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Oglala Lakota Dolls

Oglala Lakota Dolls
Pair of dolls by Cecelia Fire Thunder (Oglala Lakota)
Pine Ridge, South Dakota, ca. 1990.

Photo by Ernest Amoroso, NMAI
(25/4702 and 25/4703)

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Thomas Jefferson Medal

Thomas Jefferson Medal
Thomas Jefferson peace medal (1801) with porcupine-quill embroidered pendant, owned by Powder Face (Northern Arapaho), Wyoming, ca. 1870.

Photo by Walter Larrimore, NMAI

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Yupik Ivory Polar Bear

Yupik Ivory Polar Bear
Ivory polar bear, by Moses Pungowiwi (Siberian Yupik), St. Lawrence Island, Bering Strait, Alaska, ca. 1955
Indian Arts and Crafts Board Collection, Department of the Interior, at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C.

Photo by Ernest Amoroso, NMAI

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Aleut Wooden Hunting Hat

Aleut Wooden Hunting Hat
Aleut painted wooden hunting hat with sea lion whiskers, ivory, and glass bead decoration, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, ca. 1850.

Photo by Katherine Fogden (Mohawk), NMAI

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Lakota Beaded Horse Cover

Lakota Beaded Horse Cover
Lakota beaded horse head cover, Pine Ridge, South Dakota, ca. 1900. Hide and glass beads.

Photo by NMAI Photo Services

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Mono Lake Paiute Basket

Mono Lake Paiute Basket
Basket by Lucy Telles (Mono Lake Paiute), California, 1915.

Photo by Ernest Amoroso, NMAI

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