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[image:] Jerome W. Van Sambeek Jerome W. Van Sambeek

Title: Research Plant Physiologist
Unit: Sustainable Management of Central Hardwood Ecosystems and Landscapes
Previous Unit: Ecology & Management of Central Hardwood Ecosystems
Address: Northern Research Station
202 Natural Resources Building
Columbia, MO 65211-7260
Phone: 573-875-5341; ex 233
E-mail: Contact Jerome W. Van Sambeek

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  • Washington University (St. Louis), Ph.D., Plant Physiology, 1975
  • South Dakota State University, B.S., Biology and Botany, 1969

Civic & Professional Affiliations

Society of American Foresters, Association for Temperate Agroforestry, Walnut Council, Northern Nut Growers Association, and Missouri Nut Growers Association

Current Research

I currently work on research projects that focus on vegetation management in hardwood plantings using native and legume ground covers or interplanting nitrogen-fixing shrubs or trees. We know the addition of nitrogen-fixing plants in tree plantings can enhance establishment and early growth of black walnut; however, we know little about the interaction between nitrogen-fixing plants, oaks, and other Central Hardwood species. New studies are looking at native grasses to identify species that are less competitive than the introduced forage grasses for use in nut tree orchards. In cooperation with the University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry, we are evaluating shade tolerance of native and forage grasses and legumes for use as ground covers in various agroforestry practices and managed woodlands. I plan to continue adding new information to the vegetation management database that was started to evaluate response of black walnut and other hardwood seedlings and saplings to various ground covers and other establishment practices. Percent change in tree growth compared to trees in vegetation-free plots or plots with weeds is being determined from existing publications and file reports to determine if we can make ground cover recommendations without having to field test all the possible combinations of tree species and ground covers. In addition, I try to maintain an active technology transfer program that includes serving as a Web-based black walnut expert for several organizations and regularly preparing materials for several newsletters.

Why is This Important

The ground cover, especially in hardwood plantings, can substantially alter tree establishment, growth, and productivity. Based on past research, our best cover and nurse crops have been with introduced forage legumes and woody shrubs, several of which are now considered invasive species. My research is trying to identify native ground covers that are easy to establish and maintain, environmentally friendly, and compete minimally with hardwood seedlings and saplings.

Future Research

My future field research will concentrate on evaluating physiological response of hardwood seedlings and ground covers to shade or flooding. We recently renovated a shade tolerance laboratory in which plants are grown under 20 to 100 percent of full sun. In this facility, plants are grown in potting medium amended with slow-release fertilizer and regularly irrigated so that only the light regime affects phenology and productivity. We continue to make design changes in the flood tolerance laboratory installed within a natural floodplain to evaluate effects of flooding on hardwood seedlings. This field facility allows us to control duration, flow, and time of flooding and, to a lesser extent, flooding depth.

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Last Modified: 11/19/2008