Ischnura kellicotti Williamson, 1898

Ischnura kellicotti

Species recognized by J van Tol, Catalogue of the Odonata of the World external link in 
L’état de conservation d’UICN: NOT EVALUATED external link Switch to common names

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Biodiversity Heritage Library

Bhl_logo The following bibliography has been generated by automated services. BHL uses taxonomic intelligence tools to locate, verify, and record scientific names located within the text of each digitized page in the BHL digital collection.
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BHL Summary
Biologia Centrali-Americana :zoology, botany and archaeology /edited by Frederick Ducane Godman and Osbert Salvin.
[London :Published for the editors by R. H. Porter],1879-1915
Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History.
Bloomington, Ill. :The Laboratory,1878-[1918].
Entomological news, and proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.
Philadelphia[Entomological Rooms of the Academy of Natural Sciences]
Entomological news.
[Philadelphia]American Entomological Society,1925-
Tulane studies in zoology.
New Orleans,Tulane University.

Biologia Centrali-Americana :zoology, botany and archaeology /edited by Frederick Ducane Godman and Osbert Salvin. external link

[London :Published for the editors by R. H. Porter],1879-1915
1892-1908. Page 102 external link

Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. external link

Bloomington, Ill. :The Laboratory,1878-[1918].
Page 568 external link

Entomological news, and proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. external link

Philadelphia[Entomological Rooms of the Academy of Natural Sciences]
Page 68 external link
Page 209 external link
Page 211 external link
Page 247 external link
Page 446 external link

Entomological news. external link

[Philadelphia]American Entomological Society,1925-
Page 6 external link
Page 34 external link
Page 184 external link
Page 212 external link

Tulane studies in zoology. external link

New Orleans,Tulane University.
Page 77 external link
Page 110 external link
Page 120 external link
Source et information additionnelle
Content provided by the Biodiversity Heritage Library external link