Sandia TBird
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Executive Summary

Our objective is to be a preferred source for power sources, electrochemistry expertise, testing, and storage systems integration for government and industry by:
  • Applying state-of-the-art research, development, modeling, design, and engineering capabilities to meet our customers' expanding needs for reliable, high-performance, state-of-the-art power sources.
  • Developing specialized thermal batteries, lithium batteries, silver/zinc batteries, lead-acid, zinc/bromine, sodium/sulfur, nickel/cadmium batteries, RTG's, ultracapacitors, and special components
  • Being a leader in providing highly versatile, responsive, and impartial power source evaluation, analysis, abuse testing, and failure analysis.
  • Implementing state-of-the-art battery abuse tests to understand failure mechanisms and help our customers field safer electrochemical systems.
  • Leading Sandia's effort to integrate power sources with power electronics for energy storage systems.
  • >Cooperating with industry and universities to develop a comprehensive modeling effort for power source technology that includes engineering tools based on fundamental understanding of electrochemistry.
  • Contributing to strengthen Sandia's competency in fuel cell development.
Our goal is to be Sandia's center of excellence in power sources for DOE applications and to meet the needs of defense and commercial markets. We will achieve this goal by making a strong commitment to listening to our customers' needs; seeking out projects that use our unique skills related to customized, high performance power source system design; and fostering and maintaining a participatory atmosphere that encourages and supports staff creativity, communication, and growth.

By building on our past contributions to Sandia programs, we accept the challenge to continue to improve the way we do business by seeking ways of reducing time and the cost of doing business. We will focus our efforts on using our unique combination of skills in areas ranging from new materials development to production, to deliver customized power source designs, developing calculational capabilities that will lead to a new way of designing power sources, and continuing to provide high-quality, confidential, objective test and evaluation services to our customers.


The legacy of our contributions to power sources for weapon systems (DOE and DOD) provides a strong technology base and comprehensive facilities upon which we are enhancing our capabilities to work with all sectors. We have expanded our original role and are developing solutions to electric and hybrid electric vehicle applications as well as national electric energy problems. The scope of our activities spans fulfilling the demanding needs of batteries and other power sources for weapon systems, to contributing to the power source technology for the evolving MEMS (Micro-Electrical-Mechanical Systems) applications , to the ongoing improvements in energy storage being sought in electric utility and stationary applications business, to the broad arena of consumer power source needs.

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Contact: Aimee Sandoval with comments or questions. Last modified: March 7, 2008