ISSN: 1554-9089 WASDE - 467 February 10, 2009 WHEAT: U.S. wheat supply, use, and stocks projections for 2008/09 are unchanged this month. The season-average price received by producers is projected at $6.70 to $6.90 per bushel, up 20 cents on the bottom end of the range reflecting continued strength in reported farm prices. Global 2008/09 wheat production is nearly unchanged from last month at 682.8 million tons. Reductions for Argentina and EU-27 are nearly offset by increases for Russia, Ukraine, and Australia. Production is lowered 1.1 million tons for Argentina as drought affected yields have proven even lower than previously thought. EU-27 output is reduced 0.2 million tons on official government revisions for the United Kingdom and Hungary. Russia and Ukraine production are raised 0.7 million tons and 0.4 million tons, respectively, on the latest government indications. Production is raised 0.2 million tons for Australia on higher yields. Australia production is also raised 0.8 million tons for 2007/08 in line with upward government revisions to area and yields. World wheat imports for 2008/09 are nearly unchanged this month. Imports are lowered 1.0 million tons for Brazil and reduced 0.2 million tons each for Morocco, Nigeria, and Vietnam. Reductions of 0.1 million tons each are projected for Taiwan and Venezuela. Imports are raised 1.0 million tons for Iran, 0.3 million tons for Pakistan, 0.2 million tons each for Syria and Turkey, and 0.1 million tons for Israel. Import changes mostly reflect the pace of shipments to date and indications of purchasing by these countries. Exports are lowered 0.8 million tons for Argentina, 0.5 million tons for China, and 0.4 million tons for Brazil. These reductions are partly offset by increases of 0.5 million tons each for Turkey and Ukraine and 0.2 million tons each for India and Paraguay. World wheat consumption is lowered 1.5 million tons mostly reflecting lower expected food use in Argentina, Morocco, Nigeria, Venezuela, and Vietnam. The reduction in Argentina reflects lower available supplies with reduced production. Reductions for the other countries reflect lower expected imports. World wheat feed and residual use is down slightly this month with a 2.0-million-ton reduction for EU-27 mostly offset by increases of 0.7 million tons for Russia, 0.4 million tons each for Syria and Ukraine, 0.3 million tons for Canada, and 0.1 million tons for Israel. Increased barley feeding in EU-27 offsets the reduction in wheat. Higher wheat production in Russia and Ukraine is expected to increase handling and storage losses which are accounted for as higher feed and residual use. Global ending stocks are increased 1.6 million tons with increases for EU-27, Iran, Australia, China, and Pakistan partly offset by reductions for Turkey, Ukraine, Brazil, Canada, Syria, Argentina, and India. COARSE GRAINS: There are no changes this month to the U.S. corn balance sheet. Sorghum food, seed, and industrial use is projected 40 million bushels higher based on indications of increased sorghum use by ethanol plants in the Southern and Central Plains. Sorghum prices are well below those for corn in these areas and supplies are plentiful with this year=s slower export pace. Ethanol blender and producer margins have recently improved and weekly production of gasoline blends with ethanol has risen. Sorghum feed and residual use is lowered 10 million bushels leaving projected ending stocks down 30 million bushels. Barley food, seed, and industrial use is raised 10 million bushels on strong exports of barley malt. Barley feed and residual use is lowered an offsetting amount. The projected season-average farm price range for corn is narrowed 10 cents on each end to $3.65 to $4.15 per bushel. The price range for sorghum is narrowed 15 cents on each end to $3.05 to $3.35 per bushel. The oats farm price is raised 10 cents on each end of the range to $3.00 to $3.20 per bushel based on reported prices to date. Global coarse grain supplies for 2008/09 are lowered 0.9 million tons this month with reductions in corn production for South America and India only partly offset by increases for FSU-12 coarse grains, increases for Australia barley and sorghum, and higher barley beginning stocks in Australia based on revisions to 2007/08 production. World corn production for 2008/09 is lowered 4.6 million tons. Argentina production is lowered 3.0 million tons as continued drought and heat during late January further reduced prospects for yields and harvested area in key central growing areas. Brazil production is lowered 2.0 million tons reflecting a return to dryness in late January that limited soil moisture during grain fill in drought-affected southern growing areas. Corn production is also lowered 0.8 million tons in adjacent Paraguay which experienced similar weather problems this season. Corn production is lowered 0.5 million tons for India as lower yields more than offset an increase in harvested area. Production is lowered 0.2 million tons for Russia, but increased 1.4 million tons for Ukraine on the latest government indications. Other coarse grain production changes partly offset lower world corn output. Barley production is raised 0.6 million tons for Russia and 0.1 million tons for Ukraine on the latest government estimates. Oats production is raised 0.4 million tons for Russia and 0.2 million tons for Ukraine on the same indications. Australia barley production is raised 0.5 million tons mostly on higher harvested area and sorghum production is raised 0.4 million tons on higher expected yields. World coarse grain imports and exports for 2008/09 are both lowered this month mostly on lower projected corn trade. World corn imports are lowered 2.0 million tons with reductions for South Korea, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Chile, and Peru as feed use is projected lowered for most of these countries. Corn feeding is lowered 3.0 million tons for Brazil, 0.8 million tons for Argentina, and 0.2 million tons for India. Sorghum imports and feeding are raised 0.3 million tons for Mexico, partly offsetting reductions for corn. Globally, corn feeding is projected down 5.8 million tons this month. Increases in barley and oats feeding of 3.0 million tons and 0.6 million tons, respectively, are only partly offsetting. Despite the drop in world corn production this month, ending stocks for 2008/09 are projected 0.6 million tons higher on lower expected global consumption. RICE: No changes are made on the supply side of the U.S. 2008/09 rice supply and use balance. However, all rice exports for 2008/09 are lowered 3 million cwt to 98 million, all in the long-grain and combined milled-and-brown export categories. Domestic and residual use is unchanged. The decline in use resulted in an increase in ending stocks to 26.2 million cwt, up 13 percent from last month. The all rice season-average farm price for 2008/09 is forecast at $16.00 to $17.00 per cwt, down 50 cents per cwt on both ends of the range from a month ago. The long-grain season-average farm price range is projected at $15.00 to $16.00 per cwt, down 50 cents per cwt on each end of the range. The combined medium- and short-grain farm price range is projected at $20.50 to $21.50 per cwt, down $1.00 per cwt on each end. The downward adjustment in prices is due both to weak demand for U.S. rice (particularly for long-grain) and large changes to the monthly farm prices reported by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) in the January issue of Agricultural Prices. Global 2008/09 rice production and ending stocks are raised from a month ago, while consumption and trade are lowered. The increase in global production is due to a number of small upward adjustments including EU-27, the Philippines, Russia, and Nicaragua, which are partially offset by a slight reduction for Thailand. World exports are lowered because of reductions for India, Thailand, and the United States, which are partially offset by an increase for Burma. Import projections for 2008/09 are lowered for EU-27 and the Philippines which are partially offset by increases for Liberia, Syria, and Malaysia. Global ending stocks are raised from a month ago with increases made to a number of countries including India, Thailand, and the United States. World rice ending stocks for 2008/09 are projected at 84.6 million tons, up nearly 2 million tons from last month, and 5.6 million above 2007/08. OILSEEDS: Projected U.S. soybean ending stocks for 2008/09 are reduced to 210 million bushels, down 15 million from last month as increased exports more than offset lower crush. Soybean exports are raised 50 million bushels to 1.150 billion as export shipments continue to exceed earlier projections, primarily for China. Soybean crush is reduced 35 million bushels to 1.650 billion reflecting a continuation of the weak domestic soybean meal disappearance that began during the summer of 2008. Soybean oil stocks are projected higher this month as reduced production is more than offset by lower use. Domestic soybean oil disappearance is reduced mainly due to lower projected use for biodiesel production. The soybean oil export projection is also reduced this month reflecting weak sales and shipments through the first 4 months of the marketing year. The U.S. season-average soybean price range for 2008/09 is projected at $8.75 to $9.75 per bushel, up 25 cents on both ends of the range. The soybean meal price is projected at $265 to $305 per short ton compared with $250 to $310 last month. The soybean oil price is projected at 31 to 34 cents per pound, down 1.0 cents on both ends of the range. Global oilseed production for 2008/09 is projected at 408 million tons, down 8.3 million tons from last month. Lower soybean and sunflowerseed production more than offsets increases for rapeseed and peanuts. Global soybean production is reduced 9.1 million tons to 224.1 million tons. The reduction is due to South American crops which have been affected by hot, dry weather during critical parts of the growing season. Soybean production for Argentina is projected at 43.8 million tons, down 5.7 million from last month as drought conditions and heat in the central growing area has resulted in lower projected harvested area and yields. Soybean production for Brazil is projected at 57 million tons, down 2 million due to dry conditions especially in the southern producing areas. Paraguay soybean production is reduced to 4 million tons, down 1.6 million, also due to hot, dry weather. Global sunflowerseed production is projected lower due to reductions for Argentina and EU-27. Global rapeseed production is raised this month due to larger projected crops for India and Ukraine. Other changes include higher peanut production for India, and higher sunflowerseed production for Ukraine. Global oilseed stocks are projected at 61.6 million tons, down 3.8 million tons. Most of the decline is due to lower soybean stocks in the U.S., Brazil, and Argentina. SUGAR: Projected 2008/09 U.S. sugar supply is decreased 46,000 short tons, raw value, from last month, due to reduced production more than offsetting increased imports and revised higher beginning stocks. Reduced forecast sugarcane production in Florida lowers cane sugar production 85,000 tons while information from mills in Louisiana and Texas provides a partial offset. Imports are increased 35,000 tons, due to higher imports from Mexico and Peru more than offsetting lower imports from Canada. Exports are reduced 40,000 tons based on the slow pace to date. Sugar use is unchanged. LIVESTOCK, POULTRY, AND DAIRY: Total U.S. meat production for 2009 is forecast lower this month based on reductions of both red meats and poultry. The January 30 Cattle report estimated lower cattle inventories, including the lowest beef cow inventory since 1963, lower retained heifers, and a smaller 2008 calf crop. Although the number of cattle outside feedlots is slightly higher than last year, the base is lower, reflecting downward revisions in historical inventories and calf crops. As a result, fewer numbers of cattle are forecast to be placed on feed leading to lower beef production in 2009. There is a slight offset due to a higher cow slaughter forecast, reflecting dairy herd reductions in the latter part of the year. Pork production is forecast lower than last month as the pace of hog slaughter during the first quarter has been slower than expected. Broiler production forecasts are lowered as hatchery data point to continued reductions in eggs set and chicks placed. Turkey producers are also reducing hatchery flocks at a more rapid pace than previously expected. Egg production is forecast higher as producers respond to recent high prices. Export forecasts are reduced for most major species meats. Economic uncertainty continues to weigh on foreign demand, and exports to most major markets are expected to remain relatively weak. Cattle and hog price forecasts are reduced, reflecting weakness in red meat demand which more than offsets the price-supporting effects of tighter animal supplies. Broiler and turkey price forecasts are unchanged from last month as the forecast production declines are expected to largely offset weakness in demand. Milk production forecasts for 2009 are lowered from last month. The January 30 Cattle report estimated that dairy cow inventories on January 1, 2009, were almost 1 percent above a year earlier and only fractionally fewer heifers were being retained for addition to dairy herds. Assuming no significant herd reductions in the first part of the year, producer returns are expected to be heavily pressured resulting in a relatively sharp reduction in inventories during the latter part of the year. Output per cow is unchanged from last month. Both domestic and export demand is forecast to remain weak due to economic uncertainty. Commercial export forecasts for 2009 are reduced from last month as weak international demand and expected competition from recently announced subsidized EU-27 exports limit opportunities for commercial exports. Conversely, lower international prices are expected to result in slightly higher U.S. imports of dairy products, primarily cheese. Fat basis ending stocks are forecast lower as supplies tighten later in the year on lower milk production, but skim-solids stocks are raised as exports of nonfat dry milk (NDM) are limited and supplies burden the market. Sales of butter and NDM to the CCC are forecast higher. Milk and dairy product price estimates for 2009 are reduced as first-half product prices are expected to be pressured by the confluence of weak demand and burdensome supplies. As milk production is reduced, especially in the latter part of the year, tighter milk supplies are expected to help lift second half prices from their midyear lows. However, weaker forecast exports and continued weakness in domestic demand keep prices later in the year lower than forecast last month. As a result, the annual average product and Class prices are forecast below last month. The all milk price is also forecast lower, $10.95 to $11.65 per cwt in 2009. Estimates for 2008 have been revised to reflect actual data. Milk production estimates are raised slightly based on December milk production. Based on trade data to date, exports are estimated lower than last month and imports, primarily on a fat basis, are forecast higher. Ending stocks are adjusted to reflect December data and revisions to NDM stocks. COTTON: The 2008/09 U.S. supply and demand cotton estimates include sharply lower domestic mill use and exports compared with last month, raising ending stocks nearly 12 percent to 7.7 million bales. The cotton production estimate is unchanged. Domestic mill use is reduced 7 percent to 3.9 million bales based on recent activity. U.S. exports are reduced 500,000 bales to 11.5 million, due to lower projected foreign imports, especially by China. The forecast for the average market price received by producers of 47 to 54 cents per pound is raised 3 cents on the lower end and 2 cents on the upper end of the range, reflecting higher than anticipated prices to date. The 2008/09 world cotton supply and demand estimates show marginally lower production, and sharply lower consumption and trade relative to last month. Production is reduced in Pakistan, Argentina, and Mexico. Consumption is cut more than 2 percent from last month’s estimate as the world economy continues to perform below previous expectations, resulting in a buildup of textile inventories and idling of spinning capacity. Consumption is reduced in China, Turkey, the United States, Pakistan, Russia, India, Indonesia, and other countries, but is raised in Thailand. If realized, the forecast year-to-year decline of 8.2 percent would be the largest since 1937/38. With lower consumption, world stocks are raised nearly 4 percent from last month to 61.7 million bales. World trade in 2008/09 is lowered nearly 6 percent from last month due to lower projected imports by China and others. The reduction of 1.0 million bales in China’s imports is indicated by lower consumption and the potential availability of surplus stocks from the government’s reserve. Exports are reduced for most of the world’s major suppliers, especially the Central Asian countries, India, and the United States. Export market share for Central Asia and India is expected to decline in 2008/09 due to offering prices that are above world market-clearing levels. Approved by the Secretary of Agriculture and the Chairperson of the World Agricultural Outlook Board, Gerald A. Bange, (202) 720-6030. This report was prepared by the Interagency Commodity Estimates Committees. APPROVED BY: JOSEPH W. GLAUBER ACTING SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE WASDE-467-8 World and U.S. Supply and Use for Grains 1/ Million Metric Tons =============================================================================== : : Total : : Total : Ending Commodity : Output : Supply : Trade 2/ : Use : Stocks =============================================================================== : : World Total grains 3/ : 2006/07 : 2,005.22 2,393.62 260.28 2,052.64 340.98 2007/08 (Est.) : 2,121.64 2,462.62 272.02 2,106.50 356.12 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 2,224.36 2,578.58 258.46 2,169.12 409.46 February : 2,222.60 2,578.73 255.17 2,165.39 413.34 Wheat : 2006/07 : 596.10 743.56 111.58 616.58 126.98 2007/08 (Est.) : 610.99 737.97 116.58 618.38 119.59 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 682.86 802.24 123.88 653.87 148.36 February : 682.78 802.37 123.48 652.41 149.96 Coarse grains 4/ : 2006/07 : 988.47 1,153.73 117.36 1,015.12 138.61 2007/08 (Est.) : 1,078.78 1,217.39 124.49 1,059.84 157.55 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 1,102.41 1,258.58 104.82 1,080.13 178.44 February : 1,100.08 1,257.64 102.72 1,078.86 178.77 Rice, milled : 2006/07 : 420.65 496.33 31.34 420.94 75.39 2007/08 (Est.) : 431.87 507.25 30.94 428.27 78.98 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 439.08 517.77 29.77 435.11 82.66 February : 439.74 518.72 28.97 434.12 84.60 : : United States Total grains 3/ : 2006/07 : 335.48 413.69 85.99 277.84 49.85 2007/08 (Est.) : 412.03 469.21 107.73 307.15 54.32 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 400.63 461.63 78.69 313.79 69.15 February : 400.63 461.58 78.59 314.50 68.49 Wheat : 2006/07 : 49.22 68.08 24.73 30.94 12.41 2007/08 (Est.) : 55.82 71.30 34.40 28.57 8.32 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 68.03 79.34 27.22 34.29 17.84 February : 68.03 79.34 27.22 34.29 17.84 Coarse grains 4/ : 2006/07 : 280.00 337.32 58.34 242.80 36.17 2007/08 (Est.) : 349.86 389.54 69.88 274.60 45.06 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 326.09 374.25 48.24 275.44 50.57 February : 326.09 374.21 48.24 276.15 49.81 Rice, milled : 2006/07 : 6.27 8.29 2.92 4.10 1.27 2007/08 (Est.) : 6.34 8.37 3.45 3.98 0.94 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 6.52 8.03 3.23 4.06 0.74 February : 6.52 8.03 3.13 4.06 0.84 =============================================================================== 1/ Aggregate of local marketing years. 2/ Based on export estimate. See individual commodity tables for treatment of export/import imbalances. 3/ Wheat, coarse grains and milled rice. 4/ Corn, sorghum, barley, oats, rye, millet and mixed grains (for U.S. excludes millet and mixed grains). WASDE-467-9 World and U.S. Supply and Use for Grains, Continued 1/ Million Metric Tons =============================================================================== : : Total : : Total : Ending Commodity : Output : Supply : Trade 2/ : Use : Stocks =============================================================================== : : Foreign 3/ Total grains 4/ : 2006/07 : 1,669.74 1,979.93 174.29 1,774.80 291.13 2007/08 (Est.) : 1,709.61 1,993.42 164.29 1,799.35 301.80 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 1,823.73 2,116.95 179.77 1,855.33 340.31 February : 1,821.97 2,117.15 176.57 1,850.89 344.85 Wheat : 2006/07 : 546.88 675.49 86.85 585.64 114.57 2007/08 (Est.) : 555.17 666.67 82.18 589.81 111.27 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 614.84 722.89 96.67 619.58 130.53 February : 614.75 723.03 96.27 618.12 132.13 Coarse grains 5/ : 2006/07 : 708.47 816.41 59.02 772.32 102.44 2007/08 (Est.) : 728.92 827.86 54.62 785.24 112.49 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 776.32 884.32 56.58 804.70 127.87 February : 774.00 883.43 54.48 802.71 128.96 Rice, milled : 2006/07 : 414.38 488.04 28.42 416.84 74.12 2007/08 (Est.) : 425.52 498.89 27.49 424.30 78.04 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 432.57 509.74 26.54 431.05 81.92 February : 433.22 510.69 25.84 430.06 83.76 =============================================================================== 1/ Aggregate of local marketing years. 2/ Based on export estimate. See individual commodity tables for treatment of export/import imbalances. 3/ Total foreign is equal to world minus United States. 4/ Wheat, coarse grains and milled rice. 5/ Corn, sorghum, barley, oats, rye, millet and mixed grains. World and U.S. Supply and Use for Cotton 1/ Million 480-lb. bales =============================================================================== : : Total : : Total : Ending Commodity : Output : Supply : Trade 2/ : Use : Stocks =============================================================================== : : World 2006/07 : 121.99 184.20 37.10 123.43 62.80 2007/08 (Est.) : 120.54 183.33 38.42 122.65 62.35 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 109.84 172.15 31.07 115.24 59.40 February : 109.51 171.86 29.33 112.63 61.71 : United States 2006/07 : 21.59 27.68 13.01 4.94 9.48 2007/08 (Est.) : 19.21 28.70 13.65 4.61 10.04 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 13.04 23.09 12.00 4.20 6.90 February : 13.04 23.09 11.50 3.90 7.70 : Foreign 3/ 2006/07 : 100.40 156.53 24.09 118.50 53.32 2007/08 (Est.) : 101.33 154.63 24.77 118.05 52.30 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 96.80 149.06 19.07 111.04 52.50 February : 96.47 148.77 17.83 108.73 54.01 =============================================================================== 1/ Marketing year beginning August 1. 2/ Based on export estimate. 3/ Total Foreign is equal to world minus United States. See global cotton tables for treatment of export/import imbalances. WASDE-467-10 World and U.S. Supply and Use for Oilseeds 1/ (Million Metric Tons) =============================================================================== : : Total : : Total : Ending Commodity : Output : Supply : Trade : Use 2/ : Stocks =============================================================================== : : World Oilseeds : 2006/07 : 404.46 469.17 83.61 328.63 73.24 2007/08 (Est.) : 391.53 464.77 92.49 338.90 61.94 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 416.30 477.81 92.53 345.56 65.39 February : 408.02 469.96 90.68 342.21 61.58 Oilmeals : 2006/07 : 224.50 232.42 68.35 222.93 7.72 2007/08 (Est.) : 231.16 238.88 71.40 230.03 7.37 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 234.78 242.15 72.01 234.16 7.07 February : 231.82 239.19 70.57 231.63 6.63 Vegetable Oils : 2006/07 : 121.33 131.97 48.30 121.43 9.89 2007/08 (Est.) : 128.07 137.95 51.88 125.83 9.77 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 133.49 143.24 53.17 130.66 10.67 February : 133.01 142.77 52.46 130.70 10.35 : : United States Oilseeds : 2006/07 : 96.84 112.08 31.65 53.48 17.02 2007/08 (Est.) : 82.45 100.74 33.11 53.43 6.91 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 89.10 97.23 31.12 50.04 7.70 February : 89.10 97.29 32.42 49.20 7.31 Oilmeals : 2006/07 : 41.51 43.57 8.26 34.92 0.39 2007/08 (Est.) : 40.86 43.24 8.76 34.14 0.33 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 38.58 41.07 7.95 32.79 0.33 February : 37.87 40.36 7.95 32.08 0.33 Vegetable Oils : 2006/07 : 10.41 14.75 1.33 11.66 1.75 2007/08 (Est.) : 10.52 15.38 1.68 12.21 1.49 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 9.88 14.73 1.09 12.34 1.30 February : 9.74 14.58 0.98 12.25 1.35 : : Foreign 3/ Oilseeds : 2006/07 : 307.62 357.10 51.96 275.15 56.21 2007/08 (Est.) : 309.08 364.02 59.37 285.47 55.03 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 327.20 380.58 61.41 295.53 57.69 February : 318.92 372.66 58.26 293.02 54.28 Oilmeals : 2006/07 : 182.99 188.85 60.08 188.01 7.33 2007/08 (Est.) : 190.30 195.65 62.64 195.89 7.04 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 196.20 201.08 64.05 201.37 6.74 February : 193.94 198.82 62.62 199.55 6.30 Vegetable Oils : 2006/07 : 110.92 117.22 46.97 109.76 8.13 2007/08 (Est.) : 117.55 122.58 50.20 113.62 8.28 2008/09 (Proj.) : January : 123.60 128.51 52.08 118.32 9.37 February : 123.27 128.19 51.48 118.45 9.00 =============================================================================== 1/ Aggregate of local marketing years with Brazil and Argentina on an Oct.-Sept. year. 2/ Crush only for oilseeds. 3/ Total foreign is equal to world minus United States. WASDE-467-11 U.S. Wheat Supply and Use 1/ =============================================================================== : : : 2008/09 Projections Item : 2006/07 : 2007/08 :============================== : : Est. : January February =============================================================================== Area : Million acres Planted : 57.3 60.5 63.1 63.1 Harvested : 46.8 51.0 55.7 55.7 Yield per harvested : Bushels acre : 38.6 40.2 44.9 44.9 : Million bushels Beginning stocks : 571 456 306 306 Production : 1,808 2,051 2,500 2,500 Imports : 122 113 110 110 Supply, total : 2,501 2,620 2,915 2,915 Food : 938 947 950 950 Seed : 82 88 80 80 Feed and residual : 117 15 230 230 Domestic, total : 1,137 1,050 1,260 1,260 Exports : 908 1,264 1,000 1,000 Use, total : 2,045 2,314 2,260 2,260 Ending stocks : 456 306 655 655 CCC inventory : 41 0 0 0 Free stocks : 415 306 655 655 Outstanding loans : 14 1 10 10 Avg. farm price ($/bu) 2/ : 4.26 6.48 6.50- 6.90 6.70- 6.90 =============================================================================== U.S. Wheat by Class: Supply and Use =============================================================================== Year beginning : Hard : Hard : Soft : : : June 1 : Winter : Spring : Red : White : Durum : Total =============================================================================== 2007/08 (estimated) : Million bushels Beginning stocks : 165 117 109 44 21 456 Production : 956 450 352 221 72 2,051 Supply, total 3/ : 1,121 615 475 275 134 2,620 Domestic use : 446 242 211 68 84 1,050 Exports : 538 305 209 170 42 1,264 Use, total : 984 547 420 238 126 2,314 Ending stocks, total : 138 68 55 37 8 306 : 2008/09 (projected) : Beginning stocks : 138 68 55 37 8 306 Production : 1,035 512 614 254 85 2,500 Supply, total 3/ : 1,174 620 694 300 128 2,915 Domestic use : 466 250 351 106 87 1,260 Exports : 460 210 190 120 20 1,000 Use, total : 926 460 541 226 107 2,260 Ending stocks, total : February : 248 160 153 74 21 655 January : 248 160 153 74 21 655 =============================================================================== Note: Totals may not add due to rounding. 1/ Marketing year beginning June 1. 2/ Marketing-year weighted average price received by farmers. 3/ Includes imports. WASDE-467-12 U.S. Feed Grain and Corn Supply and Use 1/ =============================================================================== : : : 2008/09 Projections Item : 2006/07 : 2007/08 :============================== : : Est. : January February =============================================================================== FEED GRAINS : Area : Million acres Planted : 92.5 109.0 101.7 101.7 Harvested : 80.1 98.3 91.1 91.1 Yield per harvested : Metric tons acre : 3.49 3.56 3.58 3.58 : Million metric tons Beginning stocks : 54.7 36.2 45.1 45.1 Production : 279.8 349.7 325.9 325.9 Imports : 2.4 3.3 2.9 2.9 Supply, total : 337.0 389.2 373.9 373.9 Feed and residual : 148.1 157.8 144.3 143.8 Food, seed & industrial : 94.4 116.5 130.8 132.1 Domestic, total : 242.5 274.3 275.1 275.8 Exports : 58.3 69.9 48.2 48.2 Use, total : 300.8 344.1 323.3 324.1 Ending stocks, total : 36.2 45.1 50.6 49.8 CCC inventory : 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Free stocks : 36.2 45.1 50.6 49.8 Outstanding loans : 3.0 2.7 5.1 5.1 : CORN : Area : Million acres Planted : 78.3 93.5 86.0 86.0 Harvested : 70.6 86.5 78.6 78.6 Yield per harvested : Bushels acre : 149.1 150.7 153.9 153.9 : Million bushels Beginning stocks : 1,967 1,304 1,624 1,624 Production : 10,531 13,038 12,101 12,101 Imports : 12 20 15 15 Supply, total : 12,510 14,362 13,740 13,740 Feed and residual : 5,591 5,938 5,300 5,300 Food, seed & industrial : 3,490 4,363 4,900 4,900 Ethanol for fuel 2/ : 2,119 3,026 3,600 3,600 Domestic, total : 9,081 10,302 10,200 10,200 Exports : 2,125 2,436 1,750 1,750 Use, total : 11,207 12,737 11,950 11,950 Ending stocks, total : 1,304 1,624 1,790 1,790 CCC inventory : 0 0 0 0 Free stocks : 1,304 1,624 1,790 1,790 Outstanding loans : 116 106 200 200 Avg. farm price ($/bu) 3/ : 3.04 4.20 3.55- 4.25 3.65- 4.15 =============================================================================== Note: Totals may not add due to rounding. 1/ Marketing year beginning September 1 for corn and sorghum; June 1 for barley and oats. 2/ For a further breakout of FSI corn uses including ethanol, see the ERS Feed Outlook table 5, or Feed Grains Database at "" 3/ Marketing-year weighted average price received by farmers. WASDE-467-13 U.S. Sorghum, Barley and Oats Supply and Use 1/ =============================================================================== : : : 2008/09 Projections Item : 2006/07 : 2007/08 :============================== : : Est. : January February =============================================================================== : Million bushels SORGHUM : Area planted (mil. acres) : 6.5 7.7 8.3 8.3 Area harv. (mil. acres) : 4.9 6.8 7.3 7.3 Yield (bushels/acre) : 56.1 73.2 65.0 65.0 Beginning stocks : 66 32 53 53 Production : 277 497 472 472 Imports : 0 0 0 0 Supply, total : 343 530 525 525 Feed and residual : 113 164 230 220 Food, seed & industrial : 45 35 70 110 Total domestic : 158 199 300 330 Exports : 153 278 130 130 Use, total : 311 477 430 460 Ending stocks, total : 32 53 95 65 Avg. farm price ($/bu) 2/ : 3.29 4.08 2.90- 3.50 3.05- 3.35 : BARLEY : Area planted (mil. acres) : 3.5 4.0 4.2 4.2 Area harv. (mil. acres) : 3.0 3.5 3.8 3.8 Yield (bushels/acre) : 61.1 60.0 63.6 63.6 Beginning stocks : 108 69 68 68 Production : 180 210 239 239 Imports : 12 32 30 30 Supply, total : 300 311 338 338 Feed and residual : 49 32 80 70 Food, seed & industrial : 162 169 160 170 Total domestic : 211 201 240 240 Exports : 20 41 20 20 Use, total : 231 242 260 260 Ending stocks, total : 69 68 78 78 Avg. farm price ($/bu) 2/ : 2.85 4.02 4.95- 5.35 4.95- 5.35 : OATS : Area planted (mil. acres) : 4.2 3.8 3.2 3.2 Area harv. (mil. acres) : 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.4 Yield (bushels/acre) : 59.8 60.1 63.5 63.5 Beginning stocks : 53 51 67 67 Production : 94 90 89 89 Imports : 106 123 110 110 Supply, total : 252 264 265 265 Feed and residual : 125 120 120 120 Food, seed & industrial : 74 74 75 75 Total domestic : 199 195 195 195 Exports : 3 3 3 3 Use, total : 202 198 198 198 Ending stocks, total : 51 67 67 67 Avg. farm price ($/bu) 2/ : 1.87 2.63 2.90- 3.10 3.00- 3.20 =============================================================================== Note: Totals may not add due to rounding. 1/ Marketing year beginning September 1 for sorghum, June 1 for barley and oats. 2/ Marketing-year weighted average price received by farmers. WASDE-467-14 U.S. Rice Supply and Use 1/ (Rough Equivalent of Rough and Milled Rice) =============================================================================== : : : 2008/09 Projections Item : 2006/07 : 2007/08 :============================== : : Est. : January February =============================================================================== TOTAL : Area : Million acres Planted : 2.84 2.76 3.00 3.00 Harvested : 2.82 2.75 2.98 2.98 Yield per harvested : Pounds acre : 6,898 7,219 6,846 6,846 : : Million hundredweight Beginning stocks 2/ : 43.0 39.3 29.4 29.4 Production : 194.6 198.4 203.7 203.7 Imports : 20.6 23.9 18.0 18.0 Supply, total : 258.2 261.6 251.2 251.2 Domestic & residual 3/ : 128.1 124.2 127.0 127.0 Exports, total 4/ : 90.8 107.9 101.0 98.0 Rough : 32.1 40.2 38.0 38.0 Milled (rough equiv.) : 58.7 67.8 63.0 60.0 Use, total : 218.8 232.2 228.0 225.0 Ending stocks : 39.3 29.4 23.2 26.2 Avg. milling yield (%) 5/ : 71.0 70.5 70.5 70.5 Avg. farm price ($/cwt) 6/ : 9.96 12.80 16.50-17.50 16.00-17.00 : LONG GRAIN : Harvested acres (mil.) : 2.19 2.05 2.35 2.35 Yield (pounds/acre) : 6,727 6,980 6,522 6,522 Beginning stocks : 32.7 28.5 19.0 19.0 Production : 147.1 143.2 153.3 153.3 Supply, total 7/ : 194.0 189.4 187.3 187.3 Domestic & Residual 3/ : 93.4 88.5 95.0 95.0 Exports 8/ : 72.0 81.9 77.0 74.0 Use, total : 165.4 170.4 172.0 169.0 Ending stocks : 28.5 19.0 15.3 18.3 Avg. farm price ($/cwt) 6/ : 9.47 12.40 15.50-16.50 15.00-16.00 : MEDIUM & SHORT GRAIN : Harvested acres (mil.) : 0.64 0.70 0.63 0.63 Yield (pounds/acre) : 7,484 7,924 8,063 8,063 Beginning stocks : 9.4 10.0 9.1 9.1 Production : 47.5 55.2 50.5 50.5 Supply, total 7/ : 63.4 70.8 62.6 62.6 Domestic & Residual 3/ : 34.6 35.7 32.0 32.0 Exports 8/ : 18.8 26.1 24.0 24.0 Use, total : 53.4 61.8 56.0 56.0 Ending stocks : 10.0 9.1 6.6 6.6 Avg. farm price ($/cwt) 6/ : 12.10 14.60 21.50-22.50 20.50-21.50 =============================================================================== Note: Totals may not add due to rounding. 1/ Marketing year beginning August 1. 2/ Includes the following quantities of broken kernel rice (type undetermined) not included in estimates of beginning stocks by type (in mil. cwt): 2006/07-0.9; 2007/08-0.8; 2008/09-1.3. 3/ Residual includes unreported use, processing losses, and estimating errors. Use by type may not add to total rice use because of the difference in brokens between beginning and ending stocks. 4/ Includes rough rice and milled rice exports. Milled rice exports are converted to an equivalent rough basis. 5/ Expressed as a percent, i.e., the total quantity of whole kernel and broken rice produced divided by the quantity of rough rice milled. 6/ Marketing-year weighted average price received by farmers. 7/ Includes imports. 8/ Exports by type of rice are estimated. WASDE-467-15 U.S. Soybeans and Products Supply and Use (Domestic Measure) 1/ =============================================================================== : : : 2008/09 Projections Item : 2006/07 : 2007/08 :=============================== : : Est. : January February =============================================================================== SOYBEANS: : Million acres Area : Planted : 75.5 64.7 75.7 75.7 Harvested : 74.6 64.1 74.6 74.6 : : Bushels Yield per harvested : acre : 42.9 41.7 39.6 39.6 : : Million bushels : Beginning stocks : 449 574 205 205 Production : 3,197 2,677 2,959 2,959 Imports : 9 10 9 9 Supply, total : 3,655 3,261 3,173 3,173 Crushings : 1,808 1,801 1,685 1,650 Exports : 1,116 1,161 1,100 1,150 Seed : 80 93 90 90 Residual : 77 0 73 73 Use, total : 3,081 3,056 2,948 2,963 Ending stocks : 574 205 225 210 Avg. farm price ($/bu) 2/ : 6.43 10.10 8.50- 9.50 8.75 - 9.75 : : : Million pounds SOYBEAN OIL: : Beginning stocks : 3,010 3,085 2,483 2,483 Production : 20,489 20,568 19,210 18,810 Imports : 37 65 50 50 Supply, total : 23,536 23,718 21,743 21,343 Domestic : 18,575 18,327 17,850 17,600 For methyl ester : 2,762 2,981 3,100 2,900 Exports : 1,877 2,908 1,750 1,500 Use, total : 20,451 21,235 19,600 19,100 Ending stocks : 3,085 2,483 2,143 2,243 Average price (c/lb) 2/ : 31.02 52.03 32.00- 31.00- : 35.00 34.00 : : Thousand short tons SOYBEAN MEAL: : Beginning stocks : 314 346 294 294 Production : 43,054 42,242 39,841 38,991 Imports : 156 141 165 165 Supply, total : 43,524 42,729 40,300 39,450 Domestic : 34,374 33,155 31,600 30,750 Exports : 8,804 9,280 8,400 8,400 Use, total : 43,178 42,435 40,000 39,150 Ending stocks : 346 294 300 300 Average price ($/s.t.) 2/ : 205.44 335.94 250.00- 265.00- : 310.00 305.00 =============================================================================== Note: Reliability calculations at end of report. 1/ Marketing year beginning September 1 for soybeans; October 1 for soybean oil and meal. 2/ Prices: Soybeans, marketing year weighted average price received by farmers; for Oil, simple average of crude soybean oil, Decatur; for Meal, simple average of 48 percent, Decatur. WASDE-467-16 U.S. Sugar Supply and Use 1/ ====================================================================== : : : 2008/09 Projection Item : 2006/07 : 2007/08 :====================== : : Est. : January February ====================================================================== : 1,000 short tons, raw value : Beginning stocks : 1,698 1,799 1,656 1,660 Production : 8,446 8,152 7,800 7,715 Beet sugar : 5,008 4,721 4,225 4,225 Cane sugar : 3,438 3,431 3,575 3,490 Florida : 1,719 1,645 1,766 1,670 Hawaii : 222 182 225 225 Louisiana : 1,320 1,446 1,400 1,425 Texas : 177 158 184 170 Imports : 2,080 2,620 2,496 2,531 TRQ 2/ : 1,624 1,354 1,511 1,496 Other program 3/ : 390 565 345 345 Other 4/ : 66 701 640 690 Mexico : 60 694 630 680 Total supply : 12,224 12,571 11,952 11,906 : Exports : 422 203 170 130 Deliveries : 10,135 10,773 10,710 10,710 Food : 9,913 10,571 10,500 10,500 Other 5/ : 222 202 210 210 Miscellaneous 6/ : -132 -65 0 0 Total use : 10,425 10,911 10,880 10,840 Ending stocks : 1,799 1,660 1,072 1,066 : Stocks to use ratio : 17.3 15.2 9.9 9.8 ====================================================================== 1/ Fiscal years beginning Oct 1. Historical data are from "Sweetener Market Data" (SMD) except imports (U.S. Customs Service, Census Bureau). 2/ For 2008/09, includes tariff rate quota shortfall of 130,000 tons. 3/ Includes sugar under the re-export and polyhydric alcohol programs. 4/ Does not include Mexico TRQ imports. For 2006/07, other high-tier (0) and other (6). For 2007/08, other high-tier (7) and other (0). For 2008/09, other high-tier (10) and other (0). 5/ Transfers to sugar-containing products for reexport, and for nonedible alcohol and feed. 6/ Includes SMD miscellaneous uses and the difference between SMD imports and WASDE imports. Mexico Sugar Supply and Use 1/ ========================================================================== : Supply : Use : Fiscal :====================================================: Ending year : Beginning : Production: Imports : Domestic: Exports: stocks : stocks : : : : : ========================================================================== 1,000 metric tons, raw value Sugar 2007/08 est. Jan 1,718 5,852 226 5,731 677 1,388 Feb 1,718 5,852 226 5,731 677 1,388 2008/09 proj. Jan 1,388 5,850 150 5,780 575 1,033` Feb 1,388 5,850 115 5,780 620 953 ========================================================================== 1/ U.S. HFCS exports to Mexico (metric tons, dry-weight basis): Oct-Sep 2007/08 = 427,705; Oct-Nov 2007 = 57,825; Oct-Nov 2008 = 53,366. Footnote source: U.S. Census Bureau. WASDE-467-17 U. S. Cotton Supply and Use 1/ =============================================================================== : : : 2008/09 Projections Item : 2006/07 : 2007/08 :=============================== : : Est. : January February =============================================================================== : Million acres Area : Planted : 15.27 10.83 9.47 9.47 Harvested : 12.73 10.49 7.73 7.73 : : Pounds Yield per harvested : acre : 814 879 810 810 : : Million 480 pound bales : Beginning stocks 2/ : 6.07 9.48 10.04 10.04 Production : 21.59 19.21 13.04 13.04 Imports : 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 Supply, total : 27.68 28.70 23.09 23.09 Domestic use : 4.94 4.61 4.20 3.90 Exports : 13.01 13.65 12.00 11.50 Use, total : 17.95 18.26 16.20 15.40 Unaccounted 3/ : 0.25 0.39 -0.01 -0.01 Ending stocks : 9.48 10.04 6.90 7.70 : Avg. farm price 4/ : 46.5 59.3 44.0-52.0 47.0-54.0 =============================================================================== Note: Reliability calculations at end of report. 1/ Upland and extra-long staple; marketing year beginning August 1. Totals may not add due to rounding. 2/ Based on Bureau of Census data. 3/ Reflects the difference between the previous season's supply less total use and ending stocks based on Bureau of Census data. 4/ Cents per pound for upland cotton. =============================================================================== WASDE-467-18 World Wheat Supply and Use 1/ (Million Metric Tons) =============================================================================== : Supply : Use : :=========================:=======================:Ending Region : : : : Domestic 2/ : :stocks :Beginning:Produc-: :===============: : : stocks : tion :Imports: Feed : Total :Exports: =============================================================================== : : 2006/07 : World 3/ : 147.46 596.10 114.02 106.16 616.58 111.58 126.98 United States : 15.55 49.22 3.32 3.19 30.94 24.73 12.41 Total foreign : 131.92 546.88 110.70 102.98 585.64 86.85 114.57 Major exporters 4/ : 43.21 176.16 5.56 69.82 146.85 52.54 25.54 Argentina : 0.50 15.20 0.01 0.08 4.90 10.50 0.31 Australia : 9.62 10.82 0.09 4.70 7.40 8.73 4.41 Canada : 9.70 25.27 0.32 4.84 9.05 19.43 6.80 EU-27 5/ : 23.39 124.87 5.14 60.20 125.50 13.87 14.03 Major importers 6/ : 59.56 174.73 55.31 7.70 220.58 5.68 63.34 Brazil : 1.00 2.23 8.05 0.20 10.30 0.00 0.98 China : 34.39 108.47 0.38 4.00 102.00 2.78 38.45 Select. Mideast 7/ : 6.82 20.10 10.52 1.55 30.31 0.55 6.58 N. Africa 8/ : 10.51 18.58 16.30 0.25 33.90 0.26 11.23 Pakistan : 3.25 21.28 0.07 0.40 21.90 0.70 1.99 Southeast Asia 9/ : 2.20 0.00 10.65 0.90 9.98 0.42 2.46 Selected other : India : 2.00 69.35 6.72 0.30 73.36 0.20 4.50 FSU-12 : 13.00 84.98 5.96 21.65 72.53 22.54 8.86 Russia : 3.81 44.90 0.86 14.10 36.40 10.79 2.38 Kazakhstan : 3.01 13.50 0.03 2.70 7.50 8.09 0.95 Ukraine : 2.41 14.00 0.08 2.10 11.70 3.37 1.43 : : 2007/08 (Estimated) : World 3/ : 126.98 610.99 113.20 94.41 618.38 116.58 119.59 United States : 12.41 55.82 3.07 0.41 28.57 34.40 8.32 Total foreign : 114.57 555.17 110.14 94.00 589.81 82.18 111.27 Major exporters 4/ : 25.54 169.63 7.45 58.08 135.35 47.09 20.17 Argentina : 0.31 16.30 0.00 0.08 5.13 11.18 0.30 Australia : 4.41 13.84 0.11 3.50 6.20 7.50 4.65 Canada : 6.80 20.05 0.39 2.06 6.29 16.14 4.82 EU-27 5/ : 14.03 119.44 6.94 52.44 117.74 12.27 10.40 Major importers 6/ : 63.34 175.04 58.09 8.82 223.33 8.80 64.35 Brazil : 0.98 3.83 6.71 0.10 10.30 0.77 0.45 China : 38.45 109.30 0.05 6.00 104.00 2.84 40.96 Select. Mideast 7/ : 6.58 20.29 9.37 1.00 29.33 0.55 6.36 N. Africa 8/ : 11.23 13.82 21.74 0.20 35.49 0.25 11.05 Pakistan : 1.99 23.30 1.49 0.40 22.40 2.20 2.18 Southeast Asia 9/ : 2.46 0.00 9.90 0.72 10.13 0.60 1.63 Selected other : India : 4.50 75.81 1.88 0.20 75.73 0.05 6.41 FSU-12 : 8.86 92.69 6.02 23.63 75.56 21.88 10.13 Russia : 2.38 49.40 0.44 15.05 37.70 12.22 2.30 Kazakhstan : 0.95 16.60 0.04 2.70 7.50 8.18 1.91 Ukraine : 1.43 13.90 0.33 3.10 12.90 1.24 1.53 =============================================================================== 1/ Aggregate of local marketing years. 2/ Total foreign and world use adjusted to reflect the differences in world imports and exports. 3/ World imports and exports may not balance due to differences in marketing years, grain in transit, and reporting discrepancies in some countries. 4/ Argentina, Australia, Canada, and the EU-27. 5/ Trade excludes intra-trade. 6/ Brazil, China, Japan, Mexico, N. Africa, Pakistan, selected Middle East, and Southeast Asia. 7/ Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, and Oman. 8/ Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. 9/ Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. WASDE-467-19 World Wheat Supply and Use 1/ (Cont'd.) (Million Metric Tons) =============================================================================== : Supply : Use : :=========================:=======================:Ending Region : : : : Domestic 2/ : :stocks :Beginning:Produc-: :===============: : : stocks : tion :Imports: Feed : Total :Exports: =============================================================================== : : 2008/09 (Projected) World 3/ : January : 119.37 682.86 122.95 123.08 653.87 123.88 148.36 February : 119.59 682.78 123.00 122.93 652.41 123.48 149.96 United States : January : 8.32 68.03 2.99 6.26 34.29 27.22 17.84 February : 8.32 68.03 2.99 6.26 34.29 27.22 17.84 Total foreign : January : 111.05 614.84 119.96 116.82 619.58 96.67 130.53 February : 111.27 614.75 120.01 116.67 618.12 96.27 132.13 Major exporters 4/ : January : 19.78 208.62 6.38 71.03 151.23 55.30 28.26 February : 20.17 207.43 6.40 69.33 149.26 54.50 30.25 Argentina Jan : 0.68 9.50 0.01 0.08 5.48 4.30 0.40 Feb : 0.30 8.40 0.03 0.08 5.08 3.50 0.15 Australia Jan : 3.85 20.00 0.08 3.75 6.45 13.00 4.48 Feb : 4.65 20.15 0.08 3.75 6.45 13.00 5.43 Canada Jan : 4.82 28.61 0.30 3.20 7.80 19.00 6.93 Feb : 4.82 28.61 0.30 3.50 8.23 19.00 6.50 EU-27 5/ Jan : 10.44 150.51 6.00 64.00 131.50 19.00 16.45 Feb : 10.40 150.27 6.00 62.00 129.50 19.00 18.17 Major importers 6/ : January : 64.04 174.71 65.53 12.65 229.23 8.23 66.84 February : 64.35 174.71 65.80 12.75 229.12 7.33 68.42 Brazil Jan : 0.29 5.80 7.00 0.40 10.75 1.20 1.14 Feb : 0.45 5.80 6.00 0.40 10.75 0.80 0.70 China Jan : 40.96 113.00 0.03 9.00 107.00 2.00 44.99 Feb : 40.96 113.00 0.10 9.00 107.00 1.50 45.56 Sel. Mideast 7/Jan : 6.30 13.91 15.85 1.55 30.50 0.55 5.00 Feb : 6.36 13.91 16.95 1.65 30.60 0.55 6.06 N. Africa 8/ Jan : 10.97 15.78 20.20 0.20 35.93 0.23 10.80 Feb : 11.05 15.78 20.00 0.20 35.73 0.23 10.87 Pakistan Jan : 2.18 21.50 2.50 0.40 22.60 2.40 1.18 Feb : 2.18 21.50 2.80 0.40 22.60 2.40 1.48 SE Asia 9/ Jan : 1.61 0.00 10.85 0.85 10.35 0.38 1.74 Feb : 1.63 0.00 10.85 0.85 10.35 0.38 1.75 Selected other : India Jan : 6.41 78.40 0.00 0.10 77.60 0.05 7.16 Feb : 6.41 78.40 0.00 0.10 77.60 0.20 7.01 FSU-12 Jan : 10.00 114.74 5.81 29.33 83.33 29.64 17.58 Feb : 10.13 115.84 5.71 30.43 84.43 30.14 17.11 Russia Jan : 2.20 63.00 0.40 19.50 43.50 15.00 7.10 Feb : 2.30 63.70 0.30 20.20 44.20 15.00 7.10 Kazakhstan Jan : 1.91 12.50 0.03 2.70 7.50 5.20 1.74 Feb : 1.91 12.50 0.03 2.70 7.50 5.20 1.74 Ukraine Jan : 1.53 25.50 0.10 4.00 14.00 9.00 4.13 Feb : 1.53 25.90 0.10 4.40 14.40 9.50 3.63 =============================================================================== 1/ Aggregate of local marketing years. 2/ Total foreign and world use adjusted to reflect the differences in world imports and exports. 3/ World imports and exports may not balance due to differences in marketing years, grain in transit, and reporting discrepancies in some countries. 4/ Argentina, Australia, Canada, and the EU-27. 5/ Trade excludes intra-trade. 6/ Brazil, China, Japan, Mexico, N. Africa, Pakistan, selected Middle East, and Southeast Asia. 7/ Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, and Oman. 8/ Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. 9/ Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. WASDE-467-20 World Coarse Grain Supply and Use 1/ (Million Metric Tons) =============================================================================== : Supply : Use : :=========================:=======================:Ending Region : : : : Domestic 2/ : :stocks :Beginning:Produc-: :===============: : : stocks : tion :Imports: Feed : Total :Exports: =============================================================================== : : 2006/07 : World 3/ : 165.25 988.47 113.29 634.83 1015.12 117.36 138.61 United States : 54.77 280.00 2.55 148.16 242.80 58.34 36.17 Total foreign : 110.49 708.47 110.74 486.67 772.32 59.02 102.44 Major exporters 4/ : 13.16 65.03 3.39 35.85 49.44 23.04 9.09 Argentina : 1.46 27.54 0.01 7.16 9.82 16.93 2.26 Australia : 2.90 6.58 0.02 4.74 5.99 1.97 1.56 Canada : 6.35 23.15 2.17 19.50 24.50 3.65 3.50 Major importers 5/ : 42.51 212.11 84.93 223.86 298.71 5.68 35.16 EU-27 6/ : 22.27 137.44 7.99 110.23 147.87 4.69 15.13 Japan : 1.74 0.18 19.67 14.88 19.82 0.00 1.76 Mexico : 3.34 29.14 11.06 23.40 39.93 0.22 3.39 N. Afr & Mideast 7/: 8.11 27.77 20.77 40.58 47.86 0.31 8.49 Saudi Arabia : 2.77 0.34 8.28 8.53 8.75 0.00 2.63 Southeast Asia 8/ : 2.12 16.88 3.97 15.01 20.77 0.46 1.73 South Korea : 1.38 0.33 8.80 6.96 9.16 0.00 1.35 Selected other : Brazil : 3.17 53.18 1.66 36.25 43.30 10.95 3.75 China : 35.96 159.10 1.16 105.22 153.61 5.46 37.13 FSU-12 : 5.45 58.70 0.95 35.47 51.43 8.46 5.21 Russia : 1.33 30.20 0.36 18.60 28.60 1.62 1.67 Ukraine : 2.40 19.18 0.05 9.95 13.38 6.13 2.12 : : 2007/08 (Estimated) : World 3/ : 138.61 1078.78 125.07 654.07 1059.84 124.49 157.55 United States : 36.17 349.86 3.50 157.89 274.60 69.88 45.06 Total foreign : 102.44 728.92 121.57 496.18 785.24 54.62 112.49 Major exporters 4/ : 9.09 78.86 3.63 36.23 50.96 29.87 10.75 Argentina : 2.26 25.79 0.05 7.52 10.18 17.02 0.91 Australia : 1.56 11.55 0.00 5.17 6.48 4.32 2.31 Canada : 3.50 27.82 3.27 18.50 24.04 6.51 4.05 Major importers 5/ : 35.16 211.03 96.56 230.08 304.08 5.39 33.29 EU-27 6/ : 15.13 136.52 20.28 117.30 154.20 4.69 13.04 Japan : 1.76 0.20 19.21 14.31 19.34 0.00 1.83 Mexico : 3.39 29.73 10.97 23.56 40.33 0.11 3.66 N. Afr & Mideast 7/: 8.49 25.08 19.68 39.04 46.02 0.01 7.21 Saudi Arabia : 2.63 0.32 9.50 9.13 9.35 0.00 3.10 Southeast Asia 8/ : 1.73 18.76 3.18 15.42 21.38 0.57 1.72 South Korea : 1.35 0.35 9.39 7.10 8.98 0.00 2.11 Selected other : Brazil : 3.75 61.34 0.91 38.25 45.39 7.64 12.98 China : 37.13 159.49 1.16 106.17 157.06 0.85 39.86 FSU-12 : 5.21 53.91 0.92 34.60 50.40 5.36 4.29 Russia : 1.67 29.33 0.52 18.78 28.93 1.21 1.38 Ukraine : 2.12 14.59 0.07 9.06 12.16 3.15 1.46 =============================================================================== 1/ Aggregate of local marketing years. Coarse grains include corn, sorghum, barley, oats, rye, millet, and mixed grains (for U.S. excludes millet and mixed grains). 2/ Total foreign and world use adjusted to reflect the differences in world imports and exports. 3/ World imports and exports may not balance due to differences in marketing years, grain in transit, and reporting discrepancies in some countries. 4/ Argentina, Australia, Canada, and South Africa. 5/ The EU-27, Mexico, Japan, selected North Africa and Middle East, South Korea, Southeast Asia, and Taiwan. 6/ Trade excludes intra-trade. 7/ Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey. 8/ Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. WASDE-467-21 World Coarse Grain Supply and Use 1/ (Cont'd.) (Million Metric Tons) =============================================================================== : Supply : Use : :=========================:=======================:Ending Region : : : : Domestic 2/ : :stocks :Beginning:Produc-: :===============: : : stocks : tion :Imports: Feed : Total :Exports: =============================================================================== : : 2008/09 (Projected) World 3/ : January : 156.16 1102.41 103.92 648.50 1080.13 104.82 178.44 February : 157.55 1100.08 102.17 646.35 1078.86 102.72 178.77 United States : January : 45.06 326.09 3.11 144.39 275.44 48.24 50.57 February : 45.06 326.09 3.06 143.86 276.15 48.24 49.81 Total foreign : January : 111.11 776.32 100.81 504.11 804.70 56.58 127.87 February : 112.49 774.00 99.11 502.49 802.71 54.48 128.96 Major exporters 4/ : January : 9.27 71.29 2.05 37.02 52.22 21.31 9.08 February : 10.75 69.19 2.05 36.47 51.72 20.01 10.27 Argentina Jan : 0.87 22.97 0.00 8.96 11.62 10.76 1.47 Feb : 0.91 19.97 0.00 8.16 10.82 8.56 1.51 Australia Jan : 0.87 10.16 0.00 5.32 6.63 3.38 1.02 Feb : 2.31 11.06 0.00 5.87 7.23 4.18 1.96 Canada Jan : 4.04 27.19 1.73 17.69 23.81 4.65 4.50 Feb : 4.05 27.19 1.73 17.39 23.51 4.75 4.71 Major importers 5/ : January : 32.76 236.42 78.14 222.06 298.96 8.07 40.30 February : 33.29 236.82 76.69 223.09 299.79 7.07 39.95 EU-27 6/ Jan : 13.04 160.06 2.76 109.25 147.95 7.40 20.51 Feb : 13.04 160.12 2.76 111.25 149.95 6.40 19.57 Japan Jan : 1.83 0.18 19.54 14.61 19.74 0.00 1.80 Feb : 1.83 0.18 19.54 14.61 19.74 0.00 1.80 Mexico Jan : 3.65 32.18 10.18 24.81 41.76 0.10 4.15 Feb : 3.66 32.18 10.03 24.64 41.61 0.10 4.15 N Afr/M.East 7/Jan : 7.08 24.65 21.20 39.01 46.48 0.01 6.44 Feb : 7.21 24.65 21.10 39.11 46.35 0.01 6.59 Saudi Arabia Jan : 2.70 0.33 9.30 9.03 9.26 0.00 3.06 Feb : 3.10 0.33 8.80 8.83 9.06 0.00 3.16 S.-east Asia 8/Jan : 1.72 18.52 3.73 15.87 21.85 0.56 1.56 Feb : 1.72 18.86 3.73 15.87 21.85 0.56 1.90 South Korea Jan : 2.11 0.34 7.27 5.45 7.63 0.00 2.09 Feb : 2.11 0.34 6.57 4.75 6.93 0.00 2.09 Selected other : Brazil Jan : 13.43 54.21 0.76 42.25 50.33 9.70 8.36 Feb : 12.98 52.21 0.76 39.25 47.33 9.70 8.91 China Jan : 39.86 173.10 1.43 112.23 166.73 0.68 46.98 Feb : 39.86 173.10 1.43 112.23 166.73 0.68 46.98 FSU-12 Jan : 4.36 75.50 0.64 38.98 56.08 12.69 11.74 Feb : 4.29 78.14 0.64 40.43 57.72 13.39 11.97 Russia Jan : 1.38 39.80 0.30 21.45 32.53 2.90 6.05 Feb : 1.38 40.70 0.30 22.45 33.63 3.10 5.65 Ukraine Jan : 1.46 24.48 0.05 10.00 13.43 9.10 3.46 Feb : 1.46 26.22 0.05 10.45 13.97 9.60 4.16 =============================================================================== 1/ Aggregate of local marketing years. Coarse grains include corn, sorghum, barley, oats, rye, millet, and mixed grains (for U.S. excludes millet and mixed grains). 2/ Total foreign and world use adjusted to reflect the differences in world imports and exports. 3/ World imports and exports may not balance due to differences in marketing years, grain in transit, and reporting discrepancies in some countries. 4/ Argentina, Australia, Canada, and South Africa. 5/ The EU-27, Mexico, Japan, selected North Africa and Middle East, South Korea, Southeast Asia, and Taiwan. 6/ Trade excludes intra-trade. 7/ Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey. 8/ Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. WASDE-467-22 World Corn Supply and Use 1/ (Million Metric Tons) =============================================================================== : Supply : Use : :=========================:=======================:Ending Region : : : : Domestic 2/ : :stocks :Beginning:Produc-: :===============: : : stocks : tion :Imports: Feed : Total :Exports: =============================================================================== : : 2006/07 : World 3/ : 124.67 712.28 91.01 477.98 728.13 93.80 108.81 United States : 49.97 267.50 0.30 142.02 230.67 53.99 33.11 Total foreign : 74.70 444.77 90.70 335.96 497.46 39.81 75.70 Major exporters 4/ : 3.46 29.80 1.13 9.20 15.30 15.78 3.32 Argentina : 1.16 22.50 0.01 4.80 6.70 15.31 1.66 South Africa : 2.31 7.30 1.12 4.40 8.60 0.47 1.66 Major importers 5/ : 18.01 99.24 54.52 110.86 154.16 1.33 16.29 Egypt : 0.65 6.15 4.83 8.60 10.70 0.00 0.92 EU-27 6/ : 9.46 53.83 7.06 49.20 62.30 0.66 7.38 Japan : 0.94 0.00 16.71 11.90 16.50 0.00 1.15 Mexico : 2.71 22.35 8.94 15.10 30.70 0.22 3.08 Southeast Asia 7/ : 2.10 16.81 3.96 14.95 20.70 0.44 1.73 South Korea : 1.38 0.07 8.74 6.91 8.83 0.00 1.35 Selected other : Brazil : 3.02 51.00 1.41 34.50 41.00 10.84 3.59 Canada : 2.00 8.99 2.10 8.46 11.44 0.31 1.34 China : 35.26 151.60 0.02 104.00 145.00 5.27 36.60 FSU-12 : 1.66 12.85 0.52 10.51 12.14 1.12 1.77 Ukraine : 0.92 6.40 0.02 4.50 5.25 1.03 1.07 : : 2007/08 (Estimated) : World 3/ : 108.81 791.42 96.68 496.48 772.57 96.02 127.66 United States : 33.11 331.18 0.51 150.83 261.67 61.87 41.26 Total foreign : 75.70 460.25 96.17 345.65 510.90 34.14 86.41 Major exporters 4/ : 3.32 34.01 0.25 10.10 16.70 17.00 3.88 Argentina : 1.66 20.85 0.05 5.10 7.00 15.00 0.56 South Africa : 1.66 13.16 0.20 5.00 9.70 2.00 3.33 Major importers 5/ : 16.29 95.32 61.01 113.30 156.64 1.25 14.72 Egypt : 0.92 6.17 4.15 8.30 10.40 0.00 0.85 EU-27 6/ : 7.38 47.67 14.02 50.50 63.50 0.59 4.97 Japan : 1.15 0.00 16.61 11.80 16.50 0.00 1.26 Mexico : 3.08 22.65 9.56 16.20 32.00 0.11 3.18 Southeast Asia 7/ : 1.73 18.69 3.15 15.35 21.30 0.55 1.72 South Korea : 1.35 0.08 9.32 7.05 8.64 0.00 2.11 Selected other : Brazil : 3.59 58.60 0.60 36.00 42.50 7.50 12.79 Canada : 1.34 11.65 3.18 10.26 13.83 0.89 1.46 China : 36.60 152.30 0.04 105.00 149.00 0.55 39.39 FSU-12 : 1.77 13.79 0.54 11.09 12.78 2.15 1.17 Ukraine : 1.07 7.40 0.02 5.00 5.70 2.07 0.72 =============================================================================== 1/ Aggregate of local marketing years. 2/ Total foreign and world use adjusted to reflect the differences in world imports and exports. 3/ World imports and exports may not balance due to differences in marketing years, grain in transit, and reporting discrepancies in some countries. 4/ Argentina and South Africa. 5/ Egypt, the EU-27, Mexico, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia. 6/ Trade excludes intra-trade. 7/ Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. WASDE-467-23 World Corn Supply and Use 1/ (Cont'd.) (Million Metric Tons) =============================================================================== : Supply : Use : :=========================:=======================:Ending Region : : : : Domestic 2/ : :stocks :Beginning:Produc-: :===============: : : stocks : tion :Imports: Feed : Total :Exports: =============================================================================== : : 2008/09 (Projected) World 3/ : January : 128.22 791.04 76.94 485.51 783.22 76.88 136.03 February : 127.66 786.47 74.99 479.66 777.47 75.08 136.66 United States : January : 41.26 307.39 0.38 134.63 259.09 44.45 45.48 February : 41.26 307.39 0.38 134.63 259.09 44.45 45.48 Total foreign : January : 86.96 483.65 76.56 350.89 524.13 32.43 90.56 February : 86.41 479.09 74.61 345.04 518.38 30.63 91.18 Major exporters 4/ : January : 3.88 27.00 0.20 10.60 17.10 11.50 2.48 February : 3.88 24.00 0.20 9.80 16.30 9.50 2.28 Argentina Jan : 0.56 16.50 0.00 5.60 7.50 9.00 0.56 Feb : 0.56 13.50 0.00 4.80 6.70 7.00 0.36 South Africa Jan : 3.33 10.50 0.20 5.00 9.60 2.50 1.93 Feb : 3.33 10.50 0.20 5.00 9.60 2.50 1.93 Major importers 5/ : January : 14.72 111.05 45.40 107.80 152.98 2.64 15.57 February : 14.72 111.56 44.20 106.60 151.77 2.64 16.07 Egypt Jan : 0.85 6.18 4.00 8.00 10.30 0.00 0.72 Feb : 0.85 6.18 4.00 8.00 10.30 0.00 0.72 EU-27 6/ Jan : 4.97 61.20 2.00 46.50 60.50 2.00 5.67 Feb : 4.97 61.36 2.00 46.50 60.50 2.00 5.83 Japan Jan : 1.26 0.00 16.50 11.70 16.50 0.00 1.27 Feb : 1.26 0.00 16.50 11.70 16.50 0.00 1.27 Mexico Jan : 3.18 25.00 8.00 16.50 32.50 0.10 3.58 Feb : 3.18 25.00 7.50 16.00 32.00 0.10 3.58 S.-east Asia 7/Jan : 1.72 18.45 3.70 15.80 21.78 0.54 1.56 Feb : 1.72 18.79 3.70 15.80 21.78 0.54 1.90 South Korea Jan : 2.11 0.08 7.20 5.40 7.30 0.00 2.09 Feb : 2.11 0.08 6.50 4.70 6.60 0.00 2.09 Selected other : Brazil Jan : 13.24 51.50 0.50 40.00 47.50 9.50 8.24 Feb : 12.79 49.50 0.50 37.00 44.50 9.50 8.79 Canada Jan : 1.46 10.60 1.60 7.50 11.50 0.50 1.66 Feb : 1.46 10.60 1.60 7.50 11.50 0.50 1.66 China Jan : 39.39 165.50 0.10 111.00 158.00 0.50 46.49 Feb : 39.39 165.50 0.10 111.00 158.00 0.50 46.49 FSU-12 Jan : 1.17 20.12 0.28 12.93 14.76 3.83 2.97 Feb : 1.17 21.32 0.28 13.13 14.96 4.53 3.27 Ukraine Jan : 0.72 10.00 0.03 5.20 5.90 3.50 1.34 Feb : 0.72 11.40 0.03 5.40 6.10 4.00 2.04 =============================================================================== 1/ Aggregate of local marketing years. 2/ Total foreign and world use adjusted to reflect the differences in world imports and exports. 3/ World imports and exports may not balance due to differences in marketing years, grain in transit, and reporting discrepancies in some countries. 4/ Argentina and South Africa. 5/ Egypt, the EU-27, Mexico, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia. 6/ Trade excludes intra-trade. 7/ Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. WASDE-467-24 World Rice Supply and Use (Milled Basis) 1/ (Million Metric Tons) =============================================================================== : Supply : Use : :=========================:===================: Ending Region : : : : : : stocks :Beginning:Produc-: : Total 2/: : : stocks : tion :Imports: Domestic: Exports : =============================================================================== : : 2006/07 World 3/ : 75.68 420.65 28.85 420.94 31.34 75.39 United States : 1.37 6.27 0.65 4.10 2.92 1.27 Total foreign : 74.31 414.38 28.19 416.84 28.42 74.12 Major exporters 4/ : 15.73 139.97 0.45 117.70 22.42 16.03 India : 10.52 93.35 0.00 86.94 5.50 11.43 Pakistan : 0.30 5.45 0.00 2.21 2.84 0.70 Thailand : 3.59 18.25 0.00 9.78 9.56 2.51 Vietnam : 1.32 22.92 0.45 18.78 4.52 1.39 Major importers 5/ : 12.80 60.07 12.05 70.34 0.44 14.13 Brazil : 0.90 7.70 0.73 7.93 0.24 1.16 EU-27 6/ : 1.18 1.69 1.34 2.92 0.15 1.14 Indonesia : 3.21 35.30 2.00 35.90 0.00 4.61 Nigeria : 0.55 2.90 1.60 4.45 0.00 0.60 Philippines : 5.29 9.78 1.80 12.00 0.00 4.87 Sel. Mideast 7/ : 1.51 2.13 3.21 5.20 0.05 1.60 Selected other : Burma : 0.70 10.60 0.00 10.67 0.03 0.60 C. Amer & Carib 8/ : 0.19 0.06 0.37 0.48 0.00 0.14 China : 36.78 127.20 0.47 127.20 1.34 35.92 Egypt : 0.36 4.38 0.10 3.27 1.21 0.37 Japan : 2.40 7.79 0.68 8.25 0.20 2.41 Mexico : 0.16 0.18 0.59 0.79 0.00 0.15 South Korea : 0.82 4.68 0.26 4.89 0.16 0.70 : : 2007/08 (Estimated) World 3/ : 75.39 431.87 27.70 428.27 30.94 78.98 United States : 1.27 6.34 0.76 3.98 3.45 0.94 Total foreign : 74.12 425.52 26.94 424.30 27.49 78.04 Major exporters 4/ : 16.03 145.80 0.41 121.92 22.17 18.16 India : 11.43 96.43 0.00 90.36 4.50 13.00 Pakistan : 0.70 5.70 0.00 2.45 3.00 0.95 Thailand : 2.51 19.30 0.01 9.60 10.02 2.20 Vietnam : 1.39 24.38 0.40 19.51 4.65 2.01 Major importers 5/ : 14.13 62.14 11.11 73.53 0.62 13.22 Brazil : 1.16 8.20 0.40 8.40 0.45 0.90 EU-27 6/ : 1.14 1.68 1.57 3.11 0.15 1.12 Indonesia : 4.61 35.80 0.50 36.55 0.00 4.36 Nigeria : 0.60 3.00 1.55 4.65 0.00 0.50 Philippines : 4.87 10.48 2.70 13.50 0.00 4.55 Sel. Mideast 7/ : 1.60 2.38 3.03 5.30 0.02 1.69 Selected other : Burma : 0.60 10.73 0.05 10.25 0.54 0.59 C. Amer & Carib 8/ : 0.14 0.06 0.43 0.55 0.00 0.08 China : 35.92 130.22 0.25 127.45 0.95 37.99 Egypt : 0.37 4.39 0.02 3.66 0.45 0.67 Japan : 2.41 7.93 0.70 8.15 0.20 2.69 Mexico : 0.15 0.20 0.60 0.76 0.01 0.17 South Korea : 0.70 4.41 0.25 4.68 0.00 0.68 =============================================================================== 1/ Aggregate of local marketing years. 2/ Total foreign and world use adjusted to reflect the differences in world imports and exports. Total domestic includes both domestic use and unreported disappearance. 3/ World imports and exports may not balance due to differences in some countries. 4/ India, Pakistan, Thailand, and Vietnam. 5/ Brazil, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria, Philippines, selected Middle East, and the EU-27. 6/ Trade excludes intra-trade. 7/ Selected Middle East includes Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. 8/ Central American and Caribbean countries. WASDE-467-25 World Rice Supply and Use (Milled Basis) 1/ (Cont'd.) (Million Metric Tons) =============================================================================== : Supply : Use : :=========================:===================: Ending Region : : : : : : stocks :Beginning:Produc-: : Total 2/: : : stocks : tion :Imports: Domestic: Exports : =============================================================================== : : 2008/09 (Projected) World 3/ : January : 78.69 439.08 27.08 435.11 29.77 82.66 February : 78.98 439.74 26.82 434.12 28.97 84.60 United States : January : 0.94 6.52 0.57 4.06 3.23 0.74 February : 0.94 6.52 0.57 4.06 3.13 0.84 Total foreign : January : 77.74 432.57 26.51 431.05 26.54 81.92 February : 78.04 433.22 26.25 430.06 25.84 83.76 Major exporters 4/ : January : 18.18 146.80 0.31 124.74 21.20 19.35 February : 18.16 146.70 0.31 124.24 20.20 20.73 India Jan : 13.00 97.50 0.00 93.50 2.50 14.50 Feb : 13.00 97.50 0.00 93.00 2.00 15.50 Pakistan Jan : 0.95 6.30 0.00 2.70 4.00 0.55 Feb : 0.95 6.30 0.00 2.70 4.00 0.55 Thailand Jan : 2.22 19.50 0.01 9.50 9.50 2.73 Feb : 2.20 19.40 0.01 9.50 9.00 3.11 Vietnam Jan : 2.01 23.50 0.30 19.04 5.20 1.57 Feb : 2.01 23.50 0.30 19.04 5.20 1.57 Major importers 5/ : January : 13.22 61.84 11.09 73.50 0.47 12.19 February : 13.22 62.53 10.47 73.57 0.47 12.19 Brazil Jan : 0.90 8.30 0.50 8.71 0.30 0.69 Feb : 0.90 8.30 0.50 8.71 0.30 0.69 EU-27 6/ Jan : 1.12 1.59 1.20 2.75 0.15 1.01 Feb : 1.12 1.83 1.05 2.84 0.15 1.01 Indonesia Jan : 4.36 36.25 0.80 36.85 0.00 4.56 Feb : 4.36 36.25 0.80 36.85 0.00 4.56 Nigeria Jan : 0.50 3.30 1.60 4.80 0.00 0.60 Feb : 0.50 3.30 1.60 4.80 0.00 0.60 Philippines Jan : 4.55 10.20 2.50 13.20 0.00 4.05 Feb : 4.55 10.65 2.00 13.15 0.00 4.05 Sel. Mideast 7/Jan : 1.69 1.59 3.42 5.44 0.02 1.23 Feb : 1.69 1.59 3.42 5.44 0.02 1.23 Selected other : Burma Jan : 0.63 9.80 0.03 10.00 0.20 0.26 Feb : 0.59 9.80 0.03 9.70 0.50 0.22 C. Am & Car. 8/Jan : 0.08 0.05 0.39 0.47 0.00 0.05 Feb : 0.08 0.05 0.39 0.47 0.00 0.05 China Jan : 37.94 135.10 0.33 130.50 1.30 41.57 Feb : 37.99 135.10 0.33 130.50 1.30 41.62 Egypt Jan : 0.67 4.39 0.02 3.63 0.80 0.65 Feb : 0.67 4.39 0.02 3.63 0.80 0.65 Japan Jan : 2.69 8.00 0.70 8.23 0.20 2.96 Feb : 2.69 8.00 0.70 8.23 0.20 2.96 Mexico Jan : 0.17 0.21 0.60 0.83 0.01 0.14 Feb : 0.17 0.21 0.60 0.83 0.01 0.14 South Korea Jan : 0.68 4.84 0.28 4.66 0.00 1.15 Feb : 0.68 4.84 0.28 4.66 0.00 1.15 =============================================================================== 1/ Aggregate of local marketing years. 2/ Total foreign and world use adjusted to reflect the differences in world imports and exports. Total domestic includes both domestic use and unreported disappearance. 3/ World imports and exports may not balance due to differences in some countries. 4/ India, Pakistan, Thailand, and Vietnam. 5/ Brazil, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria, Philippines, selected Middle East, the EU-27. 6/ Trade excludes intra-trade. 7/ Selected Middle East includes Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. 8/ Central American and Caribbean countries. WASDE-467-26 World Cotton Supply and Use 1/ (Million 480-pound bales) ================================================================================ : Supply : Use : : Region :=========================:================: Loss : Ending :Beginning:Produc-:Imports:Domestic:Exports: 2/ : stocks : stocks : tion : : : : : ================================================================================ : : 2006/07 : World : 62.21 121.99 37.41 123.43 37.10 -1.72 62.80 United States : 6.07 21.59 0.02 4.94 13.01 0.25 9.48 Total foreign : 56.14 100.40 37.39 118.50 24.09 -1.97 53.32 Major exporters 4/ : 19.72 45.69 2.22 27.42 20.24 -0.16 20.14 Central Asia 5/ : 2.21 8.19 0.31 1.51 6.93 0.00 2.27 Afr. Fr. Zone 6/ : 1.48 3.64 3/ 0.19 3.81 0.00 1.13 S. Hemis. 7/ : 6.55 9.86 0.95 5.78 4.09 -0.18 7.67 Australia : 1.94 1.35 3/ 0.06 2.13 -0.05 1.15 Brazil : 3.62 7.00 0.52 4.57 1.30 -0.15 5.41 India : 8.06 21.80 0.47 18.10 4.57 0.00 7.66 Major importers 8/ : 34.20 51.62 32.42 86.43 2.47 -1.81 31.15 Mexico : 1.32 0.65 1.35 2.10 0.18 0.03 1.03 China : 22.54 35.50 10.59 50.00 0.09 -2.00 20.54 EU-27 9/ : 1.18 1.61 2.01 2.35 1.58 0.06 0.83 Russia : 0.22 3/ 1.40 1.40 0.00 0.00 0.22 Turkey : 1.73 3.80 4.03 7.30 0.30 0.00 1.95 Pakistan : 4.91 9.90 2.31 12.50 0.22 0.03 4.38 Indonesia : 0.37 0.03 2.20 2.18 0.02 0.05 0.35 Thailand : 0.41 0.02 1.91 1.95 0.00 0.03 0.35 Bangladesh : 0.46 0.06 2.48 2.48 0.00 0.01 0.51 : : 2007/08 (Estimated) : World : 62.80 120.54 38.03 122.65 38.42 -2.06 62.35 United States : 9.48 19.21 0.01 4.61 13.65 0.39 10.04 Total foreign : 53.32 101.33 38.02 118.05 24.77 -2.45 52.30 Major exporters 4/ : 20.14 47.18 1.47 27.78 21.26 -0.14 19.89 Central Asia 5/ : 2.27 8.35 0.04 1.61 6.50 0.00 2.55 Afr. Fr. Zone 6/ : 1.13 2.46 3/ 0.19 2.56 0.00 0.84 S. Hemis. 7/ : 7.67 9.30 0.53 5.83 3.94 -0.15 7.88 Australia : 1.15 0.62 3/ 0.05 1.22 -0.02 0.53 Brazil : 5.41 7.36 0.16 4.60 2.23 -0.15 6.25 India : 7.66 24.60 0.45 18.30 7.03 0.00 7.38 Major importers 8/ : 31.15 51.24 33.89 85.69 2.42 -2.31 30.49 Mexico : 1.03 0.62 1.53 2.00 0.22 0.03 0.93 China : 20.54 37.00 11.53 51.50 0.06 -2.50 20.00 EU-27 9/ : 0.83 1.51 1.57 1.78 1.37 0.05 0.70 Russia : 0.22 3/ 1.20 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.20 Turkey : 1.95 3.10 3.27 6.00 0.37 0.00 1.95 Pakistan : 4.38 8.90 3.90 12.40 0.27 0.03 4.48 Indonesia : 0.35 0.03 2.30 2.23 0.02 0.05 0.39 Thailand : 0.35 0.02 1.93 1.95 0.00 0.03 0.32 Bangladesh : 0.51 0.04 2.80 2.75 0.00 0.01 0.58 ================================================================================ 1/ Marketing year beginning August 1. Totals may not add exactly and trade may not balance due to rounding and other factors. 2/ Generally reflects cotton lost or destroyed in the marketing channel; for Australia, Brazil, China, and the United States, reflects the difference between implicit stocks based on supply less total use and indicated ending stocks. 3/ Less than 5,000 bales. 4/ Includes Egypt and Syria in addition to the countries and regions listed. 5/ Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. 6/ Benin, Burkino Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo. 7/ Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Paraguay, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. 8/ In addition to the countries and regions listed, includes Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam. 9/ Includes intra-EU trade. WASDE-467-27 World Cotton Supply and Use 1/ (Million 480-pound bales) ================================================================================ : Supply : Use : : Region :=========================:================: Loss : Ending :Beginning:Produc-:Imports:Domestic:Exports: 2/ : stocks : stocks : tion : : : : : ================================================================================ : : 2008/09 (Projected) World : January : 62.31 109.84 31.08 115.24 31.07 -2.48 59.40 February : 62.35 109.51 29.34 112.63 29.33 -2.48 61.71 United States : January : 10.04 13.04 0.01 4.20 12.00 -0.01 6.90 February : 10.04 13.04 0.01 3.90 11.50 -0.01 7.70 Total foreign : January : 52.27 96.80 31.07 111.04 19.07 -2.47 52.50 February : 52.30 96.47 29.33 108.73 17.83 -2.47 54.01 Major exporters 4/ : January : 19.85 43.45 1.54 26.45 16.15 -0.16 22.40 February : 19.89 43.38 1.46 26.32 14.97 -0.16 23.60 Central Asia 5/Jan : 2.50 7.42 0.05 1.68 5.29 0.00 3.01 Feb : 2.55 7.42 0.05 1.65 4.65 0.00 3.71 Afr. Fr. Zn. 6/Jan : 0.84 2.53 3/ 0.19 2.26 0.00 0.92 Feb : 0.84 2.53 3/ 0.19 2.26 0.00 0.92 S. Hemis 7/ Jan : 7.88 8.46 0.54 5.58 3.83 -0.18 7.64 Feb : 7.88 8.39 0.51 5.58 3.81 -0.18 7.56 Australia Jan : 0.53 1.35 3/ 0.05 1.05 -0.05 0.83 Feb : 0.53 1.35 3/ 0.05 1.15 -0.05 0.73 Brazil Jan : 6.25 5.80 0.20 4.40 2.35 -0.15 5.65 Feb : 6.25 5.80 0.18 4.40 2.25 -0.15 5.73 India Jan : 7.38 23.00 0.50 17.30 4.00 0.00 9.58 Feb : 7.38 23.00 0.45 17.20 3.50 0.00 10.13 Major importers 8/ : January : 30.50 50.19 27.05 80.13 1.80 -2.31 28.12 February : 30.49 49.94 25.33 77.89 1.74 -2.31 28.44 Mexico Jan : 0.93 0.65 1.30 1.85 0.15 0.03 0.86 Feb : 0.93 0.60 1.30 1.85 0.15 0.03 0.81 China Jan : 20.00 36.50 7.50 48.50 0.08 -2.50 17.93 Feb : 20.00 36.50 6.50 47.00 0.10 -2.50 18.40 EU-27 9/ Jan : 0.70 1.20 1.39 1.57 0.93 0.05 0.74 Feb : 0.70 1.20 1.30 1.49 0.85 0.05 0.82 Russia Jan : 0.20 3/ 1.10 1.10 0.00 0.00 0.20 Feb : 0.20 3/ 0.95 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.17 Turkey Jan : 1.95 2.30 2.50 5.00 0.20 0.00 1.55 Feb : 1.95 2.30 2.15 4.70 0.20 0.00 1.50 Pakistan Jan : 4.48 9.40 2.85 11.70 0.38 0.03 4.63 Feb : 4.48 9.20 2.75 11.50 0.38 0.03 4.53 Indonesia Jan : 0.39 0.03 2.10 2.10 0.02 0.05 0.35 Feb : 0.39 0.03 2.00 2.00 0.02 0.05 0.35 Thailand Jan : 0.32 0.02 1.80 1.80 0.00 0.03 0.30 Feb : 0.32 0.02 1.95 1.93 0.00 0.03 0.33 Bangladesh Jan : 0.58 0.06 2.85 2.85 0.00 0.01 0.63 Feb : 0.58 0.06 2.85 2.85 0.00 0.01 0.63 ================================================================================ 1/ Marketing year beginning August 1. Totals may not add exactly and trade may not balance due to rounding and other factors. 2/ Generally reflects cotton lost or destroyed in the marketing channel; for Australia, Brazil, and the United States, reflects the difference between implicit stocks based on supply less total use and indicated ending stocks. 3/ Less than 5,000 bales. 4/ Includes Egypt and Syria in addition to the countries and regions listed. 5/ Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. 6/ Benin, Burkino Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo. 7/ Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Paraguay, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. 8/ In addition to the countries and regions listed, includes Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam. 9/ Includes intra-EU trade. WASDE-467-28 World Soybean Supply and Use 1/ (Million Metric Tons) =============================================================================== : Supply : Use : :=========================:=======================:Ending Region : : : : : :stocks :Beginning:Produc-: : Domestic : : : stocks : tion :Imports: Crush : Total :Exports: =============================================================================== : : 2006/07 World 2/ : 53.09 237.54 69.16 195.90 225.60 71.50 62.69 United States : 12.23 87.00 0.25 49.20 53.47 30.39 15.62 Total foreign : 40.86 150.54 68.92 146.70 172.13 41.12 47.07 Major exporters 3/ : 33.27 114.00 2.05 66.24 70.80 37.54 40.98 Argentina : 16.47 48.80 1.99 33.59 35.09 9.56 22.61 Brazil : 16.64 59.00 0.05 31.11 34.02 23.49 18.19 Major importers 4/ : 5.82 18.53 55.41 59.33 74.89 0.52 4.35 China : 4.57 15.97 28.73 35.97 46.12 0.45 2.70 EU-27 : 0.73 1.23 15.29 14.67 16.09 0.05 1.12 Japan : 0.26 0.23 4.09 2.93 4.31 0.00 0.27 Mexico : 0.04 0.08 3.84 3.90 3.93 0.00 0.04 : : 2007/08 (Estimated) World 2/ : 62.69 220.88 78.89 201.68 229.78 79.48 53.21 United States : 15.62 72.86 0.27 49.02 51.57 31.60 5.58 Total foreign : 47.07 148.02 78.62 152.66 178.21 47.88 47.63 Major exporters 3/ : 40.98 114.00 3.11 68.06 72.71 44.27 41.11 Argentina : 22.61 46.20 2.95 34.61 36.16 13.83 21.77 Brazil : 18.19 61.00 0.15 31.84 34.79 25.36 19.18 Major importers 4/ : 4.35 16.02 64.12 62.88 78.46 0.53 5.51 China : 2.70 14.00 37.82 39.52 49.82 0.45 4.25 EU-27 : 1.12 0.73 15.15 14.87 16.14 0.04 0.82 Japan : 0.27 0.23 4.01 2.89 4.22 0.00 0.29 Mexico : 0.04 0.08 3.65 3.70 3.74 0.00 0.03 : : 2008/09 (Projected) World 2/ : January : 53.10 233.20 75.94 200.71 231.11 77.19 53.94 February : 53.21 224.15 73.99 196.22 226.62 74.85 49.87 United States : January : 5.58 80.54 0.25 45.86 50.31 29.94 6.12 February : 5.58 80.54 0.25 44.91 49.35 31.30 5.71 Total foreign : January : 47.52 152.67 75.69 154.85 180.81 47.25 47.82 February : 47.63 143.61 73.74 151.31 177.27 43.55 44.16 Major exporters 3/ : January : 41.08 114.10 2.60 68.67 73.42 43.65 40.72 February : 41.11 104.80 1.97 66.47 71.20 40.00 36.67 Argentina Jan : 21.77 49.50 2.54 35.62 37.21 14.40 22.19 Feb : 21.77 43.80 1.90 33.72 35.30 12.70 19.47 Brazil Jan : 19.16 59.00 0.05 31.50 34.51 25.25 18.45 Feb : 19.18 57.00 0.05 31.20 34.21 24.90 17.12 Major importers 4/ : January : 5.51 18.92 61.33 63.48 79.25 0.52 5.99 February : 5.51 18.92 60.54 62.33 78.09 0.52 6.36 China Jan : 4.25 16.80 36.00 41.47 51.87 0.45 4.72 Feb : 4.25 16.80 36.00 41.10 51.50 0.45 5.09 EU-27 Jan : 0.82 0.75 14.15 13.65 14.88 0.03 0.81 Feb : 0.82 0.75 13.55 13.05 14.28 0.03 0.81 Japan Jan : 0.29 0.23 4.00 2.84 4.26 0.00 0.26 Feb : 0.29 0.23 4.00 2.84 4.26 0.00 0.26 Mexico Jan : 0.03 0.16 3.59 3.70 3.74 0.00 0.04 Feb : 0.03 0.16 3.40 3.52 3.55 0.00 0.04 =============================================================================== 1/ Data based on local marketing years except Argentina and Brazil which are adjusted to an October-September year. 2/ World imports and exports may not balance due to differences in local marketing years and to time lags between reported exports and imports. Therefore, world supply may not equal world use. 3/ Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. 4/ Japan, China, and EU, Mexico, and Southeast Asia (includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand). WASDE-467-29 World Soybean Meal Supply and Use 1/ (Million Metric Tons) =============================================================================== : Supply : Use : :=========================:===================: Ending Region : : : : : : stocks :Beginning:Produc-: : Total : : : stocks : tion :Imports: Domestic: Exports : =============================================================================== : : 2006/07 World 2/ : 6.10 154.16 52.49 152.20 54.27 6.28 United States : 0.29 39.06 0.14 31.18 7.99 0.31 Total foreign : 5.82 115.10 52.35 121.01 46.29 5.97 Major exporters 3/ : 3.60 55.45 0.17 13.56 41.80 3.86 Argentina : 1.67 26.06 0.00 0.59 25.63 1.52 Brazil : 1.47 24.11 0.17 11.12 12.72 1.91 India : 0.46 5.28 0.00 1.85 3.46 0.43 Major importers 4/ : 1.14 41.33 28.72 68.64 1.43 1.13 EU-27 : 0.87 11.55 22.21 33.23 0.55 0.86 China : 0.00 28.47 0.03 27.63 0.87 0.00 : : 2007/08 (Estimated) World 2/ : 6.28 158.34 54.76 157.51 55.69 6.18 United States : 0.31 38.32 0.13 30.08 8.42 0.27 Total foreign : 5.97 120.02 54.63 127.43 47.27 5.92 Major exporters 3/ : 3.86 58.13 0.18 14.57 43.73 3.86 Argentina : 1.52 27.07 0.00 0.62 26.80 1.17 Brazil : 1.91 24.67 0.17 12.03 12.14 2.59 India : 0.43 6.39 0.00 1.92 4.79 0.11 Major importers 4/ : 1.13 44.34 30.59 73.79 1.06 1.22 EU-27 : 0.86 11.72 24.07 35.17 0.41 1.07 China : 0.00 31.28 0.20 30.85 0.63 0.00 : : 2008/09 (Projected) World 2/ : January : 6.18 158.03 55.00 157.94 55.61 5.65 February : 6.18 154.38 53.54 154.49 54.36 5.25 United States : January : 0.27 36.14 0.15 28.67 7.62 0.27 February : 0.27 35.37 0.15 27.90 7.62 0.27 Total foreign : January : 5.92 121.89 54.85 129.28 47.99 5.38 February : 5.92 119.01 53.39 126.60 46.74 4.97 Major exporters 3/ : January : 3.86 58.92 0.16 14.98 44.57 3.39 February : 3.86 57.45 0.16 14.85 43.34 3.29 Argentina Jan : 1.17 27.86 0.00 0.65 27.37 1.01 Feb : 1.17 26.37 0.00 0.65 25.89 1.01 Brazil Jan : 2.59 24.41 0.16 12.49 12.40 2.26 Feb : 2.59 24.18 0.16 12.36 12.40 2.16 India Jan : 0.11 6.66 0.00 1.84 4.80 0.12 Feb : 0.11 6.90 0.00 1.84 5.05 0.12 Major importers 4/ : January : 1.22 44.89 29.78 73.82 0.96 1.10 February : 1.22 44.09 29.25 72.81 0.94 0.80 EU-27 Jan : 1.07 10.75 22.80 33.32 0.35 0.95 Feb : 1.07 10.28 22.50 32.84 0.35 0.65 China Jan : 0.00 32.83 0.20 32.43 0.60 0.00 Feb : 0.00 32.53 0.23 32.18 0.58 0.00 =============================================================================== 1/ Data based on local marketing years except for Argentina and Brazil which are adjusted to an October-September year. 2/ World imports and exports may not balance due to differences in local marketing years and to time lags between reported exports and imports. Therefore, world supply may not equal world use. 3/ Argentina, Brazil, and India. 4/ Eastern Europe, China, EU, and Southeast Asia (includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand). WASDE-467-30 World Soybean Oil Supply and Use 1/ (Million Metric Tons) =============================================================================== : Supply : Use : :=========================:===================: Ending Region : : : : : : stocks :Beginning:Produc-: : Total : : : stocks : tion :Imports: Domestic: Exports : =============================================================================== : : 2006/07 World 2/ : 3.38 36.39 9.82 35.79 10.57 3.23 United States : 1.37 9.29 0.02 8.43 0.85 1.40 Total foreign : 2.01 27.09 9.80 27.36 9.72 1.83 Major exporters 3/ : 1.00 15.03 0.98 7.45 8.68 0.89 Argentina : 0.49 6.42 0.00 0.57 5.97 0.38 Brazil : 0.31 5.97 0.00 3.51 2.46 0.32 EU-27 : 0.19 2.64 0.98 3.37 0.24 0.20 Major importers 4/ : 0.43 7.60 3.84 11.30 0.10 0.46 China : 0.20 6.41 2.40 8.67 0.09 0.25 India : 0.23 1.18 1.40 2.60 0.01 0.21 Pakistan : 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 : : 2007/08 (Estimated) World 2/ : 3.23 37.51 10.39 37.49 10.83 2.82 United States : 1.40 9.33 0.03 8.31 1.32 1.13 Total foreign : 1.83 28.18 10.36 29.17 9.51 1.70 Major exporters 3/ : 0.89 15.40 1.10 8.16 8.49 0.75 Argentina : 0.38 6.63 0.00 0.98 5.77 0.25 Brazil : 0.32 6.11 0.07 3.80 2.39 0.30 EU-27 : 0.20 2.67 1.03 3.38 0.33 0.19 Major importers 4/ : 0.46 8.47 3.51 12.02 0.11 0.32 China : 0.25 7.05 2.73 9.69 0.10 0.23 India : 0.21 1.43 0.73 2.27 0.01 0.09 Pakistan : 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.01 : : 2008/09 (Projected) World 2/ : January : 2.75 37.32 9.43 37.18 9.77 2.55 February : 2.82 36.46 8.93 36.52 9.29 2.41 United States : January : 1.13 8.71 0.02 8.10 0.79 0.97 February : 1.13 8.53 0.02 7.98 0.68 1.02 Total foreign : January : 1.62 28.60 9.41 29.08 8.98 1.58 February : 1.70 27.93 8.91 28.53 8.61 1.40 Major exporters 3/ : January : 0.75 15.31 0.67 7.97 8.04 0.71 February : 0.75 14.78 0.67 7.99 7.64 0.57 Argentina Jan : 0.25 6.81 0.00 1.15 5.65 0.27 Feb : 0.25 6.45 0.00 1.15 5.30 0.25 Brazil Jan : 0.30 6.04 0.05 3.96 2.14 0.29 Feb : 0.30 5.98 0.05 3.98 2.14 0.22 EU-27 Jan : 0.19 2.46 0.62 2.86 0.25 0.15 Feb : 0.19 2.35 0.62 2.86 0.20 0.10 Major importers 4/ : January : 0.32 8.90 3.07 11.77 0.08 0.45 February : 0.32 8.88 3.00 11.64 0.11 0.45 China Jan : 0.23 7.41 2.37 9.58 0.07 0.36 Feb : 0.23 7.34 2.37 9.48 0.10 0.36 India Jan : 0.09 1.49 0.65 2.13 0.01 0.09 Feb : 0.09 1.54 0.60 2.13 0.01 0.09 Pakistan Jan : 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.06 0.00 0.00 Feb : 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.00 0.00 =============================================================================== 1/ Data based on local marketing years except for Argentina and Brazil which are adjusted to an October-September year. 2/ World imports and exports may not balance due to differences in local marketing years and to time lags between reported exports and imports. Therefore, world supply may not equal world use. 3/ Argentina, Brazil and EU. 4/ India, China and Pakistan. WASDE-467-31 U.S. Quarterly Animal Product Production 1/ =============================================================================== Year : : : Red : : : Total: Red : : : and : : : meat : : :poultry: meat & : : : quarter : Beef : Pork : 2/ :Broiler:Turkey: 3/ : poultry: Egg : Milk : =============================================================================== : Million pounds Mil doz Bil lbs 2007 : Annual : 26421 21943 48683 36126 5958 42582 91265 7547 185.6 : 2008 : I : 6371 6023 12474 9108 1541 10784 23258 1870 47.5 II : 6897 5593 12568 9432 1565 11144 23712 1860 48.7 III : 6911 5633 12621 9455 1571 11175 23796 1874 46.8 IV : 6385 6099 12565 8869 1586 10584 23149 1910 46.6 Annual : Jan Est : 26559 23359 50232 36895 6252 43708 93940 7499 189.6 Feb Est : 26564 23348 50228 36864 6263 43687 93915 7514 189.7 : 2009 : I* : 6225 5860 12167 8700 1475 10305 22472 1850 47.6 II* : 6630 5465 12172 9150 1500 10780 22952 1855 48.9 III* : 6830 5550 12455 9200 1510 10845 23300 1890 46.7 IV* : 6425 6105 12607 9125 1555 10810 23417 1935 46.0 Annual : Jan Proj : 26540 23035 49886 36325 6070 42920 92806 7505 190.5 Feb Proj : 26110 22980 49401 36175 6040 42740 92141 7530 189.1 =============================================================================== * Projection. 1/ Commercial production for red meats; federally inspected for poultry meats. 2/ Beef, pork, veal and lamb & mutton. 3/ Broilers, turkeys and mature chicken. U.S. Quarterly Prices for Animal Products 1/ =============================================================================== Year : Choice : Barrows : : : : : and : steers :and gilts : Broilers : Turkeys : Eggs : Milk : quarter : 2/ : 3/ : 4/ : 5/ : 6/ : 7/ : =============================================================================== : Dol./cwt Dol./cwt Cents/lb. Cents/lb. Cents/doz. Dol./cwt 2007 : Annual : 91.82 47.09 76.4 82.1 114.4 19.13 : 2008 : I : 89.59 39.64 78.1 77.4 158.8 19.23 II : 92.82 52.51 80.6 88.9 117.3 18.57 III : 98.45 57.27 80.6 96.5 114.5 18.67 IV : 88.22 41.92 79.4 87.3 122.6 16.80 Annual : Jan Est : 92.27 47.84 79.7 87.5 127.8 18.34 Feb Est : 92.27 47.84 79.7 87.5 128.3 18.32 : 2009 : I* : 82-84 42-44 81-83 75-77 125-129 11.65-11.95 II* : 86-92 48-50 82-88 81-87 115-123 10.00-10.60 III* : 87-95 49-53 83-89 88-96 111-121 10.25-11.15 IV* : 89-97 44-48 80-86 86-94 123-133 11.95-12.95 Annual : Jan Proj : 91-97 47-51 81-87 83-88 118-127 11.80-12.60 Feb Proj : 86-92 46-49 81-87 83-88 119-126 10.95-11.65 =============================================================================== *Projection. 1/ Simple average of months. 2/ Nebraska, Direct, 1100-1300 lbs. 3/ National Base, Live equiv 51-52% lean. 4/ Wholesale, 12-city average. 5/ 8-12 lbs, hens Eastern Region. 6/ Grade A large, New York, volume buyers. 7/ Prices received by farmers for all milk. WASDE-467-32 U.S. Meats Supply and Use =============================================================================== : Supply : Use :----------------------------------------------------------- : : : : : : : Disappearance : : Pro- : : : : :-------------- : Beg- : duc- : : : : End- : : Per Item :inning: tion : Im- : Total : Ex- : ing : :capita :stocks: 1/ :ports: supply: ports:stocks:Total : 2/ 3/ =============================================================================== : Million pounds 4/ BEEF : 2007 : 630 26523 3052 30205 1434 630 28141 65.3 2008 Est. Jan : 630 26661 2482 29773 1875 605 27293 62.6 Feb : 630 26666 2497 29793 1880 627 27286 62.7 2009 Proj. Jan : 605 26642 2680 29927 1920 595 27412 62.3 Feb : 627 26212 2680 29519 1880 595 27044 61.6 : PORK : 2007 : 514 21962 968 23444 3141 536 19767 50.8 2008 Est. Jan : 536 23378 813 24727 4769 640 19318 49.2 Feb : 536 23367 803 24706 4719 635 19352 49.3 2009 Proj. Jan : 640 23054 850 24544 4100 640 19804 49.9 Feb : 635 22999 810 24444 4000 640 19804 50.0 : TOTAL RED MEAT 5/ : 2007 : 1166 48817 4223 54206 4585 1186 48436 117.7 2008 Est. Jan : 1186 50366 3477 55029 6655 1274 47100 113.2 Feb : 1186 50362 3482 55030 6610 1292 47128 113.4 2009 Proj. Jan : 1274 50020 3711 55005 6032 1260 47713 113.7 Feb : 1292 49535 3667 54494 5892 1260 47342 113.0 : BROILERS : 2007 : 732 35739 61 36532 5904 719 29909 85.2 2008 Est. Jan : 719 36500 77 37296 6731 810 29755 83.8 Feb : 719 36470 77 37266 6831 743 29692 83.8 2009 Proj. Jan : 810 35936 80 36826 6150 690 29986 83.7 Feb : 743 35788 80 36611 6050 690 29871 83.5 : TURKEYS : 2007 : 218 5880 10 6108 547 261 5300 17.6 2008 Est. Jan : 261 6170 10 6440 654 350 5436 17.8 Feb : 261 6181 10 6451 669 398 5384 17.7 2009 Proj. Jan : 350 5990 12 6352 605 285 5462 17.7 Feb : 398 5961 12 6371 605 285 5481 17.8 : TOTAL POULTRY 6/ : 2007 : 956 42117 75 43147 6618 982 35548 103.8 2008 Est. Jan : 982 43231 93 44305 7520 1165 35620 103.0 Feb : 982 43210 93 44285 7635 1145 35505 102.8 2009 Proj. Jan : 1165 42451 100 43716 6905 979 35832 102.7 Feb : 1145 42273 100 43518 6805 979 35734 102.6 : RED MEAT & POULTRY : 2007 : 2122 90934 4298 97354 11202 2168 83984 221.5 2008 Est. Jan : 2168 93597 3570 99334 14175 2439 82720 216.3 Feb : 2168 93572 3575 99315 14245 2437 82633 216.3 2009 Proj. Jan : 2439 92471 3811 98721 12937 2239 83545 216.4 Feb : 2437 91808 3767 98012 12697 2239 83076 215.6 =============================================================================== 1/ Total including farm production for red meats and, for poultry, federally inspected plus non-federally inspected, less condemnations. 2/ Pounds, retail-weight basis. 3/ Population source: Dept. of Commerce, Census Bureau. 4/ Carcass weight for red meats and certified ready-to-cook weight for poultry. 5/ Beef, pork, veal, lamb and mutton. 6/ Broilers, turkeys and mature chicken. WASDE-467-33 U.S. Egg Supply and Use =============================================================================== : : : 2008 Estimated : 2009 Projected : : :-----------------:----------------- Commodity : 2006 : 2007 : Jan : Feb : Jan : Feb =============================================================================== EGGS : Million dozen Supply : Beginning stocks : 16.0 12.5 11.1 11.1 16.0 17.3 Production : 7610.0 7547.0 7499.0 7514.0 7505.0 7530.0 Imports : 8.6 13.6 15.4 15.4 14.0 14.0 Total supply : 7634.6 7573.1 7525.5 7540.5 7535.0 7561.3 : Use : Exports : 202.1 250.3 207.8 207.8 221.0 221.0 Hatching use : 992.2 1014.5 992.5 994.0 1006.0 1006.0 Ending stocks : 12.5 11.1 16.0 17.3 15.0 15.0 Disappearance : Total : 6427.8 6297.2 6309.2 6321.4 6293.0 6319.3 Per capita (number) : 258.1 250.4 248.3 249.1 245.3 246.7 =============================================================================== U.S. Milk Supply and Use =============================================================================== : : : 2008 Estimated : 2009 Projected Commodity : : :-----------------:----------------- : 2006 : 2007 : Jan : Feb : Jan : Feb =============================================================================== : Billion pounds Milk : Production : 181.8 185.6 189.6 189.7 190.5 189.1 Farm use : 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 : Fat Basis Supply : Beg. commercial stocks : 8.0 9.5 10.4 10.4 10.1 10.0 Marketings : 180.6 184.4 188.4 188.5 189.4 188.0 Imports : 5.0 4.6 3.4 3.9 3.4 3.6 Total cml. supply : 193.6 198.6 202.2 202.8 202.8 201.5 : Fat Basis Use : Commercial Exports : 3.4 5.7 9.1 8.7 6.7 5.1 Ending commercial stks : 9.5 10.4 10.1 10.0 9.5 9.3 CCC net removals 1/ : 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 1.5 Commercial use 2/ : 180.7 182.5 183.0 184.0 186.2 185.6 : Skim-solids Basis Supply : Beg. commercial stocks : 9.0 9.1 9.9 9.9 10.5 10.9 Marketings : 180.6 184.4 188.4 188.5 189.4 188.0 Imports : 4.8 4.4 3.6 3.7 3.4 3.5 Total cml. supply : 194.4 198.0 202.0 202.1 203.3 202.4 : Skim-solids Basis Use : Commercial Exports : 23.6 24.5 26.5 26.0 23.5 19.0 Ending commercial stks : 9.1 9.9 10.5 10.9 10.2 10.4 CCC net removals 1/ : 0.7 0.0 1.3 1.3 3.9 6.9 Commercial use 2/ : 160.9 163.6 163.7 163.9 165.7 166.1 : : Million pounds CCC product net removals 1/: Butter : 0 0 0 0 5 55 Cheese : 0 0 0 0 20 20 Nonfat dry milk : 64 0 115 111 320 575 Dry whole milk : 0 0 0 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Note: Totals may not add due to rounding. 1/ Includes products exported under the Dairy Export Incentive Program. 2/ Domestic commercial use only. WASDE-467-34 U.S. Dairy Prices =============================================================================== : : : 2008 Estimated : 2009 Projected : : : -----------------------:----------------- Commodity : 2006 : 2007 : Jan : Feb : Jan : Feb =============================================================================== : Dollars per pound : Product Prices 1/ : Cheese : 1.2470 1.7380 1.8954 1.8954 1.260- 1.180- : 1.340 1.250 : Butter : 1.2193 1.3441 1.4356 1.4356 1.160- 1.080- : 1.270 1.180 : Nonfat dry milk : 0.8928 1.7083 1.2256 1.2256 0.840- 0.800- : 0.900 0.860 : Dry whey : 0.3285 0.6004 0.2504 0.2504 0.180- 0.160- : 0.210 0.190 : : Dollars per cwt Milk Prices 2/ : Class III : 11.89 18.04 17.44 17.44 10.60- 9.70- : 11.40 10.40 : Class IV : 11.06 18.36 14.65 14.65 10.00- 9.35- : 10.90 10.15 : All milk 3/ : 12.88 19.13 18.34 18.32 11.80- 10.95- : 12.60 11.65 : =============================================================================== 1/ Simple average of monthly prices calculated by AMS from NASS weekly average dairy product prices for class price computations. Details may be found at 2/ Annual Class III and Class IV prices are the simple averages of monthly minimum Federal order milk prices paid by regulated plants for milk used in the respective classes. All milk price is the simple average of monthly prices received by farmers for milk at average test. 3/ Does not reflect any deductions from producers as authorized by legislation. WASDE-467-35 Note: Tables on pages 35-37 present a 27-year record of the differences between the February projection and the final estimate. Using world wheat production as an example, changes between the February projection and the final estimate have averaged 2.4 million tons (0.4%) ranging from -7.3 to 6.8 million tons. The February projection has been below the estimate 20 times and above 7 times. Reliability of February Projections =============================================================================== :Differences between proj. & final estimate,1981/82-2007/08 1/ Commodity and :============================================================= region : Avg. : Avg. : Difference : Below final : Above final =============================================================================== WHEAT :Percent Million metric tons Number of years 2/ Production : World : 0.4 2.4 -7.3 6.8 20 7 U.S. : 0.1 0.0 -0.2 0.1 11 6 Foreign : 0.5 2.4 -7.3 6.8 20 7 Exports : World : 3.0 3.4 -10.9 5.0 19 8 U.S. : 3.3 1.0 -1.7 3.0 14 13 Foreign : 4.0 3.3 -9.5 4.1 22 5 Domestic use : World : 0.7 4.0 -9.7 9.1 12 15 U.S. : 3.2 1.0 -2.4 2.4 10 17 Foreign : 0.7 3.6 -8.2 8.5 14 13 Ending stocks : World : 3.6 4.6 -11.4 7.8 18 9 U.S. : 7.1 1.3 -4.4 3.2 17 10 Foreign : 4.0 4.0 -10.4 9.1 17 10 : COARSE GRAINS 3/ : Production : World : 1.0 8.7 -26.0 7.3 21 6 U.S. : 0.0 0.1 -0.2 1.3 12 6 Foreign : 1.4 8.8 -26.0 7.3 19 7 Exports : World : 3.8 4.0 -10.4 13.8 21 6 U.S. : 7.4 3.8 -8.7 12.2 12 15 Foreign : 6.8 3.7 -12.6 7.2 18 9 Domestic use : World : 0.9 7.6 -16.2 28.9 13 14 U.S. : 2.4 4.5 -17.3 11.5 12 15 Foreign : 1.0 6.7 -12.9 22.2 18 9 Ending stocks : World : 8.1 11.3 -29.9 16.4 22 5 U.S. : 10.0 5.4 -16.9 18.5 16 11 Foreign : 9.9 8.4 -28.2 11.2 22 5 : RICE, milled : Production : World : 1.3 4.5 -14.0 1.9 20 7 U.S. : 1.1 0.1 -0.3 0.2 11 4 Foreign : 1.3 4.5 -14.0 1.8 20 7 Exports : World : 6.6 1.3 -5.2 1.3 22 5 U.S. : 6.2 0.2 -0.6 0.3 14 11 Foreign : 7.4 1.2 -5.0 1.2 21 6 Domestic use : World : 1.0 3.4 -12.8 2.3 19 8 U.S. : 5.3 0.1 -0.4 0.4 11 16 Foreign : 1.0 3.4 -13.0 2.5 19 8 Ending stocks : World : 7.0 3.6 -13.9 4.0 20 7 U.S. : 17.2 0.2 -0.5 0.4 14 13 Foreign : 7.2 3.6 -13.8 4.0 20 6 =============================================================================== 1/ Footnotes at end of table. CONTINUED WASDE-467-36 Reliability of February Projections (Continued) =============================================================================== :Differences between proj. & final estimate,1981/82-2007/08 1/ Commodity and :============================================================= region : Avg. : Avg. : Difference : Below final : Above final =============================================================================== SOYBEANS :Percent Million metric tons Number of years 2/ Production : World : 3.2 7.0 -7.4 15.3 2 2 U.S. : 1.2 0.9 -2.5 0.6 1 2 Foreign : 5.2 7.0 -7.4 14.8 1 3 Exports : World : 3.2 2.3 -3.7 1.9 3 1 U.S. : 6.8 2.1 -4.2 -0.5 4 0 Foreign : 2.6 1.0 -0.6 2.9 2 2 Domestic use : World : 0.9 2.1 -2.1 5.5 3 1 U.S. : 3.1 1.6 -2.0 2.9 3 1 Foreign : 1.0 1.7 -1.9 2.6 1 3 Ending stocks : World : 17.5 8.2 -7.2 19.3 2 2 U.S. : 30.5 2.4 -1.2 5.0 1 3 Foreign : 16.9 6.7 -6.0 14.2 3 1 : COTTON : Million 480-pound bales Production : World : 1.8 1.7 -5.4 2.8 21 6 U.S. : 0.6 0.1 -0.2 0.3 11 15 Foreign : 2.2 1.7 -5.7 2.7 21 6 Exports : World : 3.6 1.0 -3.5 2.3 15 12 U.S. : 7.6 0.6 -1.6 2.1 13 13 Foreign : 4.1 0.8 -3.5 1.0 16 11 Mill use : World : 1.8 1.6 -6.0 3.0 15 12 U.S. : 3.5 0.3 -0.9 0.8 19 7 Foreign : 1.8 1.5 -5.5 3.0 16 11 Ending stocks : World : 7.7 2.9 -7.9 7.9 16 10 U.S. : 13.9 0.7 -1.8 2.1 9 18 Foreign : 8.3 2.8 -6.7 7.4 17 10 =============================================================================== 1/ Final estimate for 1981/82-2007/08 is defined as the first November estimate following the marketing year. 2/ May not total 27 if projection was the same as final estimate. 3/ Includes corn, sorghum, barley, oats, rye, millet, and mixed grain. WASDE-467-37 Reliability of United States February Projections 1/ =============================================================================== :Differences between proj. & final estimate,1981/82-2007/08 2/ Commodity and :============================================================= region : Avg. : Avg. : Difference : Below final : Above final =============================================================================== CORN :Percent Million bushels Number of years 3/ Production : 0.0 2 -8 38 2 1 Exports : 7.7 134 -379 384 11 16 Domestic use : 2.4 157 -474 424 13 14 Ending stocks : 11.8 212 -635 838 18 9 : SORGHUM : Production : 0.0 0 0 4 0 2 Exports : 12.2 29 -90 97 16 10 Domestic use : 8.1 34 -178 100 11 16 Ending stocks : 28.8 30 -69 148 11 16 : BARLEY : Production : 0.3 1 -3 11 11 4 Exports : 14.1 7 -35 23 9 16 Domestic use : 4.9 18 -38 70 13 12 Ending stocks : 9.4 14 -52 24 18 8 : OATS : Production : 0.1 0 -2 1 4 3 Exports : 26.9 1 -1 3 6 5 Domestic use : 3.1 11 -26 36 13 14 Ending stocks : 10.7 12 -47 21 15 12 : : Thousand short tons SOYBEAN MEAL : Production : 2.3 763 -2328 1542 20 7 Exports : 7.6 538 -1900 941 20 7 Domestic use : 2.1 554 -1256 2066 17 10 Ending stocks : 28.8 71 -214 208 12 14 : : Million pounds SOYBEAN OIL : Production : 2.3 353 -1173 442 19 8 Exports : 16.3 266 -1025 814 14 13 Domestic use : 2.0 276 -735 1228 18 8 Ending stocks : 15.1 246 -692 415 15 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ANIMAL PROD. 4/ : Million pounds Beef : 2.6 646 -1367 1613 17 8 Pork : 2.5 422 -1240 1717 17 8 Broilers : 1.4 333 -729 484 17 8 Turkeys : 2.0 95 -206 178 14 11 : : Million dozen Eggs : 1.2 75 -127 169 14 10 : : Billion pounds Milk : 1.2 1.8 -4.9 5.7 14 11 =============================================================================== 1/ See pages 35 and 36 for record of reliability for U.S. wheat, rice, soybeans, and cotton. 2/ Final estimate for 1981/82-2007/08 is defined as the first November estimate following the marketing year. 3/ May not total 27 for crops and 25 for animal production if projection was the same as the final estimate. 4/ Calendar years 1983 thru 2007 for meats, eggs, and milk. Final for animal products is defined as latest annual production estimate published by NASS. ----- End of File -----