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Golden Lion Tamarins
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Golden Lion Tamarins

Golden Lion Tamarin 1

A family of golden lion tamarins at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo perches on a branch in their exhibit at the Small Mammal House on June 14, 2007. On June 18, Zoo scientists released six of the tamarins—two adults, their two sets of twins—into an open exhibit in the Zoo’s Beaver Valley section as part of the annual Golden Lion Tamarin Watch. Each summer, for more than 20 years, visitors have been able to observe the free-ranging golden lion tamarins without any barriers, while volunteers record tamarin behavior for Zoo scientists.

Credit: Jessie Cohen, Smithsonian’s National Zoo

Date: June 14, 2007

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Golden Lion Tamarin 2

A golden lion tamarin at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo perches on a sign in its open air exhibit on June 18, 2007. Zoo scientists released a family of six tamarins—the two adults and their two sets of twins—into the exhibit in the Zoo’s Beaver Valley section as part of the annual Golden Lion Tamarin Watch. Each summer, for more than 20 years, visitors have been able to observe the free-ranging golden lion tamarins without any barriers, while volunteers record tamarin behavior for Zoo scientists.

Credit: Jessie Cohen, Smithsonian’s National Zoo

Date: June 18, 2007

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