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Pandemic Influenza
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A pandemic is a global disease outbreak. Pandemic flu occurs when a new influenza virus emerges for which people have little or no immunity, and for which there is no vaccine. It is difficult to predict when the next pandemic influenza will occur or how severe it will be, yet there is a valid reason to be concerned about pandemic influenza reaching Colorado.

Colorado has experienced three pandemic influenza outbreaks in the last century (1918, 1957 and 1968). Today’s mobile society increases the chances of pandemic influenza reaching the state.

How Does This Affect You?
You’ve heard the stories on the news. Maybe you’ve even read the warnings from public health officials. The prospect of pandemic flu is frightening. Not only is pandemic flu possible, it is probable. It could happen this year, or it could be many years from now, but it is inevitable.

To get an overview about why this is, and how being informed and prepared can help you if and when an outbreak occurs, read our Pandemic Influenza Plan Summary.

If you’d like to learn even more about this, read our in-depth Pandemic Influenza Annex to the Internal Emergency Response Implementation Plan. This plan is a working document that is updated based on actual events and lessons learned from exercises and drills. It specifically describes actions taken during each pandemic phase for:

  • Planning and Coordination
  • Surveillance, Investigation, and Protective Public Health Measures
  • Vaccines and Antiviral Drugs
  • Healthcare and Emergency Response
  • Communications and Outreach
We have created a number of supplemental documents to the Pandemic Influenza Annex that contain a wealth of additional information.