United States Department of Agriculture
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Soil Quality Management

Organic Agriculture Web Resources

Sorted alphabetically by name

Name Description
Ag Marketing Resource Center
Mission is to provide independent producers and processors with critical information needed to build successful value-added agriculture enterprises.
Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA)
Rich source of information on alternative ag production practices, including organic.
Independent Organic Inspectors Association
Many organic inspectors have been trained by and most meet the standards set by IOIA.
International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements
A worldwide umbrella organization of the organic agriculture organizations and institutions.
New Farm
An on-line magazine about organic farming from Rodale Press
"Opportunities in Agriculture: Transitioning to Organic Production"
A 30-page publication from the USDA Sustainable Agriculture Network; html or pdf versions
Organic Ag Info
Extensive collection of links.
Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF)
Includes results from organic farming research, data from a biennial survey of organic farmers, and a list of web links.
Organic Materials Review Institute
An advisory, educational, and research (not regulatory) organization that helps establish agreement on the lists of materials allowed and prohibited for use in organic products.
Organic Trade Association (OTA)
OTA’s mission is to promote and protect organic trade to benefit the environment, farmers, the public, and the economy.
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program
Production information and funding for research and education.
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service
For assistance with marketing
USDA Economic Research Service
Data about organic production by state and crop. Data summary and further information about national trends in organic agriculture are available.
USDA National Agriculture Library
Organic Food Production
Extensive set of links, especially research articles and government resources.
USDA National Organic Program
Information on national organic standards and labeling
USDA Rural Business Cooperative Service
For financial and technical support to form cooperatives and other rural businesses.

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