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National Nutrition Education Conference

National Nutrition Education Conference

Logo from the 2005 National Nutrition Education Conference

Welcome to the conference website for the second FNS-wide nutrition education conference held from September 12-14, 2005 at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, VA. This website features highlights, presentations, the Conference Proceedings, and networking activities related to the "Nutrition Connections: People, Programs, Science, Community" and other information on these topics:

2005 Conference Objectives:

  • Understand FNS nutrition priorities, current and emerging initiatives, and the resources and tools available to help you implement nutrition education programs that work.

  • Apply networking and partnership skills to coordinate nutrition education across FNS nutrition assistance programs and improve collaboration among State and community partners.

  • Enhance skills in planning, implementing, and evaluating nutrition education.

  • Share strategies for advancing your State Nutrition Action Plan (SNAP).

  • Implement successful nutrition education activities and interventions in your community.

Last modified: 12/04/2008