of two boxes of Kellogg's Corn Flakes.maltodextrins which comes from corn and helps to keep the dry mix from clumping together, pyrodextrin another agent from corn is used to help make tape and other things sticky, and lastly something in corn called sorbitol is even found in your toothpaste.




Photograph of Rice Krispies cereal in a grocery store.Rice is another very important crop just like wheat and corn.  It is a main food for over half of the world's population and 99% of all rice is grown in Asia.  Some of the things made out of rice are cereals like Rice Krispies along with those "YUMMY" Rice Krispy Treats, some noodles, rice pudding, rice milk for people who can't drink regular cow's milk, some crackers, and you can even buy cinnamon raisin rolls, bagels, buns and bread that is free of wheat, gluten and lactose, which means that it is instead made from rice flour!  There is even such a thing as paper that is made from rice.


Beans and Peas.

Photograph of chocolate and original soymilk in a grocery store.Peas, beans and lentils are edible seeds that grow in a pod on a plant and they contain lots of protein and vitamins.  You have more than likely eaten a variety of beans fresh or dried in soups, but one bean that when processed and added to other ingredients becomes very useful is soybeans. Soybeans turn up in soap, paper, paint, video tapes, ink, baby food, tofu, cereals, bread, cookies, frozen dinners, and even in pizza.  In fact, Illinois is the second largest producer and they grow enough soybeans in one year to fill 118,000 school buses.  Here is a picture of soymilk, which is the only kind of milk that lactose intolerant people can drink because regular cow's milk makes them sick.



Photograph of sugar in a grocery store.Sugar comes from sugarcane and sugar beets.  Sugarcane grows best where it is warm, whereas sugar beets grow best in places like Montana and North Dakota where it is warm in the summer and cold in the winter.  The beets are pulled in the fall when it starts to get cold and taken to the local Sidney Sugars factory, where they are cleans and boiled.  All that is left then are brown sugar crystals, which go through yet another process to make the white sugar used in cookies and candy.  Here is a picture of some sugar that came from the the local factory in Sidney.


Vegetable Oils.

Photograph of safflower oil called Montola.Vegetables oils are made from seeds and fruits like tiny sesame seeds or big, juicy coconuts.  Oils such as peanut oil, cottonseed oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, corn oil, safflower oil, soybean oil, and olive oil are used for such things as cooking, as dressings on a salad, and in margarine and cooking fats.  Like wheat, vegetable oils are in a lot more things than you might think.  Olive oil has been for a long time the best oil for you because even though it contains fat it is the monounsaturated or "good" fat.  Having lots of "good" fat in your diet instead of the saturated or "bad" fats, will help to keep you healthy and strong.  But now olive oil is having to step aside because of research being done in Eastern Montana that has led to the development of a new safflower oil that is even better for you.  Montola oil, pictured here, was developed by Montana State University researchers and is made and produced from safflower grown right here in Eastern Montana. 



Photograph of jugs and cartons of milk in a grocery store.Cattle are very popular animals because they provide us with meat, which is called beef, and also milk.  Milk contains necessary nutrients such as calcium and protein and it is used to make foods called dairy products like cheese, cottage cheese, butter, yogurt, and cream.  Some other foods that are made with dairy products are: almost all desserts like Photograph of colby jack cheese in a grocery store.cookies, cakes, chocolate, and ice cream, most hot dishes have either some milk or cheese in them along with some soups like tomato soup, bread has milk in it even though you can't see it like the milk in your cereal.  Probably most of the meat that you eat comes from cattle, too, like your hamburger and steaks.  Try this: for one day before you eat something think about whether it contains milk or meat from cattle.  You will more than likely be really surprised and might even loose track counting because there are so many foods that are made possible by cattle.   



Photograph of a wool sweater.Sheep are raised for their meat and for the foods and other products that can be made from their milk and wool.  Just like with cow's milk, such things like cheese and yogurt are made from sheep milk. Clothing is made from their wool, as well as ointment and hand creams from the oil in the wool.  Are you wearing anything that is made out of wool?  If so, then you're wearing a sheep!



Pigs are used mainly for their meat, especially in China were most of the pigs in the world are kept.  Meats that you've probably eaten which come from pigs are: ham, sausage, bacon, and pork chops.

Photograph of teardrop hams in a grocery store.Photograph of a package of polish sausage.



Chickens are raised by farmers for their eggs and later their meat.  Hens, which are female chickens, can produce between 250-300 eggs a year.  The eggs that we eat are gathered soon after the chickens lay them so there are no Photograph of a carton of eggs in a grocery chickens inside.  Eggs are used in a lot of baked goods like cookies, cakes, breads, and brownies, but when most people think of eggs they think of breakfast foods like omelets and scrambled eggs. 



What are underground and hothouse vegetables?

Underground vegetables are plants that we grow for the part that is beneath the soil.  Carrots, turnips, radishes, and parsnips are the "fat" roots of plants and these are called root vegetables.  Potatoes are the "swollen" part of the underground stem of a potato plant, which is known as tubers.  Onions, are in between, because it is the bulb underneath the plant that we eat. 

Underground vegetables:
Photograph of carrots and turnips. Photograph of onions and potatoes.
Carrots & Turnips Onions & Potatoes


Photograph of yellow, red and green peppers.Hothouse vegetables are vegetables that have to be grown in hot climates like peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, and zucchini.  A farmer grows them inside a special building with glass or clear plastic walls and by doing this they can even grow them year around. 

The peppers pictured at the right are called bell peppers and their are a total of 6 different types.  Can you name them all?

answer: yellow, red, green, orange, brown & purple



What are tree fruits, citrus fruits and tropical fruits?
Photograph of different kinds of apples on display in the produce department of a grocery store. Photograph of lemons and limes on display at a grocery store. Photograph of pineapples and bananas ready for sale at a grocery store.

Tree fruits

Citrus fruits

Tropical fruits


Tree fruits are simply fruits that grow on trees, and they can come in many different forms from crisp apples, soft and juicy peaches, or crunchy nuts.  In moderate climates, apples are the most widely grown fruit. 


Citrus fruits are different than tree fruits, because they have to be grown in tropical and subtropical climates.  Some citrus fruits are oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons and limes. 


Lastly, tropical fruits are only grown in climates that are hot and wet.  Bananas and pineapple are the two tropical fruits that you are probably the most familiar with, but kiwifruit, passion fruit, star fruit, mangos and papayas are also examples of tropical fruits. 


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