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Argonne National Laboratory Nuclear Engineering - Advances the design and operation of nuclear energy systems and applies nuclear energy related expertise to current and emerging programs of national and international significance [Department of Energy (DOE), Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)]

Argonne National Laboratory Reactor Analysis Division - Advances the design and operation of nuclear energy systems [Department of Energy (DOE), Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)]

DOE Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management - OCRWM develops and manages a federal system for disposing of spent nuclear fuel [Department of Energy (DOE)]

DOE R&D Accomplishments - Provides a searchable database about the outcomes of past DOE research and development which have had significant economic impact, have improved people's lives, or have been widely recognized as remarkable advances in science [Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)]

DOE R&D Highlights - Provides non-technical summary information about selected research conducted or sponsored by DOE and its National Laboratory infrastructure [Department of Energy (DOE)]

DOE R&D Project Summaries - Access summaries of ongoing or recently completed science and technology projects funded by the Department of Energy [Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)]

E-PRINT Network: Research Communication for Scientists and Engineers - A searchable gateway to over 19,650 Web sites and databases worldwide, containing e-prints in basic and applied sciences, primarily in physics and subjects of interest to DOE [Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)]

Energy Citations Database - Search bibliographic records for energy and energy-related scientific and technical information from the Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessor agencies from 1948 forward [Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)]

Energy Technology Data Exchange World Energy Base (ETDEWEB) - Provides the largest collection of energy research and technology literature in the world contributed by Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDE) member countries and international partners [Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)]

Energy Use and Conservation - National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) - NIST helps U.S. industry produce, distribute, and use energy in a reliable, fair, and efficient manner. [Department of Commerce (DOC), National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST)]

Environmental Measurements Laboratory Reports - EML makes many of its recent publications available through this website [Department of Homeland Security, Environmental Measurements Laboratory (EML)]

Environmental Measurements Laboratory Soil Sampling Program - Provide links to searchable information on DOE/EML's archived soil samples and sample measurements program since early 1950s to study global soil samples [Department of Homeland Security, Environmental Measurements Laboratory (EML)]

Environmental Measurements Laboratory Surface Air Sampling Program (SASP) - The Surface Air Sampling Program (SASP) database provides information on EML's archived air filter samples and sample measurements. The program was established in 1957 to track the global dispersion of radioactive debris resulting from atmospheric testin [Department of Homeland Security, Environmental Measurements Laboratory (EML)]

Federal R&D Project Summaries - Locate current research projects from a number of federal agencies [Department of Energy (DOE)]

Fusion NEWS - Fusion Energy Division (FED) conducts research in nearly all areas of magnetic fusion energy development: plasma production and heating, plasma fueling, magnetics, and plasma theory [Department of Energy (DOE), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)]

Idaho Cleanup Project - Involves the safe environmental cleanup of the Idaho National Laboratory and targets waste generated from munitions testing, laboratory research, defense reactors and missions at other DOE sites [Department of Energy (DOE), Idaho Cleanup Project (ICP)]

Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) Program - Advances research and technology including fusion target theory and design, target fabrication, target experiments, and laser and optical science and technology [Department of Energy (DOE), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)]

Information Bridge - Search full-text of Department of Energy sponsored research and development reports [Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)]

International Nuclear Safety Center (INSC) - Information on specific nuclear plants, material properties for safety and risk analyses, INSC project documentation, and project-specific reactor safety bibliographies [Department of Energy (DOE), Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)]

NRC: Byproduct Materials - Regulations, materials, and control measures for nuclear byproduct materials [Ad Hoc Organizations, Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)]

NRC: Full-Text Glossary - Nuclear Energy Glossary [Ad Hoc Organizations, Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)]

NRC: Special Nuclear Materials - Regulations, materials, and control measures for special nuclear material [Ad Hoc Organizations, Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)]

NRC: Uranium Recovery - Regulatory information for uranium recovery [Ad Hoc Organizations, Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)]

National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) - A semi-autonomous agency within the Department of Energy (DOE) responsible for enhancing national security through the military application of nuclear energy [Department of Energy (DOE), National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)]

New Brunswick Laboratory (NBL) - A center of excellence in the measurement science of nuclear materials [Department of Energy (DOE), New Brunswick Laboratory (NBL)]

Nuclear Energy Resources for Schools - Information for students at or below high school level on how nuclear reactors work, what makes certain materials radioactive, the importance of nuclear energy in the 21st century, and many other nuclear energy topics. [Department of Energy (DOE), Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)]

Nuclear Energy Science and Technology Public Information Center - Provides information to the public from The Department of Energy's Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology [Department of Energy (DOE)]

Nuclear Power - Provides information about nuclear power publications available for sale from the U.S. Government Bookstore [Government Printing Office]

Nuclear Science and Technology - Nuclear and complementary research and development [Department of Energy (DOE), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)]

Patents and Awards: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Listings of Patents and Awards [Department of Energy (DOE), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)]

Plasma Materials Test Facility (PMTF) - The user facility performs high heat flux (HHF) testing and analyses in support of DOE fusion power programs [Department of Energy (DOE), Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)]

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) - Develops the scientific understanding and the key innovations which will lead to an attractive fusion energy source [Department of Energy (DOE), Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPNL)]

The Isotopes Project - The Isotopes Project compiles, evaluates, and disseminates nuclear structure and radioactive decay data for basic and applied research using modern data systems and techniques [Department of Energy (DOE), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)]