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Welcome to the Institute of Food Science and Technology

IFST for food professionals

New! Updated list of Consultants & other technical services
IFST is the leading independent qualifying body for food professionals in Europe and the only professional body in the UK concerned with all aspects of food science and technology .
GMP5 e-Book now available!
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Click here for how to order

Founded in 1964 we were established to advance the science of 'food science and technology', its education and application, for the benefit, safety and health of the public.

We are independent of government, industry, lobby or special interest groups and the Institute has charitable status.

Updated Food Allergy 
Information Statement
IFST Like medicine and other science disciplines (e.g. biology or chemistry) food science and technology is a profession. It covers a wide range of complex skills and disciplines and is based on a recognised body of learning.

Our members are drawn from all over the world from all ages and backgrounds including industry (manufacturing, retailing and food service), universities and schools, government, research and development, quality assurance and food law enforcement.

For the latest food science and technology information
For networking opportunities
For professional qualifications
To influence the future of the profession
IFST Information Statements including

- AIDS & the Food Handler (May 08) 
- Avian influenza and food (Mar 07)
Campylobacteriosis (Oct 07)
- Cyclospora  (May 08)
Cryptosporidium (Apr 08)
- Dietary fibre (Apr 07)
Food Allergy  (Jan 09)

Foodborne viral infections (Apr 08)
- Genetic Modification and Food (Sept 08)
Salt (Feb 07) 
- VTEC  (May 08)

News including
- Acrylamide
- Furan
- Avian Influenza and Food
IFST Advisory Statements including

- Keeping Food Safe  (May 07) 
- Stop-think-wash (Mar 05)
- Don't spread germs (May 08) 
- Contamination of water supplies  (Jan 04)
- Food Safety in our hands (Mar 03)

Frequently asked questions
- Food Packaging
- Food Safety
- Food and Nutrition
- Food Additives
- Science and Food
IFST Spring Conference
24th April 2009
IFST elects
new fellows

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